e.r y and th. pric. is $4.OO0 Now is: h. ime l'obuy,one of thes. good-looking.HA TS - a haf 'you can', forgef e price you. will long rememb4ý Store Hours 7:45 to 5:30. Saturdays 9 P. M. WORTH>EN'S Dep.Sor--l 146-48 WiIm.ft.e Av.-Phone Witmette 588-589. men s Store-First Nation.al ank Sdg.-Phone Wilmeffe 2655 M. S. Harvey has assurned the duties of, assistanat minister at the Wilmette Parish Methodisi church. ieis in charge o1 the yoauag .peo-, ple's-work of thte chuerch, and of the Frîecndly Jndiaan Program etfor *bo ys, as 7ve!l as other duties thai are in the field of religious edaeca- taon. Mr. Harvey is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan university at Blomnoington,' of Illinois State Normal university at Normal. 111., and last year completed bis work for bis master of arts degree at the University of Notre Dame. He is conipleting work for bis degree at Garrett Biblical institute. For the past five years lie has been a leader in in the- Wilmette I asonic temple auditorium, Among the celebrities who will par- ticipate in the program, which it is said, will be the most elaborate ever staged on the north shore by talent drawn from the. radio world, are "The *Maple> City Four, consisting ofý Pat, Art, AI and Fritz; "The Westerners," identified individually as Mult Mabie, Larry WNellington, "'Dot" Massey, Alan. Massey and Velma Louise Mas-: sey; John.,Burdette, the famous, col- ored baritone, who in 1930 won the Chicagolande Music Festival vocal contest, and lias. since ýadvanced- far in the musical world, and "Uncle Ezra, that kindly, human man who does so much* good. in the world be- sides making people laugh. Proceeds from' the performance .will be devoted to the assistance of those in need, it is explained. Church Womfen Sponsor Thank.Ofering Worsh ip. The Wilmette English Evangelical Lutheran churcli, Seventh street at, :Greenleaf avenue, the Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor, will hold its anniuat pub)lic Thank-Offering. service Sun- day afternoon, November -20, at 4 o'clock. The Wonian's society under the di- rection of Mrs. Paul Johnson, Thank- Offering secretary, bas arranged aà program 'Thanks Living. .Arotind her , uncheQn and Friday afternoon. bridge, We now Carry. A Comploe, Lne of Julia King Candies last Society.______ Dir. A:' M. MacDonald in Baptist Pulpit, Dr. A. M. McDonald,' executive secretary of. the. Chicago Baptist area, will occupy the pulpit of the Wilmette Baptist' church at the morn- ing services Sunday, November 26... at Il o'clock. Dr. George D. Allison, S ministe 1r of. the churcli, bas been con- fined to bis home by illness for sev- oest Cuts-.......1..l.2'70 FRI. FOR EARJLY SAT. DEUIVERY PLANTS AND FLOWERS flor-al Decorations for ail occasions RIDGE, ROAD FLORISTS. 33Ridge Road:, Wilmette 757 il 45 WILMETTE 2814 AND 731 Il 'I .1 . Il 1