Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 20

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December 2 to January 1 9 W. Washington at State Select your Christmas gifts f rom Thousmuds of Articles of exquisite Handiwork prepared by Prominent Chicago Club Women. A worthwhile cause to help Hundreds of Helpless Blind Families end Orphans. Free Entertainmient for the. Chiidren. Quaint 1Historic Exhibits. The. Fanions Swiss Village with thousands of Moving Parts. The L.ist SupPer-Wo'rld Fanion. Art, Exhibit-and $1,000,000 of M Nerchandise..froni ail over. the World. Truiy the brightest, spot 'in Chicago for. gifts of, Color and Ra*rity. FREE ADMISSION PROM AND TO ,Madison St. Statio n given withRoundi Tnp SH OPPE'RS' TicKETS now, with ail Sea Scouts of Wilmette meeting on Thursday evenings at the Baptist church. Ail older boys formerly scouts wilI be welcomed in- to, this Sea Scout group. V. D. Slayton, formerly a scout- master in New York, hias recently be-. corne a miember of thé W inette District. committee and will serve as pubiicity chairman. C. A. Haniner, formeriy scoutmas- ter in Washington, D.. C., and now ý connected With the.Baha'i temfiple, is serving as a troop committeeman of Troop 2. Mr.'Hanner .will also take over work as menit badge couniselor in a nuniber of subjects s oon to be aninounced. Scout Leaders to, Have Get-Together Wednesday Scout leaders inù North *Shore area are looking forward to. the -big get- together of scouttuasters, cubmasters, skippers and their assistants, and al coinissioniers, in the Christ church Paris-h house, Winnetka Wednlesday evening, Deceniber 6., Wives and sweethearts will be, guests. The committe in charge of the program includes: John P. O'Connor, cot master, of Trôop 35, Raviiia, -chair- makn; larold Spinney,, scoutmaster of Troop 2, Wiimette; Robert Town- ley, scoutmfaster of Troop 13, Kenil- worthi; Sherman Aldirich, district commissioner of Winnetka; Karl D. King, jr., district coinmissioner of. Glencoe; Paul Muzi.k,,. district coin- missioner of Highiwood, and George Ryan, scoutmnaster of, Troop 44, Ar,- George Berseh Attends ýNational Training Sehool- George Berschi, assistant camp di- rector at -Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, is attend- ng .the. National Training School for Scout EÉxecutives at the1 Mortimter Schiff Boy Scout reservation, Miend- hamn, N. j* He wili arrive home about Christmas. Bersch was selected for training L. C. Torrey was elected vice-chýair- man of the Wilmette District com- mittee. Within the .next ten days, the personnel committee will name officers and chairmen of the folloWing committees: finance, court of honor, tÉoop orgaization and training, pub- licity. and civic service, ten 'year programn, Cubbing and Sea Scouting. The committee' decided to, hold regular district courts of honor for the, awarding of *first class, star, and life ranks and- ail tuent badges. ' It was recorded that tenderfoot and second class- ranks be awarded in, the troop meeting and that ail Eagles receive their: amrards at the area court of honor.. The next district court of honor is to be held Friday, Dece mber 8. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Offers. Camp for Ol1der. Boys& Realizing the need for a summer camping program for older boys, the North Shore Area coencil i-s making plans to conduct an older: boys' camp in connection, with Cýamp NIa- Ka-Ja-XVlan ne.Kt summer. This camp will be ilocated at the northM end of Spring, lake,- in a section of the c amp property: that h'as. been veryý itie developed, and where a pientiful su ppiy of timber is to be founid. This-branch of the camp Wvil be openi to scouts, who are 15 ýyears oid and who 'have reachied' the rank oi first ciass. Troops Work to Obtain President Fowler Award Not on13 are scout leaders inth North Shore Area council hard- at Iwork-,iii the endeavor to 'secure for their pack or trop"orhip the President Roosevelt award, but thereare just as many leaders in-- tensçly interested in, secuning. the President Henry Fowler award, it, is announced at Council'headquarters. The President> Fowier award is made on the foliowing two condi- tions: first, that the unit (pack, troop or ship) must have enrolied at least ten new membL.rs ini the year 1933 and, second, must have a net gain in mnembership as of- December 31, . . . . antd ail only 50e cit r C SieL wai re-registration Iheadquarters by is the' dead- pack, troop SIPLE SAILS AGMIN îng, for the Sea Scout Paul Siple, who gave an d the Presi-- address some time ago at NewTrier t have their 'High school, is again with Rear Ad- in, Council mirai Richard Byrd on the tripto. ber 15,. the Antartic.

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