pupils in three grades, the sîxth. Seventh and eigbth, who have an average of "E" (excellent) in ail of their subjects. A grade of "E" in effort wins the honor roll rating for any pupils from the third to, the eighth grade inclusive. Fôllowiiig is a complete, list of the. honoir pupils:. lionor SOrlety Sixth grade-John ('onnor, Kenneth Crocker, Charlotte Jluek, Patul Kelly, J.an Kilner, MryLidleeke, eg IMarsh, Nanuy MeCloud, Robert Oster- znann, ItalIph Starrett, MiIi . Streed, Naney Weishaar, DorothyVWilson. Sev'enth grade -Elktine llotherinel, Shirley Scarrat t, Rluth, Stfreed, PhYllis Wheelock, . Winston Fredeick, Bob Lanidon, .1ack làawson, (lordoh Oster»- kstrtni,,Bud Stilînian., Eighth graide-.Nlargztiet Boozer, 1)or- othy Jean Fuller, Patricia Grover, Ituth Sprenker,. Jean Strickland, Mary WVolf, Normnan Bernis, Jin Olîn. Hlollir Il Third grade-BilIy l3radfor1, .John Darle.y, Edward Eggert, Henry Greene, Frances Becker, Lucille i3ecker,. Clare Beglen, 13illy Grilly, Milford Dai,, Elz*ealeth Dilling, 1Doriothea ndsn I)oa MteLaw, l>onald ROyce, Joanne $ejjlldberg, j , m 'ititina,$oaKn, I )ek .anon,~Xaian Pletersen, Robert Rtigler, Hienry Zander.. Fou rth grade-Nancy Boucha rd, ToI1- xny('afey 1iekCarJeryFnntigan,. "dw'ina Fuehe, Constance Fuller, 'Char- les <;(liansflolly. Kuby, Martha: ILaIwick, Ial Booi'înan, Addison Brown, I3erenice FlebwchinanrV, Katherine Fox, Dudliley Oîvis, I'hyllis Osterstroni, I)n 11Iaggio, Sa(lly llzobertson, Renee Smal, Nncystarrett, Anne Strickland, CathrineTidenian, Molly WillinImS, I'akKetchain, Tonm Ketchain, Patsy I.'avv Paul Moo)fney, Genevieve Ryan. Fltth grade--ion (CamlPbell, Pr-iscilla Colvin, MUaxine Frank, Joanne Hatha- 'Nva3'. ('û oli Joi<n, Frederie Kilner. C'arol Brjggs, Bert Buehler, NancY ClIar, Ellen Coale, John ('onleY,Mi- cia megomwen, Alvan Noyes, B»uddyl Strued, i3arbaira Wklsuzanne ginia Grahani, Bob .Iohn.son, Tou liffn, j4).>tnjhRoss, Dorothy Starr. Sxhgrade-ames Ba Y, Barba r-a1 Bell BarraBueier, Wendell Clark, ..John (onr ent Crocker, Ch;' Ile.ý dle. La Chapelle, Betty Faiulstiek,- Dor- othy, Ilendrickson, Charlotte Hluck, Vir- inia Huek, Stella jaInotta, Paul Kelly, Joan Kiluier, Mary lideekel', Peggy' arhCatherine Marx, Nancy Mec'lu Cleqirge 1,othierniel, Ralph Starrett, 1\ii Streed, Nancy Weishaar, Dorothy WýNie- lanrd, Dorothy Wilsoý(n. -se -nh rade -- Jean, ihkrs by New Trier last year by thc imargin of 30 to 29. The New juniors, who lost to Englew( 1932, but later went on to w weekly and prohbibits late afternoon evening baring. Phone Wil. 557 924 Spanish Ct. IN Nq MAN'S LAND Change in H'OU:RSl or Daily Except,Saturday 8:30 A. Me to 3 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Mead, 320 Oxford road, Kenilwortb, had the lat- ter's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bliss. of janesvilte, Wis., as their week-end guests.. TIiey attend- ethe Chicago-Dartn'OUth game last Saturday.- 1U BANKýIN.G On1 îand'after Decemrber 4, 1933,'it will be necessary for us.to comply with the rues and regulations of the Illinois State Bank-, ers Code. Committee of the N. R. A., w'h'ich limits,.banking 'time to thirty-six bouts In order to give the best possible service to. our customers- under the maximum num- ber of banking bours permitted by the> Cdwe have arranged the following schdueeffective Monday, December 4th: