Electrical ,gifts! That.bring joy every day. See. ou r .surprisingly large selection -t prices:thaft"please. r-i.: Hammond Electric Clock (Gloria Alarm Model). An exquisite boudoir, dock with alarm attachmenr. Tru'ly artisric wich chromium plated case and spun silver diai. 5 only............$ 5 Bersted Sandwich Toaster and Gril4 is just the thing for sandwiches or for use as a grill for. frying paricakes, steak, eggs or bacon ai the table. Béautifully finis hed in pçlished chrme. .. .. .. $. 495 Horpoint Àutomatic Iron accurately maintains the exact beat you want, for ligbt or hieavy pieces by means of adj ustable beat control. Ha thumb rest, convenient button nooks, $49 hange plug, heel test........ Bersied Waffle Iron with autoniatic heat indicacor. In chromium widi convenient ladle for necessary batter. Thermex Coffee Maker produces perfect coffée every time. No guesswork. 8 - cup size complete with chromium - finished electric base and. heat - resisting decanter is Nesco Casserole, two-quart size bakes potatocas or bearis, stews pot roast, escallops potatoes- prepares any casserole dish. Foods retaint ail natural fiavors. le beauciful porcelain $550 enamel...... . .. .. .. .. f Empire Trousers Presser wilI keep your clothes looking just right. Trouser don't even have to be, taken off to crease. It asôa creaes sleevcs. With six foot cord only . .... ..$0 yubadexns.EstooeaeOlympic Razor Blade. Sharpener cuti down g . On.ly............0 Magnetc Massager does wonders to tired' facial muscles. Gives 30 pulsations a second. Com- plete with three applicators. For face, scap atnbody. Only. .. ..... 5 Bersted Electric Toaster malces, a, most accepta. bIc gift. Smart design with rich hammered metal effect. Trurns the toast without touch-$ ing. In beautiful .chrormiurnt . . . $2 Universal Heat Nad will provide real corafotein emnergencies or during convalescence. Ha threc heat. The cover is eiderdown in a soft peach shade. Wrapped in cellophane anid $39 packed in a good loolcing box a. > 3 5 Bersted ElecriLc Corn Popper pops and buttera the corn at the same tipie. Heat.rèsisting glass top OTHER LOCAL ELECTRICAL DEALERS ARE ALSO DISPLAYING CHRISTMAS GIFTS