Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 14

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the football season closed there on Saturday., During this week from No- vember 29 througb December 2 the U. S. F. H. A. is holding an exciting tournament there, and from the six teams which are competing will bc chosen the Ali-Ameriçan Hockey teain for .1933. The. teais arrived Wednesday morn-. ing -and thc first game was played at, il o'clock. 0 f particular interest to spectators will bce the United States touring team .which, bas been engaged in a series of contests abroad.since the spring under the management of Miss May Fogg of New Trier High scbool. Midà-West Team. to compete There will also be two. teains, the Mid-West and the Great Lakes, in this locality, and-three teains from the East, the Northeast First and Second, and the' Southeast teamn. The game between, the United States and its réserves bas always been in.the The e.vecuive comittee of. the,À past years the most closely contested is Picturcd froin fekit to rig&t: z Mrs. gaine ini the tournament. These tearns Iris Bouiltoz, Miss Aîipg.Tcuischer,;Mr. will becbosen sème tîime during the and 41iss Dorothy COlc)ýmn- three previous days of play anid will be announced at a banquet for al the Mrs. Hallett Thorne, president of players to be held at Indian Hiflclub the North Shore Field Hockey asso- on te nght efoe th gane.ciation, played right inner on the North Tickets Now on Sale Shore first teain and bas the responsi- Tickets for the tournameènt *may be bility of the National tournamenit on purchased at Chandler's in. 1Evanston; ber shoukiers. Mrs. Tborne bas played through Miss 'Lucy jane Hedberg in a prominent part in: forwarding interest Glencoe; or at Dyche stadium before and enthusiasmin ii hockey along tbe the start of the gaines. Tbey will be north shore. She 'is a member of tbe sôld as seasonal passes or just for one Skokie club team. day. Ail hockey enthusiasts are hop- Misa urs cimnofte ing or ood eater ver hisim-Sko kie club, bas been one of Nortb portant week-end because the scbedue Shore's outstanding players for sev- will be carried out despite unwelcome ea er.A rgtwn Skoi ramor now'c lub teain and Nortb Shore I, she again The gamne, which is to be played at made the Mid-West tearn this year and 1:30 o'clock on Saturday, should prove was elected manager. Miss Purvis is to be a fairly even match. The players also a golfer of repute and National have been selected f rom schools along Women's Pinzg Pong champion of this tbe'north sbore and from Chicago and Country the tearns -have practiced together for Iss risButncarano b tbis tournamfent. [NortbhShore selection -committee, i Pla fo Wes Aiad center haîf on Lake Shore club teain In order to mnake this National tour- and North Shore firs't team . he was nament as successful as other unique one of the tbree members on. the Id- sporting events which bave been stageci West selection comniittee and made here i Chicago- this suminer as part . center haîf con the Mid-West teain. North Shore Field J-ockey ossociatioi HIalielt T/uoriie, Miss loy PUrvPis, Miss s. Larined Greeley, Miss Jesýsica Ni.roù. on the Skokie club team. for several years. She is a former president of the North Shore Field Hockey assoa- ciation and was .elected to a third terin ini office in the Mid-West association. Miss Jessica Nixon, past secretary of the Mid-West association, bas been a valuable member of the North Shore Field Hockey association. She played right ba k on North Sbore's first teani anid adeber position on the Mid- West reserve. Miss Dorothy Colemian, secretary of North Shore Field Hockey associa- tion, bas bad little. tirne to play hockey this fali as she bas been concentrating on umpiring, and as a result of this, sbe was awarded a National B rating at, Iowa City. Miss Coleman is a niember of the Lake Shore Club team. Tihe above picture was taken on the Skokie Playfield in Winnetka, whiere, the North Shore association club mein-E bers practic.e each fail, Wednesday afternoons, Saturday and Sunday morn- ings. Of the four clubs, Skokie, In- k diati Hill, Lake Shore, and Town and Wvest.- buburban club, iowa City club and the University of Iowa varsity, the North Shore Field Hockey asso- ciation returned f rom Iowa City witb eigbt of its pl'ayers on the Mid-West teain and thre.e on tbe Mid-West re- serves. The Mi1vd-Wcst. tournanient was played on the .University of Iowa's field last ýFriday and Saturday under the inost favorable weather con ditionis. The, fieldwas bard and smooth, the sun .shone continuously, and the oîie hundred players' presented a' very color fui' pié- ture as tbey dashed up and down the field ini their green, blue, orange an d russet tunics. Defeat 1owa City On Friday morni.ng, North Shore, I played, a fast gaine with, Iowa City, Wiuning 5 to 3. That afte-rnooni, North- Shore II defeated 'Iowa varsity, 3 to 0. Saturda*y, however, broughit two stiffer gaines and North' Shore 11i played a good even match with Milwaukee" end- înig -in a 1 to 1 tie. The big game of the tournainent took place at 2 :45 o'clock that saine day between North Shore I and Madison, age-old friendly rivais. The gaine was fast and exciting 'and up to the last minute of, play, scoreless. With about twvo minutes t(o go, Madison, after a f uri.ous struggle in the striking circle, rushied the goal and pusbed the bail over tbe fine. The wbistle blew and the gaine ended, Madison 1, North Shore 0. Announice. Mid-West Teain At tbe banquet, Saturday night,. the Mid-West teani and reserves wcre an- nouticed as follows: Mid-West teain - Righit wifig, jay Purvis, manager, *North Shore; right inner, Susan Miller, North Shiore; cen- ter forward, Carol Rice, Madison; left inner, Harriet Moore, North Shore-, lef t wing, Marjorie Street, Northi Shore; right baif, Hel'en Driver, Madi- son; center haîf, Iris Boulton, captain, North Shore; lef t haî f, Margaret. Mey- ýer, Madison; rigbt -full, Amy Bygrave, North Shore; left full, Phoebe Nel-- son, North Shore; goal, Margot At- kmn, North Shore. MidWes ~ rerves- PRilit f ny gaines to be days of the1 ment: a scbedule of the d during the four al Hockey tourna- Wedncsday 11:~30 a. mn.-Nortê-EFast II V-9. Mid-West 1:30 p. m.-North-East i vs, Great il1:30 a. m.-Northi-Bas 'Lakes 1:30 p. m.-U. S. Toui Mid-Wd 2:45 p. m.-North-FEai, Saii1 1:;30 P. M.-Norih Shc vs. Ch'g 2 :45 P. M.-1933 U. S. 1-vs-Gret 6-vai 1/2 7y.a r 01. ÂY1Ls. ÂV1Uore is vs.uret is parents. the former Fanny Brown of Wilmette. team vs. -0 -o-- ~~rJaes son of t0:eý% I r. and Mrs. J. M. Helen Lynch of 135 Melrose ave- vs.Soth-as Krftefe, 01Oakwood avenue, a nue, Kenilworth, returned Tuesday High schôolls student at Notre Dame, will spend f rom St. Mary's, college at Notre High sehools, T, hanksgivinig and the week-end -with, Dame to. spend '1'hankàgiving and, the ;t vs.. Regerves 1bis parents. week-end 'ith ber paet.

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