Book Defartmen* Fi rst Poor Cout& StadenwY Nothing Bilfer'Than 110OKS for Christmas CH4RISTMAS CAR DB Uuusual Values GIFI WRAPPINGS MAOAZINE SIJDBCRIPTIONs 1724 Orringion Ave. Gre. 0227, oy the JVew: on comPan~Y 0f Chit- cago. .Port' t/rty-seven years Prof essor Phillips had been in- structor in oratory and the art of expression in the >Chicago Ltheran semtinary, and for many, years had coniducted the Phillips School of: OratorY in Kimfbail hall. Hé had triained many of *the sueccesful law-yers and other *prof essional i met ithe, correct principles'of public speaking. He had ,been the author of. severai books incluiding <'ffective Speak- ing," "The Tone System,> and others. His last book is an tn- *spiring ,pl.ea for a. complete, well- rounded lifi-"-ýA Life founded -upon juýstice, ad ,aitain b the exercise of a highly developed *inttelligence, guided by character and, eneroblcd, by love." North Shore Girl Has Miss Louise Fentress of Hubbard Woods lias written an article en- tîtled "Positive Peace" for the Polity magazine of November 15. Miss Fentress objects to the fact that the United States disburses for war. ex- penditures 100%l of its totail income plus one quarter more. She writes: "War becornes obsolescent in propor- tion as science bririgs the unites of. socie tv into close ôhysirci contact and~ m rnney nlot spent for armaments and sa ved in taxes gets into .the kind of circulation that is constructive" IMiss Fentress is a graeluate of Smith college and for several years bas been active in the peace movement. The editorial board of Polity is composed of Narcissa Smith, Arthur M. Barn- hart, and Nathaniel Saniuels. TWO BLACK SHEEP, by Warwick Deeping (Alfred A. Knopf)-When two outcasts iget together, this shows Fiction SD IAET.Tisth soroftheNDar- SET.Thisis te Hstory f heniar riage of a strong and capable woman to a weàkling. The author of "Kris- tin Lavransdatter' gives us no reli- gious discussions this time. ONE MORE RIVER - JOHN GALS WORTHY. Galsworthy's lastC novel.t VANESSA - HUGH WALPOLE.. Continuing the history of. the Her- rie% ami '1LIÀMTMC FEE. McFee's last novel wvas kTe Harbourmaster." ENTERTA1NINC THE ISLAND- ERS - STRUTHERS BURT. We quote Don Gordon: "The yarn offers an assortment of characters and genuinely witty dialogue for an eve- ning." THE ENCHANTED VILLAGE. By Edward Shanks. The Bobbs-Mer- simple aniuated discussion uetween a young man and bis sweetheart flot only the essentials of right living, but the essentials of adequate prepara- tion for right living. The first essen- tial is a life ' founded upôn justice." No matter. what superficial *di'fferences exist, the author writes, "deep down' iii the fundamnentals, we. are simnilar. The average citizen must realize, and realize vividly, the fundamleûtal simn> ilarity of ail men in structure,, in or- ganimsi n needs, qualities, powers- .in the very heart of. tbings, we find a God-given, or if one prefers,, a-nature-given similarity, anessential equality." The author stresses partic- ularly the ýequality of the .Jew and the Negro.. Also -essential for right living the author says is a life. main- tainied' by a bighly developed intel- ligence. It is.the dev .elopmnent of the powers of.knowýing, thinking, feeling, willing, and, expressinig that is, "the very core of a profitable, use fut, pleasurable life, whether in.the homew, in one's vocation, in social life, in private life, or in affairs political and ciivic." There is a lot of good meat in this book. Its philo)sophy is practical, and its style 'is charming. The pleaý :for religious tolerance as well as ra- cial tolerance is particularly applica- ble today. The author also stress as an important factor in right living a highly developed intelligence wvhich reveals a wealth of beauty velopea intelligençe wiI reveal that soia structure witbout character ate its base cannot endure. Dr., Pbillips takes into full con- that tbey' may use in tbeir everyday .if e. The book is attractively bound Ind will make an appropriate Christ- mias gift. AMERICAN FUR TRADE The 1'utratioîns for Cotistarice Lind- eSIL au.. dow ni too-he has lost1 -which counter-i w'eary and elab- ' ler littie story s18 sleep.1 Ir. Merrick's varto-us te wildsà of Labrador. ners havé now ' an edition -aphs taken on trips through