Under the leadership of Mrs. J. V. Smith,. 1437 Wilimette avenue, general chairman for 1933, the an- nual sale of Christmas seals will start today (Thanksgiving), and continue utitl Christmnas. The funds derived fromn the camnpaign are to S be used by Minmette. Health, Center, whi'ch is affiliàted with th*e_ Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, in, its un'- ceasing efforts to check -the in- creasing ravages of tuberculosis, in this community. As has been the custom in.former years,. Christmas seals will be sold by: pupils. of the various schools, in- cluding .New Trier High. school. While other means %vilI be used, it is stated, it is considered highly im- portant that the co-operation of students be again enlisted, as it af- fords a splendid training for theý children -in service to humanity and develops their.interest in and desire to help the sick and ýneedy. M Se. Fine Response This year a large number of tickets will be sent, by-tmail to a se- lected list of charitable and phil- anthropic citizens who have shown 'a kéen interest in the intelligent and scientific work ôf,,,Wilrnette Health Centerai-d, it is asserted, a gen- erous res ponse is anticipated. > The seals wvilI also be placed in various stores where they niay be easily obtained, it 'is said. Definite in- format ion as to locationI will be given later. "The need for funds cannot be too strongly urged," said. Mrs. Smith, "for the mioney available is entirely inadequate to cope with the serious- ness of the situation. *Malnutrition and undernourishment are doing a deadly work aniong adolescents, as well as,- ounger children and aduits, --nrd the facilities ýof the Mirnette c'inic are taxéd. to the utmost, as are a11 the clinics affiliated with the iChicago, Tuberculosis Institute. And the shocking thing'about it is that, the victims are now being'recruited from* families which had fornerly been in comfortable financial cir- cunistances, iný neighborhoods where one would flot suspect the iinsidi- ous disease to bé present. It may surprise you to know that there are now registered at the Wilmette provided. 1. "The situation is appalling. The need is urgent. 1 arn sure that the people of Wilmette will not fail ini this outstanding duty to the sick and afflicted, of pur village. "A Christmas seal added to each letter rnailed) 'to each package sent, velous woric to stamp out a diîs that dlaims many thousands of tims annually, and as your badge of participation in that deavor. "Buy Christmùas. Seals,!" vic- own en- J'unior Luýther Leatgue Presents .Play Delc. 5 "T .he L ost Elevat,1or" is the title. of a one-act comedy tô be givenby the Junior Luther league of- the Wilmette English Lutheran. church, Seventh street at Greeneaf avenuie, on, Tues- day evening, December 5. However, the real treat of the. eveining it is explained, is the dinncr toû vhich they are inviting, ail the meib ers and friends of -the con- g 1regation. Dinner will be served at 6 :30 o'clock and reservations'may be mnade by phoninig Wilmnette 4279. The Junior Luther league is the high school age group. Amies and Austin Smithers of /"I1 Lake avenue returned Wednesday from the University of Illinois to spend Thnaksgiving and the week- end with their parents. D,_ PAGLIABULO Jeweler Expert Repairing Watcheu, edocks, jewelry, ilver- ware, optical, beads restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE 1 1WILMETTE 10611 stable fees, hé explains. In rder to avoid litigation it is advised that thsee who have received notices caîl at thel residence of Justice Sinshimer, 935 Spruce street, before December 4. He mnay be found there fromi 7 to, 9 o'clock, evenings, and from 9 ýoclock a.m. to 4 .o'clock p.m., Saturday. Selimn Tideman of 1025 Linden avenue, who attends the 'University of Illinoisý, will spend, Thanksgiving and the' we .ek,-end at home. ____ Firs t Churcli of. ChOrist, Sciei& Tenth Street and Ceintral Avenute Wilmel SUNDAY SERVICES-Il A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING,-S P. IV SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES9.45 .M DEFCEMBEiR 3, 1933' Subject: "GOD THE ONLY CAUS * AND CREATOR" READING ROOM-1148 Central Avenue ()pen Daily (excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M. t. 6 P. M. Wednemday 9 A. M. t. 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to9, P. M. ' The Bible and Works'of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other nul iChristian Science Literature masy be rend, borrowed or purd Ithe Reading Rooni. j 1THO PUBELIC 19 CORDIALLY INVITE> TO ATTEND TH1E CHtJEGI<SERVICES AN4D-VL9ET 11W READING EROM atoizIIIguIgdlIhm thorizet -b - -- -- -- -- -- --t - 1 I ~iI CEATi1-NOG Love llness for, You Thiis staff of expert' beauticians is a Lovelineaa Made Lot>elier