axes in New T Representatives of Taxçing Bodies Discuss Probleni; Plan Co-operative Action Just who is responsible for poor tax collections on tbe north shore and wbat is to be done about it? This was, tbe burdenof a long dis- cussion held by representatives'.of the boards of ahl the, villages, school dis- tricts and park districts in New Trier township last Thursday evening in the offices of New Trier High sChôoL. The general conclusion. was that tbree causes 'are responsible for thé bard-up condition of local govern- ments: I., A kag of from, ive to perhaps fifteen percent of collections b.- cause the county. treasurer does Dot promptly transmit to the. local treas- uwers ta.xes a.frady paid,, 2. Deliberate slacklng on the. part of many proper'ty owsers who coLld pay their taxes if they would. Thes. are gr.atly increased because of cur- rent litigation bel ore Judge Jarecki. 3. Straitened circumstances of a smafl proportion of property owners. it is thought that mauy citizens- in, good circuinstauces are hiding b.- hind the. cloak of their lest fortunate neiglibors. To Audit Tardy Taxes as Evanston bas been doing recently.' Following are the names of tbe governing bodies represented at the conference: 'For Wlmetteterritory: 'Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Board. of Edu- cation, Wilmette Park District. For Kenilworthý territory: Village, of Kenilworth, Kenilworth, Board of Educationi, Kenilworth Park, District. For Winnetka territQry: . Village of Winnetka, Winnetka Board of Education, Winnetka Park District.. For Glencoe territory: Village of Glencoe, Glencoe Board of Educa- tion, Glencoe Park Disrict.. _, For New Trier township: New Trier High School board, of educa- tion. Effect Permanent Body in view of the extreme complexity of the current tax problem and the Iikelihood that, unless great foresight is éxerctsed by local oficials in co- operation, it wili flot be solved 'for éight or ten years, tihe committee representing these local governing bodies unanimously decided that the situation called for a permanent co-, operative organization. To that end. every representative agreed to carr back to the taxing body to wbich he had been duly elected a recommenda- tion that each board formally recog- nize the need for such a cooperative Act immediately before it is too* late! The Wilmette Home Owners asso- ciation' is making tbis plea to al north shore property owners Who bave nlot yet listed their- properties in the suit for a 15 percent reduc- tion in the 1931 tax on homes and two and tbree-flat. buildings.. Home owners are being urged te fil out the 'coupon, found on1 page 48 of this issue, and to mail the cou- pon immediately .tÔ T., C. Kniep, secretary4-reasurer, Wilmette Home Owners association, 410 Maple ave- nue,.Wilmùette, I-Et Mr. Kniep points out that only those who file-protests will partici- pate i n any reductionthat is, grant- ed. by County Judge Edmund Jarecki. Men Put to Work Here on Federal CWA Arrangement Wilmette is now employing about twenty men on the federal CWA. program, and plans are maturing te. increase this number toe'100. In ad-, dition to the twenty now at work, there are five engaged in guarding' street crossings near schools, accord- ing te Superintendent of Public Works C. C. Schultz, who has charge Wilmette State Banik Conforms to Code Regulations Laid> Down by Association Effective December 4 the Wilmette. State bank will operate on a 36-hour week schedule. This. means that the bank will be open for business only- 36 bours each week, thus eliminat- ing al evening hours. In this pro- cedure the local bank conforms to the code set up by the American Bankers association governing the rules of fair competition iamong, banks and signed by President Roos evelt. ,B anking hours will be from 8:30 A. M. to 3 P. M. daily, except Saturday, and on Saturday from 8:-30 to 12 noon. Under the code submitted by the. Americani Banikers association gov-ý erning the rules of fair competition among banks, the banks of the coun- try were divded intô dîfferent area or groups, each group allowed to adopt its own miles of fair competi- tion which included the maximum number of hours a bank would be permitted to be open, the minimum service charges, and the maximum rate of interest to be paid on deposits. AEet. Maay R--a~i The Wilrnette State bank along with approximately 65 other baplci in northern and western Cook county. erty owner in INew 'i'rier LUwnsip~Ij be made ýby 'a firmi of certified pubylic accountants. This isexpected to ac- complish two principal things: 1. It will Provide a complete record of every. delinquent tax-owner in the; township-Wilnuette, Kenilworth,, Winnetka, Glenco. and country area. 2. It wil show, *when completed,' how much money has be.,i paid ini on taxes, to the. couâty treasurer and not .many matters,. recomfmenclations- to be given any force would have to be approved and acted upon by the respective taxing bodies. Propose Workaig Comn-ittee In respect to organiization.i.wa-sý further decided that.once ahl the dele- gates to the committee have been formahly appointed, tbere will be 'a smaller executive comimittee to ex- pedite detail work of the group. It is expected,~ however, that on every ln..nsa ar i.. tnt ,~~ tihieart sion in one or two commuiuies to more tnan lir 19, iu have village, school an d park author- Any personal propert ities unite to petition Judge jarecki the privilege of appearir to throw income producing property Board of Appeals andp into receiverships' under the Skarda amount of hjs assessme act to enforce tax payments, much in the printed list.. otesting the t, as shown tended, more ment> in local absorbed. anud moure uuipioy - neighborhoods will be The men on:CWA work are repair- ing street pavements throughout theý village. As soon as the.preliminaries can be arranged a large numberwill be- utilized in laying the 24-inch water. main from the waterworks' to' Ridge avenue, and other projects which may be undertaken. * 'U*F aj&w JLUmM,. -w--- Rosi Estat.........3940 Recreation ............1 Society Pages ... .30-33-34-35 It was necessary for tis group to submit. a code of fair competition. ' The group met on Novemiber 17 and at the recommendation of the state code committee of the Illinois Bankers association 'adopted a sched- ule permitting, only 36 banking hours' per week. Banking hours >here refer to the hours the bank's doors are open and not to the 40 hours per week which the employees are aliow- ed uncier the general code. While' applies nfot only to veterans of World war, but to mren who service: in other wars as well, il announced.