Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 40

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nua~l dt*VU > Dy Le etfz le -V.4J.,AC V I - . lage but by scores of* visitors %Vho corne within its borders from ycar to year, as evidenced by frequent fav'or- able comment -of this nature. It may be interesting to know that this splendidprksystem is the îe- suit of long and careful planning in- augurated by Winnetka citizens thirty years ago, and. as zealouglyr guarded ever since. The.system had its -beginning with the acquisition of the grouind just west of the Winnetka' station, which, thirty years ago, pr esented a very unsightly appearance.- t was theil occupied by an old blacksmith: and, wagon repair shop, and wag strewn with broken-down vehicles and lit- tered with refuse. Frank Herdman, M. K. Meyer. and H. A. deWindt, together witb somne other civic-mind- ed citizens, conceived the, idea of, taking advrantageof a recent statute by means of which a park district, coufld be orgaized, 'with the express purpose of cleaning up the property * and maktrtg the entrance, to Wini- netka mère inviting. * These gentlemen formed a syndi- *cate, raised $8,548.30 'andi purchased what isnow çalled Winnetka Station Park. The, Pa rk district was organ- *ized and: found 'itself ini position t0 take over the property soon after- wards.ý Thus was started the splendid de- velopment 'ofa park system now s0 greatly apreciated not alonë by Win- netka citizens, but as well by those Who daily pass through the village, as evidenced by thé following, whichl appeared in the Chicago J3ajly Trib- une's column, "Voice of the People," Saturday morning, November 25: "Lake Forest ' Ill., Nov. 21-Comniut- Ing daiiY from Lake F!orest to ChIcago one soon cornes to know the features of the passlng scene which hold a par- ticular charm for hlm. -For this writer, the .smiail ýparks ad- Jjacent to the H1ubbard Woods, Winnetka Kenilworth Realty Co.' Reports Recent Sales The Kenilworth Realty . company re- port recent fabi sales and* rentaIs as y' epartz ans go forwara for the skat- Ing easn they possess an orderiy, wei. groonMed appearance whlch delights the eye. There is a teeling of formai Infor- malitY about thetu, particularly to the park east of the raiiroad st Indian Hill1, whlch le ln keeplng with their suburbati surroundings. The regular -striplng of the mowerý acro ss the gireeni3ward egt In- dian, Hill park, throughout, the summer lends a formai 'touch, to a plot that seenis a charming accident-a typicai French boisln..n its arrangement of shrubs and paths. S"Tribute te the town father who Pro- vlded for the preàence o 'f -these central greens. 'Tribute to the excellent littie band of workers who keep the ma, Joy to the Jaded eye. it seeme Winnetka has- an edge i n other, thlngs besides tchool system. Nlmrod. Home Loan Bat'1cik Show, Good, First Year Profit First member bank of the Federal: Home Loan system to plan a bond is- sue is the. Home Loan. bank of ,Cin- cinnati, which at, this time has defi- niteý plans under way for a ten mil- lion issue. This bank on OQctober 16 declaredand paid a 2 percent divi- dend to stockholders. Ten of the twelve home lban banks are already1 operating at a profit. Lines of credit to which the 1,766 member institu- tions of the system are now entitled by their stock subscriptions aggre- gate $184,562,407. Aggregate resources of members of the system now total .$2,172.740.000 according to W 'illiam H. Stevensoni, chairman of the Federal, Home Loan Bank board. Cash boans totaling $70,028318 have been dis- ttibuted by the twelve banks of the,. Homne Loan Batik.systein in the firstc year of the existence of the systemn which closed October 13. Loans au- thorized amounted on Qctober 10 toe $8,3,6890 Deerfield Denhies Permit. to Ereet, Training Sehool The Alexian Brothers, a Cat.holic order, who had plan-led the' erection of a training school for young mien as nurses for their several hospitals, throughout the United States andi F ierry of Winnetka. e Laura Hales of Oak Park, has jusi .- sold what is known as the old Her. emani Albrecht farmn of some 2 nacres, adjoining on the east the Oak- ,fýwood Farm, including ail improve- Sments.,to E.dward Hill of Winnetka. r Laura Hales also sôld anotheï im- proived antd, operating farm of 86 racres on the east adjoining. the. vil- lage of Prairie. View, to. Robert Hill of Winnetka., This makes a total of approximate- Iy 520 acres practically ail in one body, the considerations for which were undisciosed'and represents one of the la.rgest sales of ý improved, equipped and operating farmfs in Lake county negotiated during the past th.reeers The purchasers anticipaté beinig actively interested in the- develop- ment and operation of the farms from the' standpoint. of dairying, chicken ,and hog raising, it is stated. ,Geweke & Kolmar represented the sellers, the begal details being handied by Earl C. Hales, attorney, and the purchasers were represented by Elmier E. Stults of E. E. Stults Realty company with the, begal details handied by A. F. Beaubién, attorney of Waukegan. Wertheimer, Cleaner, Buys Winnetka Site Signiund Wertheimer, head of the Premier Cleaners, has purchased froin John Dai for an undisclosed consideration, the' 50 by 150 'foôt property at 988 Linden avenue, Hub- bard Woods, wjth a view to future deveiopment, it is announced. The property is flow occupied by a two-flat frame building in the--front,'l and a frame cottage in the rear. Mr. Dahi, who has, resided on thc property -for 20 years. wiil reniaiti t here, under- lease, for the tim e be- ing, it, is explained. The sale was, made by the L. C. 0dbi 'Reaity company. Mr, Odhi reports that in addition t "In order to secure the same volume of business this year, our salesmen bave had to make two sales as compared with every one-for the years 1931 and 19327 said Stewart B. Matthews, vice-president in charge' of, sales. "This is accouinted for in some measure by. the drop in the. price of property an d also because theý units of sale have been more: uniform..'There have been fewer large tranfsactions, this year.,to date., *"It is our judgment. that this is a very: heaithy indication toward the improvement of real estate values. We also believe- that, those buyers who are able to take advantage of the present: 'W market are making, eath one of them a«very sound invest- ment, inflation or no inflation. "This-'year-we are looking forwar d to a much miore active -Chrïstmasz-sta- son in. the sale of homes. We. find that the heads of many flamilies real- ize that they can make no present to tbei-r iarniles which is miore great- ly appreciated at. Christmas time than A fine suburban home. "We in the real estate' fraternitvy believe today, in this period of,.dis- tress and -unrest, that the muan who owns bis. own home, free .and clear, van. truiy be called, one.,of America's- utcrowned kinigs.' Recent transfers aninounced by Baird and Warner include the fol- lowing in New Trier villages: John A. Donaldson, comptrolier of Montgomery, Ward aind cornpany, and Charlotte K. Donaldson, pur- cbased a wooded lot, 80xl65; in the Kenilworth Community development, from William C. Thiesen. B3aird and *Warner, represented by Ruth L. Cronk of the Kenilworth office, werè the sole brokers. A. G. Raithiel, at- torney, 69 West. Washington streéet, handied the legal details, for the sel- Mr. and Mrs. James V. O'Brien purchased an, eight-room house at 532 Greenwood avenue. They wvere represented in this transaction by C. P. Ror;ck of Baird and Warnier's out-of-towii people, especially buyers Hioward L1. Irum is building-; * being transferred to Chicago with ditiôn to the sun porch on lai large concerns. dence at 85 Roisart road, c Vbhe Kenilworth Realty company is $1,10&, and F. J. Schrnidt is er located on the east side of Sheridan a one story open rear porch road, in 'No Man's Land." Kent road, at a cost of $30)0.' meeting wili be Janu.. agér for-the*Morton Sait company has purchased the ten room brick s issued to Mrs. Jennie residence at 381 Sterling road, Kenil- ýn for a two-car frame worth. John E. Weinstock of the Leictster road, costing Kenilworth Realty company, was broker.

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