, end Brreaved famiie8 find out mortwarw to be indeed a '0second home"-a place wbere their privaçy ta reapected and then' every need anticipatod during a ttying time. Th Odeat Establiahed -netkr on the Immediate North Shiore Superior .Ambulance SeCrvice Licensed Lady Assistant 11.18: GREENLE AF AV. UF~ 554 CENTER ST. WILMETTE 654 WINNETKA 404 fhe Most EconomicalHetI Q-UIET1 In the stili off the night, or when the children are taking their, alternoon nap, thon is wheni you appreciate the silence of cool heat, There is no shutting on and off-no hum or rour. Besides, cool heat is the sale heat, the heat that you con depend upon the coldest days. And it costs less, much less, than-the-hatfrom substitutes. It con be pelf-regulated if you wish- you eau-have case of firing without the cost of expensive fuels. For full weight and honestlv graded eoa 1 or coke see the merc1iant ini your neighborhood who lu naniemb~er of the Chicago I.' is COAL HEAT- S TILL COSTS LESS! WincteCoul & Materiael Yard 1301 LAKIE AVENUE PHONE WTLMETTE 4200 ___________________________~ 4ô .A%, MUB~I&~PD \i~OO15B 19-