IWe Carry A Complete Line of Monarch Canned G00d IVRIDAY and SATU1IDAY SPEACIALSI Porlk Loin Rnte outg,3 to 312 lb. 12½@ Naktivoe DBer efo t VeyB est lb.4 L.gofLfllb...Gernune Sp ilb. 150 Sw*ift. Drookfield..Dgga ..... oz. 25e Round teak .. SelteulNive, Beef ..lb.19 Sw'iffel tB r*#e utter ..lb. 24, Sausage Meat Houtemaule, 1 00%1 Pure Pork lb.1i21/2C Smok DIUttt ... Lean and Boneleus IL19 Ucar Ye! Hear. Ye! 'First Cail for Xmas Shopping, MANY PRE.SEASON VALUES AWAIT IN THE MESSAGES 0F OUR ADVERTISERS, *Thanksgiving is over! It carne very-lateti year, and rnany people do ntréalize that only 20 shopping days remain until Christmnas. That's flot very long. It's timne now to do sorne serious PAGE week. Stocks are comhpiete. Stores are . nOt crowded . . .yo'u can shop in comfort. Wise- shoppers will take the hint. They'l1 further show their wisdorn by using this issue Of WILMETTE LIFE as their buying guide. The index below lists our advertisers for your convenience. PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE ADVER' Scientint& 5 Miller & Millert .....Sp auliI 1ONLY< 20ý SHOPPING DAYS 'tii -XMAS PAGE V7 ct il i5118W »WWSJ 80" ... . -0 E4dgewater Beach Hotel.....4 & Co. ls . . . . . . .................... . OUR ADVERTISERS ENDORSE EARLY MAILING-THEY'LL HELP YOU! .,Our Butchers Are Expea... Our butchers are experts *.*they stand ready to serve you with any kind of' roast, chôp or. steak eut to your order. WJhen you cant corne in to shop, just, telé- phone, and our meat ex- perts will give youi re their personal attentdn 7 rsdu I I t