Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 51

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liher time at this wonderful wvork. Her first inspiration was gaiined three years ago fronl, a visit to the Hay- market district whiere she went with ber sister, Mrs. C. A. Pfingsten of Winnetka, who wvas doing case work an.d*had brought clothing. to aiieedy family of eleveîî. At tlîat tilne Mrs. Nelson discovered a ,poorý Italian Nvonîaîi hallgin' over the fence, much disappointed be.cause she ,had been om11itted. ýMrs. Nelson il ent ail the wvav lack to her home ini Glcncoe and returned the sanie evening Nwith food for thlis woman and bercos ptv children. She came back, the next day 'with a large kettie of soulp and Eitablishes 'Studio Later, Mrs_ Nelson foiind children in the nieighborliood( playing wyith c lothes pins an(1 sticks of 'wood,_ (Iresse(l ini rags -as doils, ýand.having Slits for arms and legsý Mrs. Nelson w~as so overconie, witl svnip-ath v for these uinfortunate échilreni that she took the mnatter Upl with lier ;busband. ,vho Is hecad of a large mierchantile store i Chicago. andl togethcr they decidled that she sbould go the next day t(> the store."aii( ask for al broken and soile(ld lusand tovs. ýAs aresuit of this înqUiry she, caile home -with a car fuill of toys aiid be- gai at 1Once to repair'and rùemodel theni in timie for thic Cliristmnas party tii bc give(n 1w tlche ic~ Chiristianl Indtistrial leagile at its liead.quiarters, 847 Moniroe. strcct. Chicago. Fromn thlat tiniïe on lier interest grew tintil niow shie bias a real sliop and studio, and lias doils of every description, cloiated froim tlîe entire shore line. Revamps Hopeless Wrecks -'oliie of the transforniations are quite remiarkale. In fact; ole. cold scarcelv belîevc that a short. tiinie l)C fore, ti.ieseý lovely dolîs lias heen bope- less- wrecks.. We sec ini the picture a doll witlî a crackedl lead, w1lîich w~as deftly repaireci w~itl plastic wood, glite. and lacquer. Thie eyes which hiad been knocked out of one dol were replaced with pieces of puttY glued in, and the eyes painted, In one ins~tanceP an attractive doll had 1. Renans of shatfered doils. 2. Happy appearîng dolls rescued fromn obliz4,on. 3. Pinished produicis that wvogId gladdess the heart of any child. K. jareçci in the County court. Judge Jarecki made the announce- ment as a deluge of home owners, from ail over Cook county was de- scending upon the Clhicago Real Estate board to.preserve their rigbts for -tax relief; The demand for the privilege to file.objections grew to such propor- tions hast' week that the. Count.y building was forced to remain open ail day Saturday and- Sunday. . A volunteer force of Chicago Real Es- tate, board members was on hand in Roomn 613 and, in the offices. of the county treasurer to -handie the filing .f thcse protests. *This staff of volunteer cierks Winl remaiwn itact to record the protests of property owner1 s until DVeceinber 2. Headquarters, will be maintained i11 Room 613 of the County building. Thiere is no charge for -this serv- ice, ail expenses Of the suit and fil- inig being paid for by the Chiicago Real Estate' board, ih is explaiiied. 1The case em braces legal objections to paying the 1931 tax bill unless there is deducted frorn that bill the, 15 percent cut ordered iast spring KY the Board of Tax.Appeais. J udge Jarecki has made it plain -tlat uiess the individual objector is on r .ecord as such in his court, he> can grant üd relief to them on the 15 percenit re- duction basis. There are soine 438,000) hoi cù\ i Mrs. Blanche Wanner Deteets Apartment Pire, Mrs., Blanche Wanner, formierly.of. Wilmette, wxho is living at 1305 Jtd- son, avenue, Eyaîîston, recently had a thrilling experience, when, on Nou- vember, 13, she detected smoke early in the morning in the building ini which she resides. She aroused the other tenants of the building, the families of Harold Y. Currev and of the league, Miss Lilian Smith, a processiullal ot tLflentire bu----- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - sponsors. Last year there wvere 585 body bringing Thanksgiving gifts for parents are in England, thé wedding kimos." These tours are open to all children at the party so that one the benefit of the Mary Crane Nurs- dinner following the marriagt service mnuseum visitors. Parties assemble can readiiy see the crying need for ery school and families in the Hull was given i11 the family residence of inside the north entrance. There wil more and more dolis.11 House neighiborhood. the bridegroom. Mr. Swanson, who bc no tour o 1n Thursday on account Twenty young wvonxen of the Junior The festival wil bc given a'the ene fteKnîot ie of the 'thanksgiving holiday, but the at maseum wilofrtmain open to vipotire Welfare leagune %w111 assist Mrs. Nel- college on Sheridan oad near Isabella Msu ilrtanoe oviios so by e c9 d e s n a d0 o m t e t u s a a fn rnoon , N ovem ber force,. and his bride are liv ng in the that da y duri g th e u al h rs f m pletely, and te isl the arer 28, at 4 o'lock Coleman home in Highland Park.. 9 a. m. to4:30 p. m.

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