J At the saine meeting of the board of control the league football sched- ule for the 1934 season wili be drawn up.. In case the Morton application is acted on favorably the Cicero school will be on New Trier's sched- ule again next fait. However, the league basketball sthedule for, the 1933-1934 season. was .prepared sev-, eral months ago,. and Morton.,would flot be eligible tocompete with league schools in -that sport. The f our league schools besides New Trier are Evanston, Deerfielci, Oak Park and Proviso. Frederick A.' Kahler,. dean of -boys. at New Trier,. is chairman of' the board of directors. ON. WEST INDIES CRUISE Vançe Soule, 915 Lak eavenue, is on a West Indies cruise, and is stopping> at ail the islands on the Way to South, America and back. He: is traveling on the S. S.. Narissa, which lçft New York ýon ,November 8 and returning about December 2. Mrs. Pauil Soule wetit to New York to 7see her son off. Mr. and Mrs. Staver Moulding of 934 Oakwood avenue returned Tues- day of last Week fromn a two weeks' motor np to ashington and Balti-, more, whcre 'Mn. Moulding went on business, after which they motored through Virginia., s as announcer. The Thanksgiving proclamations of Presidents Wash- ington and Lincoln were read by John Weese and Daniel 'Harrison respec- tively, and music was furnished by Carleton Ross, Bob Joslin, Paul, Dav- is and Bob Cutier.- Joh *n L. Wilds gave a brief talk. on the southern Negro and slavery. Burning Leaves Bring Several Pire Summons Burning leaves have kept the Wil- mette fire department durin g the past week, several runshaving been made to extiniguish such fires and thus prevent damage to adjacent property. On Sunday the firemen- were called to 1131 Michigan avenue,'where a tree had become ignited froin. leaves burning at* its base.. A cali to the residence of Charles L. -Kelly, 1025. .Sheridan. road, last Sunday, revealed a, siali blaze ini the bath roonî which was extinguished~ before any serious damnage resulted. A. G. Hoiste of Northbrook and his; famnily are driving to Detroit to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. Holste's sis- ter, Mrs. C. ýT. Fishleigh, and her family. A. G. Hoiste is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. HoIste, 822 Prairie.*avenue., WilowRoad, West of S k.ki e BIvd., Winnetka PHON4E$ WINNETKA 855 ýWILMETTE 900 DEPENDABLE SRVC Cali Any One of Our 6 Plants, Con-, veniently Located, for Yo'ur Fuel 011 PLANT NO. 2 PARK 8300 Kambali sud Touhy Aves. PLANT NO. 3 Phn. YARDS, 3100 140 West. 43rd Street PLANT NO. 41 Ph...t 7112 Kimbali Ave. PLANT NMO. a Ph.ne PARK RIDGE Northwest 011 C.. 207 Gre. Street Park Ridie, 111. You Can Do ALL Your Christmas Shopping in Euanston 0QRD ER CH RISTM AS *C-AR DS NO0wL ............ o WJEBOLDT On Davis tretON DECEMBER STAT" 'ANS L E DNESOAY WILL BE POSTED E NTS PAYABLE ON JANUARY Executave offices and PLANT NO. 1 Fu'llerton Ave. Ph...t DIVERSKY 2700 (aIL de>ar*.nts) s.l~ o s s s oo oo o o I y -g-- wilmette 1 fw