Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 8

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"?Personalizlhg Religion" wili be the u ubject of Mr. Hlndley's sermon at the il o'clock'service next Sunday morning. *The communion service wili follow, and *th" opportunity la given for any wlsh- Ing to unite wlth the church. The musical iprogram,,for the service wlll consli$t 0f'se lectionaff romf "The *Mesàlah," as follows: Prelude: "O0verture". to The Messlah . ...................... Handel Offertory: "Pastorale" .....Handel Postlude: B&arch--"Llft Up 1Your Heada" .................. andel-Gullmant The choral numbers willbe an! anthemn, "And the Glory of the Lord" and so* prano and 'alto ariàâ,-'Corne -Unto T'Ilm," and "He Shall Feed His Flock."1 The board of trustees wlll hold Its regular meeting Moniday at 7:30 p. m. ln the church parlor. An all-day meeting of 'the Cozy Cor- ner Circle wili be held next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Don Ransburg, 3025 Normanidy place, Evanston.. Assistlng hostesses wil be Mrs. Enoch Steen, Mrs. Paul, Hoffmnan. and, Mrs. A. K. Mesilan. The Sunday Evening. club,, whlch meeétfi ln tijis church, presente flèxt Sunday the noted composer of Indian miusic, Charles Wakefield Çadman and a quartet composed of Arthur Kraft, Helen Freund, Constance Eberhart, and Erie Russell Cooke. The next Fellowshlp dinner will be under the auspices of the Men's club of the church- and wll be held Thursday, December 7. Dinner wlll be served at 6:30 by the Nelghborhood circle, and following that Mr. Phillips will speak on ..Delinquent Boys." Members and friende are urged4 to reserve the date. Regular activities for the week are ischeduled as tollows: Sunday-3 :30 p. m.--Oulmette Camp Tuesday-8 :30 p. m.-Brownies. 7:30 P. m.-Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts. Wednesday-7 :30 p. m.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts. .Thursday-3 :30 -p. m.-Girls' Choir ne- hearsal. 4 p. m.-Boys' Choir rehearsal. 7:15 P. M.-Senior Choir rehea.rsal. Friday-3 :45 p. m.--Girl Scouts. 7:30 p. m.-Wekeacafila. Cam~p Pire Girls. Saturday-9 :30 a.,m.--Cub Pack No. 3., 10:30 a. m.-Girls' ýChoir rehears al. il a. m.-BoyW, Choir rehearsaL. jThe December meeting o! the Wom- I. an's Gulld will, be on Frlday, December 8 . Lunc'henn. at 1 n'gc1apk uHiil efol-i Sunday, Evening club at the Congrega- tional churc~h at 7:30 o'clock will present a musical program wlth Charles Wake- field Cadman and a group o! soloists,. among whom. wiill be Arthur Kraft. ffelen Freund, Constance Eberhart, and* RussellCooke. Boy S cout Troop 14o. 5 wlll meçt Monday evenlng. at the church. 1 The Session wlll meet Monday eve- nlng at 8 o'clock at the churchi. Our midweek service 18 held'Wednes- day evening at 8'o'cock.; We are study- ing "How We Got Our Bible." and flext week we wvill study "The Making of. The. Canon." We Invite you to join us. The choir, will meet for rehearsal on Frlday evenlng. Christmnas plans wlll include a Christ- mfas party under the leadership of the Sunday echool. Englisk Lutheran Greenleafat Seventh street, Wilmette.- " *A House of Worshlp"' Rev. 13a'vd R. Kabele, ziastor. SIJIDAY SERtVIC'ES Sunday school .:_....._9:45 a. mi. Mlorning worship .. ... ...11 a.ïai. Union Thanksgivlng service .at the, Preabyterlan church at .10 o'clock. Pr. Hubert Carleton will give the Thank s- givlng message. Choir rehearsal Friday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock. Comniissloning service for our 'oan- vassers will be beld during the servie Sunday morning, flecember i.. The Junior Luther league .will nieet Sunday evenisg at 5,:30 o'cli>ck. Jeronie Nevîns wlll present the topic, "Making Frieds.'We. invite ail the young peo- ple of. 1High School age to ineei witn us. Catecheticai classes will -be held on MondaY ,andi Tuesday at 4 p. ni. On Tuezday evening', Decemben 56, the! Junior Luthen league la givinga dinnen and entertaininent for the: menbers and Irîends of our congregation. 1)înner will be served at 6:M o'cîock.% The prograni of ententainnient wilil include a Qne-act .Cuniedy -The Lost Elevator." Reserva- tions may be made by calling Wiimette 4;,iiu beLure eSaturday of this week. Some of our teachers and officers at- ten'ded the North Shore institute at Christ church, Wtnnetka, parish bouse Monday night. A large class is preparing for con- *firmation every Sunday night at 7 o'clock until Christmas Sunday, -when Bishop George Clraig, Stewart visits St., Auguùstine's. It la now too1 late for chul- dren to join this year, but adults who are unconfirmedshould consuit the rec- tor. The class numbers1 about forty. St. AUgustine's. js the. only church'in. the fliocese of Chicago which has more than one-twelfth of Its menibezshilp con- firmed yeaù after year. jishop' pence cans will be .os lied fr at the homes 'lnter this week or early next week. The.-rector preaches the sermon at the. Village Thanksgiving- service to be, held in the Presbyterian church Thanka- giving:>rnrnlng at 10 o'clock. Thanksgiving day is also a holy day of the church,ý the day on which the Historie church*bas, ever since the be- ginning, 'commernorated the life of, St. Andrew. There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. Auguetine's at .8 Met/zodist Church Rev. Oscar Thomnas Oison,. D.D., ininister A Tbanksgivlng service 1.4 being'held this evening, Wednesday, aàt 8 W'ciock tin the Sanctuary. The milniter's sermon theme wili be "iteligion and the. Repub-> lic." The music for the service this eve- ning wiIl be as follows: Organ Prelude: ."Festival k'relude'l. *... ..... Faulkes1 Miss Marie Briel The Introit: "0 Taste and See". . .Goss Anthem by the Young People's Choir: «'Lead M~e, 0 Lord"...... S. S.1 WesleyJ Anthern by the Senior Choir: "PI'aise 1 the Lord, O Jer-usaicm". . .Maunder Organ Postude: "Iiarvest Thanksgiving. March" ... ..Calkini Ail members and,. fniends are urged to be present. Invite your friends andr The minister's sermon thenW f or the Il o'ciock worship service next Su1idajy nionning will be "The Rejected ijdea1."ý The music for Sunday monning's serlv- !ce will be as foliows: ongan Prelude:'"0 Corne, O Cone' E~mmanuel"....... ..........Lutkin "Llxistmas Fan.tasy" (On Traditional Llkisaisaa1 elocly "0 d.u frohhiohe-) ... . . .. . . . . .. . . . ebling The Introit: "0 Corne, All Ye Faithful" ,........Adeste Fidelis tan n the oficie tisi5 week. The High School league players will present two one-act plays, "l300sting -Bridget,'" and -Aunt Harriet's. Night, Out," Wednesday evening, December 6, athe Christmas Fair. The. Friendly 1Indian, Cpbs, will .meet Thursday, December 7, at 4 o'clock. Thiese boys are selling holly wreaths. this year.. Orders niay be placed with any Priendly Indian Cub. A- Christmas box is being prepard by the: Woman's Homne. Mssionary so- ciety foi- a minister and his family in Tennessee. Clothing, household 'articles, and xnoney are ne eded, and may be'left ,at the church office. The mhan is 5 feet 7 inches tail; the womnan wears size 42. clothing, there la a boy aged 6; the girls are 2, 4, and 8 years of, age. For further information phone, Mrs. Kerwin, Wiimette 195. The Philathea class Will meet Tues- day, December 5, at 8 o'clock ln, the Womans room. Choir rehearsal le held eachThursday evening at 8 o'clock under the direction o!ý Miss Marie Briel. The Young J'eople's choir reheariseé each 'Saturday morning at 10:15 under Miss Briel's. direction. Boyas and girls of high school age, and. Junior High a ge are invlted to join this group. Kenilwortk Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road, Dr. Herbert L.. Willett, minister Sunday, . December 3, Dr., Willett's' subject *fill be: "Pa.ul an& Gentile,- thé fourth in a series on "The Begin- nings o! Chnlstlanlty." The Wednesday evenlng meeting for B3ible study and conference wil be held Wednesday evening, Deceniber 6, at 8 0.'elock at Dr. Wiliett's residence. Ail are invited. The subjeet will be: "Paull in Ephisus."1 .The Women's guild will meet Monday morning, December 4. The bours o! meeting are fro.m 10 to 4'o'clock. The inembers are. asked to corne* b for'as rmuch time aes they are able to devote to this good work. buncheon., will ho served. The Sundayschool wlill mieet as usual at 9 :45 o'clock. All ,children between' the ages of 3 and the, high achool -are condially invlted. The Kenilworth Young Peopfle's, Sun- day *Evening club, wiil meet in the guild room at 6 P.. m. Ail students o! high achool age are invited. A supper Wiii' be served and after supper there wil1 be at program o!fnera to young John iBooz; i-ostuuae,"Allegro Giubi- .. ........- Mark's Methodiat Episcopal churches. the Rev. J. H. Gockel will preacb on the lante," Federlein.. Next Sunday 'wilh be Canvass Sunday - theme "Ail Things for Good." AIl o! - st St. AUgustine's. Thlrty teams of can- .j There la Red Cross sewlng at the Rev'. Goekel's serinins are eloquent,, You are lnvited to join our Sunday vassers rlhl attend the Il aà. m. service church each Tuesday morning at 9 :30). helpful, devotional and- upllftlng. The- sohool whilch meets at 9:30 o'irlock ln together, wlll meet ln the pariish house All womnen are lnvlted tW be present. choir will do its part In beautlfying the 0caîl on ail familles of the parlsh., The annual Christmas Pair - "The antheni of harveat, "Pralse the Lord, Our *duit Bible:çlass la open fo al. House eeauttul"--wll be held Wednes- Oh Jerusalem.' The Lutheran chu reh Who enijoy Bible sttidy. We are'study- Last week's parlsh dinner.givien by the djay, huraday and PrldaY, December 0,> la known as the;chuircho! rmusic there-

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