Parking' Space Tbeu~ Puces Nov. *3-2,los Prompt D.livery A LOCK 0FFIEDIRDS AWAITS YOU HEmm 131 LEG.0FSPRING, Baste with, lemon juice and ecam for a different and truly tastýrI 19 flavor, l 8 PevhFut No- bones, no waste, al readY to f ry in deep fat, lb. Lake Twout Deliciously tender,, it's good either. baked or f ri e d, and better when served with baked or , scalloped potatoes lb. 2 1 Tangerine Oranges THANKSGIVING! The greatest feaut day of the year!1 Nover have «there been finer turkeys than, we have selected this year. *Tender, fat,- wonderful f owl. Small, medium or large. Place yourÔorders now.' W. shaîl sencl you exactly what you want. Prices ore low and includo delivery. Pork Tuell No waste to this, no bones, ready to bread and fy ail29 31 ~Graperruit Flonida seedless. Just full of juice, doz. 79c. 3 for22c, Grapefr uit .i@ Prune maaimds ..a ~ tood one.h's re- es halhf l Geuu ave'U Good when browned in well as when fried, withbacon. the oven, ae lb.41C Dame, Povk aud Veai Ground for loaf, à fine luncheon en- troc. Just add an egg and seasoning and bake, good cither hot or coiçi. lb. £17c AlIeww Mirinate in lime or letnon juice be- f ore coin'bining with orange or grape- fruit for salad.2 for 35C .Eeauty Boue ..Pears Orders Brougt it. Tour De.. ýAIL Aie .gut .NrAShoe 402 LincienAve. Wilmette lU-lbt WInnetka Il LAKE V1EW 3959 BroadIway ROGERS PARK 1568 Jarviu Av.. Rogfers Park 0114 No Carrya.g Sauga Clara Prunesaý 40/50's-Firm, fine fruit, the best virirety for souf- fles, puddingsi or dockl. dressings. 3. Ib. .35c. Ravtief Pears Steamed sud od~- Ail ready t. sere su they are or with aStich 2 forEm4 M.yonnasu.-2V tins Pure Fruit Preserves A fines variety f roua whiçh to choos--Boh ses an. exceptionally good buy- 4-lb. jar 5jars 35c 1'