Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 10

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Turn Attention to 'Volley Bail Tilts Volieyball is the garne. of the hour in the Wilmette public schoois, it is indicated by the f ollowing sport flashes:' Every Monday and Wednesday after school we enjoy g9irls' volleyball prac- tice. After that, it you're on the picked team for basketball, you can stay and have a lot of f un trying to shoot basiçets while Mrs.* Fanckbdiner. and Elsie Paterson.help you. I'm advising Stolp girls to get out their lucky pieces and. hiold their thumbs and play a good gaine of bàsketbali--or it will be just too.bad.-Frances Habeck, Howard 8B3. Our volleybali teani had a game re- cently. Our teani, AB-3, plàying AB-2, lost. the first, gaine. After a. Ierd corneback we won the second. Both'teams played good bail. F-1 was_ aniother team'playing on the thr sd of the floor and oncle in g whiie E-I 's bail would corne over on our sie of the floor but we rnanaged to get along ail ight.-Jim Kreusch, Howard 8B. It was a cold afternoon -wben the peewees had their last football game. They had played Highland Park two tirnes, tying one, gaine and winning one. The coach of the Highland Park teami got permission to use the Deer- field-Shields football field., The grouind was icy and we fought hard, but High- lIand Park scored- two touchdowns and an extra point, Winnin11g 13 to 0.- jerry Peterson, St-olp IB. Sorne of the boys ini our rooni aret haif happy and haîf sad because thet football season .is over and the volley-s bail. season is. here. Ail of us like football and as much of volleyball asý we kâow.. Our football1 team, this year wvon most ofý its games.,Doniald Vance was captain. Billy White, Howards i col Tuesday, Novembér 21, D-3 lost both gaines of a double header ini vol- leyball with D-4, by scores of 15 to President of Council This year, .as lni ail other years, we have chosen our offilcers for the couni- cil. We ail voted and then the votes were counted up. The election returins are as 'f ollows : president, Bert Simois'; vîrce-president, Donald 1lutchijus;. sec-. retary, D)orisý Paterson, and treasurer, Bob- DeVinny. This year we chose the president f rom the eighth- grade anîd the counicil. 1In i previous years -the. presidenit as chosen .offly froin the counicil.-Frances Weber, Howard. 8B. Talk on Distant Lands Interests Ail Students Mrs. Washbuùrne, author -of "Letters to Chaiiny," came to the Stolp assem- Mly club and told us, about lier trip arounld the world.- She. told us. about her japaîîese b)ath, lier stay iii China and ber ,meeting Gaiidhi. She lbad costumes froni thé different 'oult ries;, and they hielped illustrate bier color- ~fîY taîk. Everyone enjoSred Mrs. Waslh- burne's talk because she wvas so inter- estinig.-janet Bichil, Stolp 2B. HOLD' CANDY SALE In Miss Van Horne's roomlast week wve had a candy sale. Mrs. Crawvford made some candy aîid sold it at the P. T. A. meetig-Mary Jane Wolff, Howard 5A. Grinnéll made ail of ours. - John Hughies, Howard 5A. 'Tie volleyball teani bas just l)eguin.1 We have three 'A.B teains, three C, three D, two E and three F. Eachi team hias seven players. 'fhle schiedule started N ovemiber 21.-Bob Loie rgan, Howard 8A. We are playing volleybaàll i school. We 'do not ý.play other rorns yet. We separate the room and play. Our side won once and got beaten once,. but it is f un.-Bobbv Conrad, Howard school. Sizes of Wishbones Sattirday, November 18, we had a big i)arty and we hiad turkey- and what a turkey !. It weiglied 14 pounds, and wasý it good! WVe are going to have tnrkey on '1'hanks- giving, too, and I arn going to see if the wishbone on the one we lîad Saturday is as large as the one we have Than ksgiv ingj. -Johný Brandt, Howard 5C. Report Cards-Please. Howard Eighth Grades Wednesday a fternoon the Howard eighth grades got their report cards, and most of us were. satisfied. In .8B: the highest number of pluses was twenty-five and thée second highiest wvas twenity-onle. Those whJo got these were Jane Penberthy anîd Bill Hayt. Nexct tume ,Iarn sure there will be m ore pluses on- report cards becauise wve al know~ our faults and cati correct tlieni. -Louise Meyer, Howard 8B3. Girls' Glee Club Now Practices Yule Carols The girls' glee 'club of Howard school is practicing on ýChristmnas, carols. We are Iearning the words to:, 'Sileîît Niglit," "Augets and. Slep- herds," "O Corne AIl Ye Faithiful," "Angels: We Have H-eard Oit Higli,-' "It Came Upon a Midnighit Clear" and :"Little> Town of Bethlehenii." 1 thiiik it is more fun singing Cliristiiis carols than atîy other soings 1 know.- Muriel Janicki, Howard 8B3. Bobby Cannot Always Understand Englishman 1 hearda Germai symphony orclies- tra. I listened a haîf hour to, it. 1. canie f rom Berliin. 'hènr I listened:-to London aà half lîour. It was good., I lieard the belis froni bondon oit West- mninster abbey, anid you could . lear theni .just as cleariy as if it were in Chii- Material for'Talk About Coal Mines Howard Ringholm and 1 wenit (lownl to the auditorium Monday, N"oveni- ber 20. We saw a movie on the two, kin,'s of- coal: anthracite, which is liard coal, and bitumninious, which is soft. Al ,three, seventh grades went and also two children froin each of the fifth and sixth grades. It was' ail very interesting-how the.coal is brought out of the grounids by blasting. T here are three kinds of coal-iini-ig- The are:, shaft min- ing which is straight down ;soe mining vhich slants downlward, and: last, drift mining whichi is straighit a long. Iii Miss Larson's room we are go- îngg to talk about it. -Howard is go- Ing to talk about bituminous coal and, 1 arn going to talk on anthracite. -Charles Mc.Candlisli, Howard Oc Music ,Pupitls Finishing Study of B rass Choir 'l'le eighth grades ofHoward school1 are, just hinîshing t .le brass: choir. of tesyýmphonyý orchestra in music. 'Thle Puotebooks are to be hiandediii,,tle week* a iter Th'laiksgivinig vacationi. We have done the string' choir. and, the wood- %vind choir. \Vc enjoyed. the study of thesc. It was niade more il 1tcrest ig f>' pupîls playing the inistrumients.- j ane ltîrboit, Howard 8A. Jeanne Mloreau's Dog Wins Pet Show Prize 'l'lie Junior aux1hdry of the Wom- an's club lîad a pet shiowN. A dug ken.-' niel gave away a wire haired fox ter- rIer. 'fhere, were aIl kinds of pets. Onie girl 1rought, a raccoon.1 It won ilrst prize.. Jeanieý. Moreau, who is iii -our, rooni, brought lier French bulldog. It's na me is, Pepper. Itwon first pniize.- l'Vartha Leach, Howard 50 . "ALADINAND LAMP" dramatics, 8A is on the last Mladdini and His Wonderful La scene miin." .ar CD wtn -i.itwasvey VALUitig- gaUNc. Howard 5C is trymng to get rnoney --Jini Wolff, StQlp WC. for our curtains. We have had a candy Monday, November 13, we played sa.le. We got $2.06 for the candy. Indian Hill ini football. It was the In gym our girls are iearning to bat* What 1 had .was good. We rnight hardest gaine we. had with thern but. the voiieybail over the net. We have have another. We also won -the P. T. we won, 18 to 12. Bill Decker miade not had very mucli success.-Betty Jan.e A. prize of $2.50h. Ralph Johnscin,- ail of the points for Indian fuI.. Bill Marsh,- Howard ý5C. Howard SC'. PUPILS MAICE FOLDERS In speiling we are making f olders to put our test papers in. 'We are putting designs on the folders-Julia Jafticki, Howard SA. .4 'j

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