people. Miss Jessie M. Sentney of New Trier was the chairman in charge of the meeting, and Mrs. Florence Freundl conducted the dis- -cussion on "Membership." About three-hundred. delegates frmclubs in Chicao, Rockford,, Aurora, -DeKalk, Downers Grove, EliJoliet, Waukeégani and Wood- stock attended. Members:.of the Ev- anistoni club*,mere hostesses. AUl the. departments, of work of the Clubs were covered 1w discussions, conduct- ed by leading club.members., Miss ,Ruth Slown, president of the Wilimette club, Miss Minnie Hughes, Miss Mar ' an ,Loag, Miss Jennieý Shantz, and M\,iss Irene Fritch at- tended the mnornig session, and, %vre joined at the afternoon mleet- ing by Miss Emina Schreiner, Mrs. Sarahi Gay, and.Miss Blanche-Gay. A delicious . turkev dinner was served at.noon and'a delightful tea, fodowing the aftennoon session af- forded opportunity for informai visit- ilng. Musie. by the Swigart trio, the Folk Tuile trio, amid a duet by the *Misses Hasselquist of Elgin con- .. tril)tted to the pleasure of the guests. The artistic programs were made by, the. art department'> of 1\1ew Trier Higli schooi.. Basketball Game Ends in Tie After 4,Overtimes *Several close basketbalî gamnes * wer played at the Keilworth *by boys ail votuig mietii wlho are inimbers of teains that uiselthe gyml-: iîasJum ýoiNIMoii(lay, aidThursday nliglits. Iii one gane betiveen, the Knl worth Uniknow.ns and -the Evanston R'idge Cleaiers four overtIime periods faileil to, deterinie the- victor.- The fiiail score. was 41 to 41.' The Ridge Cleaners have a nunîber of former college stars, including, "Bus", Smith of NorthWesterii and WVally Milleiý of MNichigan. A teamn that wvas organiizeil recenit- *ly, the.Kenilworth Red. Darts, lost to in ii O ine o iJi oi rortt i i.l .Sl*.4mairs of the Cook couity League of Wom- en Voters, Novernber 25, at the Palm- er flouse, Chicago. The speaker at the afternoon ses- sion. of the school will be Harry D. Gideonse, associate professor of eco- nomics at, tieUniversity of Clhicago, :who will ciscuss the National -ReJ c overy -prograni iniits international implications, f rom the.points o f view of nione.v, ilidustry, agriculture,, and orgàanization.. Mrs. Rayniond Knapp. a nd Miss Mabel Engstromn will givc reviews of current articles on the, subject at the moining session, whicii he)gins at il1:30. Mrs,. E. E. Sineeth, chairman of th e schooil, will presfde. The- school is open to the public upon the paiment of asmall fee. Aid Handicapped Child 'In the iast regu lar session of the' 1General Assemnbly,,thie Illinois League of Women Voters sponsored. a bill for a commission to coordiniate and study what. is being done for phys- ica1lly handicapped children iii Illinois. Appointment of this commission isý hoped for soon becatise of the urg- ency of the problem. Mrs. Samitel T. Mitchell of Glen EllyNn, co-chairman of thie leagje's chiki welfarc departmnent, in lier suni- mary -of the situation says: "'Approxinmately 25,000 clilren of schooi age ini Illinois. need s:ecial educatiôn because of serions physical hlandicaps. The state lias institutions for the care of certain classes of handicapped childreni, sucli as the blind and the deaf, btit treatnient is. given to only about 4,800, or approxi- mately one-fifth of, the physically haàndicapped. "Svet-four counties oit> of, 102 hiave no special 'faciliti 'es for crîppfled lîdidrenl, and *only three, couinties bave r ecognized orthopedists. It is esti- nated that> approximatel1y 40,000 school child ren are inmpeded by lîe-ar- ing d efects, yet' in thle enltire state there are* special facilities for the ed- ucation of onily 832 clildren -wlo are actually afflicted .bY (lefective Jhear- translated by the Rév. F. Lvink, S. V.~ D. of Techny. Presentations of this drama wil l e given at the Mission House on Waukegan road at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, No- vember 26, The personnel of the Teqchny play will be: Christ, Frater Cohui; John the Evanrigelis't, Frater Rabe; Saul-Paul, Frater Graf; John« the 13aptist;, Frater Hotze; Adani, Frater Heier; Moses, Frater Sand- haas; Wisdoni. Frater ýLeFro.-is; Ig- niorance., Frater. Werez; Judaism, Frater Partsch; Heathendoni. Frater Mertz;, Apostles, Fraters Kist and Haefner; Angels, Fraters Bauer, Le- sage, Tugadi: Celebrant. Frater Fitz- gibbon; Server, Frater Pacano. New Books at the Libraryl Theý.followingbooks ihave adled, to the collection at the heei XNViil mette librarv d'uring the month of Octoher. The four novels that are the miost popular are: "Miss Bisb- 0)," by Bess* Streeter Aldrichi, "No Second Sprin 1"byjanet Beith, "Master of Jalna," by Mazo de la Roche, and -"Vaiessa," by Hügl Walpole. No.v FJý 1,S OF LTERARY 31, IFRI' .BihNo second Spriln g. De la RtochIe-MAls.ter of, JaIi. Hobart-Oli foi, thîe 1-imhps of Ch i a, Hfoltby--ýN'aiidoa, NMandoa! 1-Jone-Return. Iltuxlé,y -Retrospect. Kaye-Snith-Gipsy.Wagon. MeFee-No Castie in. Spiin *MUller-Laînb of His l3osomu. Rotbeirtson---Orinaiy Famnilles. '\\',ipole-Vanessa. Austin-A Wleked Womnani.: ('hjste-Tirtenat Dinner. Ebehart--Thte )aükGai'dtn. Marfeld-Myst.ery ot. Kinîg Cobr-a, 'Roqs--Drmur Lane's Last Case, Sayer-Hangan's oliday.. .* \andercook-Mu ,'dêeniluTm'Injid . * . ECflNO,%ICS MclClure-Woirld Prosperity. Frederick- -Priimer of "New D Je;il" Eeonomlcs. Bagebot-Lonmbard Str'eet. Simpson-Tax Situation in 11IllOInS. BIDtIRAPHY *Lenard-Great Men of Science. preseîltr thun evvcig. vtr iii gis, president of the league will give thé welconie address, and Thonias H. West, will give the response fromi the parents. Annamarie Booz will serve as toastmnaster for the evening. The following leaguerî will give toast during the evening4: Bet 1t y. Sinith',.jean .Ann Moulding, Lois Wolfe, Janie Horsting, Miriam West, Tom Hildebrandt, Ted Oisonl. *The Oisonl Trio, couîposed of jane and Ami Oison and Eleanor Steen, wili furnish. musilc during the even- ing. Dr. C. A. McPheeters of.Trin- ity Methodist Episcopal--cliurcli, Elk- hart, Ind., %wilI gîve tlîe.main address- of the evening, and(1%Mrs. C. A. Mc- Pheeters, NN1'1 give several vocalni- bers. NVioliin nuinbers will« be prc- selited byDana Boggie, accompanicd on, the piano by Mi ss, Marie BncIe. Thie Rev. Hyman,«Mills of Chicago, wîl. give severai' negro spirituals. Mcmiii McFali will be ini charge of the group singing, and Dr. Oscar Thomnas OIson, pastor of \Vilnîettc Parish churci, wilI give the *in vocationi and the benediction. A g roup of leaguers, fron iee,\Ves-, ley Epwvor th league of Trinity M. E. -churchi at Eîkhart, JInd., wil attend the baniquet.-The ýRev. 'M. S. Han- vey. a ssistant.inister of the W«II- nuette chuircli, as fornierly ini charge of the yotuig peopie's ,vork at the Elkha rt cliurch. Mfrs-. R. C . \Louild- ing and Mnrs. J. W'. Hunipliis arc in charge of the miother's comnmittce wliich will serve tle l)allq(tmet. J cati Audrev Relifeid Is Mi charge of reser- vations; Janet \Vright is lM charge of decorations, and Betty Smith, the prograin. Edgar Anseli Mowrer to SPeakatHighland. Park. Anscl Moivrcr, vlIspeak0o1 "Ije- hiînd, the Scenles in (epimv" t he Lllnî._.Plac.e sclool auditorium, H igli- lal Park,, Tue sday'evening, )ecenî- b)er 5, tînder the auspices of, the H ighland Park Jcague ofWonm Voters. MnIMUr, recipient of the Ptulit- zer Prize for. the best foreigti cor- respondence, is the author of "Ger- mnany Turiis thie Clock Bc, that 1)00k whose frank revelationis drew such fire froin the National Socialist annual visit. to the institution, and ohvtuecossftehus. this year they wiil 6ind an exceptionai _________ number of n ew e xhibits, including the eight life-size groups restoring pre- Mrs. Peter Roemer, 319 Fourteenth historic types of man amid typical street, recently uuderwent a thyroid, dwelling places, -which are a major operation at St. Francis hospital and feature. of the ýrecenitly opened Hall for. the past two weeks lias been of the Stone Age of the OId World. convalescing".at ber'home. Mrs. Bentiy McClôoud, 338 Kenil- worth avenue, Kcnilwortli, was lunch- eon hôstess to lier bridge club Wed- nesday. -o-- Mrs. William A., Garrett of Atlanta, Ga., lef t Saturday af ternoon after ai visit 'with Mr. and Mrs. John Beut.- tas of 533 Maple avenue. -- M rs. Frank Parrett, 615 Essex roa(l, Kelnilworth., will bc liiiclieon hostess to a bridlge fou rsome Werl- nesday, Novemiber 29. -o-- Mirs.,To'm Dix of 236 Oxford road. Kenilworth, entertained the- Thursc- day bridge luncheonl clubi of twelve menibersThursday, November>16.