Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 44

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ments wzien brought to our office at 1233 O entral -Ave.,-WIlme ttë, or *561 FRSL-ILSWR I~ Licoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 10% discount on al advertisenments run four1 consecutive Issues. eoat, bi.own cloth, big fur collar. About 12-year size, excellent condi-. Classifled advertlsenients will be ac- tion. $7.00.' Wilmette 2608. Deadlin for Inertions-"Cepted up ý to Tuesday .9 P. M. for ____________ WILMETTE LIFE' or ail three papers; Wednes3day .9 P. M. for WINNETIKA TALX ..and -Thuréday .5 P. M.. for GLEXCOE NEWS * IN SOP RTNIE Telophones: Wllmette 4300; Winnetka. 2000 (Winnetka 500 after 6 . M), WANTED - -YOUNGM WOMEN AND Greeneaf '4300 or Sheldrake 5687. boys to. solîcit orders for natural Christmas' wreaths and decorations. _______________________________________________________ Phone Winnetka 714 or apply 546 Elrn St., Winnetka,. 6LT3-Itp a LOST àmND FOUNX) aDRSSMAKENG LOST--SCOTTISH TERRIER, BLACK L~ 5 ON Name Tafmy.. Reward. Phone Wil- COMPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS ANV) Confidential service, legal rates. mette 4882.. 3LTN3O-ltP .winter wardrobe. We ,also do re- ý-ftIr-\l T d nA,& fxCY POUND - KEY ON PIECE 0Fp CORD near th and Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 4300. 3L30-îtp LOST-7 MONTHS OLD CHOW PUP- Mi. Phone Wiinnetka- 115. 3L30-ltp JOHN T. ROSBERG> TAILQRING ANn F UR WORK IN 830 Park Ave. Wilmette 2590 16LTN30-3tp ]BLECTUIO W E L D I N G, BOILER welding, automotive miachine shop and partB jobbers. 'PAVLIK BROS. PHONE IKENILWORTH 280-820 1CLTN25-26tp ELITE WINDOW CLEANERS 1out. t Up. Inuuelng .1ana coats relineci. W in- netka 147. 22LTNSO3-4tp TEL..WI'NNETKA 3201, Coats Relined, $2 and Up1 OTHER SEWING 22L30-1 tp COATS 'ReLINED, PLAIN..SEWTING. or dressmaking at:your homne or minée. Very reasonable. Ph. Winnetka 110. 22L;30ltp 734 A*II PftoDut QUAILTY EGGS DIRECT PROM THE WISCONSIN bennery to Your door.' 38c doz. Win- netka 1687. 24LTN30ltp, -For Thanksgiving-Nice, Large, FARM-GROWN ROASTINO HENS- the real flilvor. $1.10 each. WILMETTE 888-Y-2 34 I.AU ia-v-p. T A TTMT-) 24L3(0-Itl> S WISHES TO aWinnetka 186 Stae Bnk ldg, Eanson.Gre. 8200 65LTN36-tfc LOANS ,We are. in the mnarket for Real, Fgstate mortgage bQans. Proii>pt service.. KNUIDTSON MORTGAGE & LOAN 1167 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette .1167 65L30-lti 68 SITUATION WANTrED-FEMbALE COMPETENT HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service for North Shore homeis. References investigated. WE HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE, Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wilmette Wihxiette 2171 68LTN28-tft EXPERIENcED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE IIwUI IJj zOz. V*ÂLLJ BETTER COUPLES Eýnglish, under 45 yr. Many yrs. exp. Smedish,. under 35 yr., 31/-yr. flrst class Germnan, under 32.yr. 6-yr., local ref. Colored, under 40, yr. - 12-yr., local ref. Above couples are asking $75 to $100 mo . We have what we advertise. PAULINE'Sýý EMP. AOENCY 421 Fourth St. Wihnettýe 2171 70LTN30"ltc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDED No Charge to Employers Lind'gren ,E mp. Aguency Established.25 years 799 El st Winn. 1047 70LTN29-tfe I PLACE 'FIRST CLASS DOMESTIC hielp for first class wages only. Johnson's Empi. Agcncy 1444 Wilmette Ave. Wilnwtte 4144 7OLTN3O-t 71 HELP WANTrED-FýEMALE $15 week, general, girl foyr famiily 0- f 4 adNlts,, unolÀindry. , $15 week, general, farnily of 6. -No care of children. No laundry. $12, girl for general, family of I.lady. $12, general girl, must like children, no laundry, have cleaning womnan. 5 others at $12. 8 at $10. .We have what we advertise. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 421 Fourth St. Wilmette 2171 ENT WHITBI HELP wlth good. refereiices. Appir COMP wa.i lni 38LTN910-1 té 40 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SAI; (lowpit. InTïac 1SLTN27-ý4tc im 4** c sonable Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. . .UEDELHOPEN, ETRIN -42 PAq Ing engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. I1TT 16LTN17teCLIJI DRESSMAKING IDESIGN AND) MAKE DRESSES. Rea". Also remodeling. Lauraà J. Goebren.. Ph. Wilrnette 2158. 22LTNS30ltp ..E-1 MARTIN E-PLAT ALTO tch) saxophone. Rebuilt in June. cond. C ômplete with case. Rea price. Wlnnetklca 01. 40L30-1 tPý coax, rox ti sa. isixe .16 anid1 Greenleaf 6699. girl, experlenced.Cian. drive. car, help with housework. Excellent references. Discusa salary at interview.. Address Bl-109, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 68LTN30-ltp EXPER. GERMAN GIRL, GjOOD plain cook, 8 years' Winnetka ref. at one place, wishes general housework, near Hubbard Woods church. Cali Winnetka 3229. -68L30-ltp REFINED YOUNG.DAN-ISHWCiIuA N _________ -69LTN30. -WÙRN JAP5 ALL ROUND LICENSED CHAI 1also several feUr colored, with the best of rE Reasonbale. Wligt ive on the place. 'ph( 59tTNSO-l.tp Normnal 51.9L0 Pauline's Emp.'P, 421 Fourth St., Wilmette M es. :y NURSE GIRL, FORENOONS ONLY, for 2 è.htldiren. aged 5 and 3. Tele- p)honeé Winnetka 112,_388 Eider Lane,, Winnetka. ., .1.71LTrN3O-1tp 73 HELP WTD.-MALE- ANP FEMALE PAULINE,'S-WILMET'rE For good positions at good wages. Pauline's, Emp. Agency 421 Fourth St,, Wilmette Wilrnette 2171 7.1 L l û-1 t, light housekeeping or sleeping. Near transp. Reasonable. Phone Wil. 4866. 82LTN30-ltp PLESATSUNNY RO()M, REASON- able, east aide, convenient to,,trmnsp., br-eakfai3t opionial. 1009 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette 824-J. 82LTN30-lte j a»- aUSiNESS SERVItCE' 7c ai .Intel George S. Mcln CARPENI'EU Ab alterations eti work Ige. or sn res. 'M. AND] I L

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