ORANGES Juicy Florida,4 sweet, good maze, thin slii, 3 4 full of =~pe doz. 4 c PorkLoirRoast Young, lean, ib or* loin end, special,lb STEAKS TENDER NATIVE Id, lb« ,..... 151/2e in lb....... 161/0- S o r . >- .- FRESH CHURNED CREAMERY)BRICK FINEST DUttew _u'm' SpeclJal for FrI., and Sa t. b SPINACH Frs aifornia. Faney garden spiv*ch, sipecial Fri. and Sait.,pek... Fancy firying or roasting, fresh, Yourng, tender chickens. SPeciallY priced, Milk-fed, young, plump. Specialy priced, -1Il, i . ~ Ieach.. ' l FRESH ROASTSD COFFEE3 s. 7 Vm vu A IK*W "Ma ~- 1 I S*AR 'ne. Pet, and-About C h i c a g o Supervisors' meeting on Saturday, December 9, and wilI also appear befôre the Higli- crest Parent-Teacher association ini Wilmette on December 12. 1At the recent meeting oi the Lake Shdre division. of the Illinois Stat.e Teachers' association in Evanston thc octet sang several, selections. Tues- day nig ht of thi.s week the grouip ap- peared at a Masonic lodge, meeting i11 Chicago. Members of the octet are': Charles Ripley and Arthur Katzel, first ten- Ors; Frank Christensen and William McFadzean, second tenors; John Phillips.ând Bei-til i Huer, first bass- eës, and Richard Oison and William, Casse.l!, secoind basses. "Red" Faber Is Guest at Boys' Club- Meeting Urban "Red" Faber, veteran pitcher ofý thé Chicago Whit e Sox and the oniy spitbail hurler. left i the maj'or leagues, wvas a guest at the meeting the Tri-Ship Boys' club held last Thurs- day night in the auditorium. Other noted guests incliided William Har- ridge of Wilmnette, president of the Americani league. and' father of Bill Harridge, a- student at New Trier; Chester Gould, cartoonist,, who also lives ini Wilmette, and Harry Edwards, service maniager of the American league. The meeting was well attend- ed, and there were a large number of fathers presenit, F~. D. Frisbie, faculty sponsor of the Tri-Ship club,, reports. To Present "Tlanthe" at High Sehool Next Springe Annotcement was made, this week, that "lolanthe," another Gilbert and Sullivan production, will be presented at New TrierHigh school this year.. "The Gondoliers." presented last spring, -as s0 sutcessfunl that the music de- partinent Wvas .flooded-- with requests froni faculty and student body that an- other opera be given this year while much of, the talent appearing in last' year's production is stillinh school. In *Officers of the club this year are John Mathieson, president; Beatrice Levinson, vice-president, and Judith Cunningham, secretary. The faculty sponsor -is H. C. Pifer. Mem bers of the clubJ are plang to enter the nation-wide.conipetitioii conducted aninually by the weekly publication, Scholastic. Prizes are to be given to students submitting the best poetry, short stories, playsi'es- says, book reviews and -news- and feature stories. The Scholastic awvards total $1,000 in 'cash, scholarships anid prizes. In addition -to the competitioný for crea- tive works ini the field' of literature, there is, also -competition in the arts and crafts.-Eleven,*full-term sehiolar- shipsand one.,summner session schol-, arship to art, schools of national re- pute are offered in the, art ,division. Several'hundred repr*esenitativepiees of work -submitted in this division. will be selected for display, ,in the Seventh N;ational High 'Sehool Art exhibit, which will bc held iM the Carnegie niuseuti at Pittsburgh: iîext .pring and which will later tourý e> eral large cîties under the of the American Federation. of Arts. Fresh'men Stage Réeal Party; Biggest Ever The freshmian class partv last Sat- urday nighit as. one of the most suc- cessful evér held at New Trier, a.nd the attendance was the largest at any freshman party in the schoolFs history, according to H. H. Hlerroti, one of. the class sponsors- The evening's pr ograni opeile(i itlh. several vaudeville..acts, which w*ere foilowed 'by-cards, ping pong and, dancing.. Eight-pinig pong tables. were in use throughou t the. eveniing. .' .Thevaudeville acts %vere presentéed by the following students: Stanley Joues and Wayne \Veld, acrobatie act; Virginia Howe, accompanied bY othy Fargo, accompanied by Julia Booz, tap danée; Irenie Byron, toe dance and acrobatic dance; Allen MWd ... 8.. » .ake Erie M Large size 19e e discussed material touéhed upon in mite of his recent books. Mr., Wells ýso spoke before an adult audience at .e highi school Monday evening on .ussia. n omne of Miss' Alma Hurst, 625 tEleventh street, Wilmette. 1 POSTPONE MEETINGI 3 Because of the Thanksgiving hôli- tday, the Senior Music club meeting is 1to be held next weekc instead of this week. 1 $o00 o il- IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES Fancy No. 1 Idaho nEpasets PrIceëd ~espeelal for Fri.,& Sat., lO0. 1 SKOOICLJM'S, SELECT LARGE FANCY EFGOS 2 doz. 9 PACKED IN CARTONS '8~ i~'I Mt