Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1933, p. 7

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"611 Greenleaf Ave., "VWiIrnette, 111. 'Dear Niece: "This here letter is te waril you that the hil kit and cabeeie of us are a-comii' upto see yeou Friday, Decemn- ber' 8, anidwe* ant yeu te be onl the lkotfer us. Drivin' p in the hig wagon, too, sos there'11 be reom fer everbody and" the fiddles and banjos a n d guitars and horns -and ~4% things, includ- ini' that there, 1)Ush-in . c o n- tral)tion they cali a cordion. 11P à t is comin' aleng, and se is Art. AI and Fritz, wviI1 be there, to.Jest got John Burdette word f r o m Mu abie that hell 1) e on deck-no ",mavbè ' about it. 'Larry Wellington is here now, eatin* off mie tili the tinie cornes to start. The Masses' bunch will:be settin' on thec front. seat with rne-"Dot," Alan and L.ouise are al- ways ready for a. lark. Sornewhere on the w.ay wve'l pick up that colored sing- er, John Burdette, 'jest fer good nieas- ure even if he ain't no relative. 'Some more of the cro\\dare comin', tee, but. 1 hain't got ail the names yet. Will let ye.u knew later. -This is a vacation,' and 1 tell you right now we're comin' for a rip- bustir' goed time and durn the ex- pense. Gemn' to lock up the .drug store' unless 1 kmn git that lazy, goed-fer- nothin' Hi Jackson to keep it open fer mie. And J'il close down. the radio s'tatien, tee, by gum., 'fore 'l'Il stay to hum. 66By crackey, Dorothy, th'ere's a corkin' good i-dee. You'reý head . boss. of the Eastern Star1 in, Wilmette, hain't you? Then I tell youywhat you do. You git the girls -together and en- gage the 1iggest hall there-that's the Masenic temple auditorium, hain't it ?- and me and the' rest of the bunch will put on the rip-roarin'est, bang-upest The above le tter ex plains why Wil- ,nette Chapter No. 153, Qrder of the Eastern Star, is giving the "Relief Radio ýShov" in Masonic temple audi2 tôrium Friday eveningi Decemnber 8. Tickets nay i)e obtained from any -of the mfembers, it is said, anid> the pro- ceeds WiIl be'used te, helpths in need. Northwvest Men's, Club The' regular monithly m'ieetiug of the Northwvest Nieiis (lui)- will' be held at' the home of J.. li. Kinniear. 2241 Chestnut. street, Tuesdav, even- îng, December, 5. Members. are 'ad- vised te take niote of the change ef date. Men-bers are asked te niake- their reservatiens for the big dinner-dance te be held Saturday evening, Dé- ceniber 2, ini the joseph Urban rooni of the Congress hQtel. The club wants every mexnber and his. wife te participate in the party. Reservations are te be made with Wiliam' Edmonds, Wilmette 1797 net later than Friday. joyin 1g increasing pepularity. Ai new class in tap and acrebatie dancing was started on Nevernber 28 and one in balîrooni dancing will begin on Deceni- ber 8, it is announced. Parents wish- mig, te register their children ini one of thesé classes have been advised te caîl Mrs. Benjamin. J acebsen, Wilmette 4239. M rs. John Q'CgonnQr of 149 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, enter-* OnIy a' short fime bef ore Christmas . . . 1 hink of il e'* eIess thon 4 weeks awaYl We are ready.to serve you, with a comploe e.-... SILK UNDERWEAR SILK HOSIERY GIFT NOVELTIES,. BLANKETS - COMFORTERS BOOKS - AMES WORTHEN'S Dept. Store-Il 146-48 Wilinette Ave.-Phone Wilmette 588-589 Mon$ Store-First National Bank Blg.-Phon. WiIm.$te 2655> At Our TWO DEPENDABLIE DRUG STORIES Prompt Pleasant Personal Service More thon 28 years of satisfactorv service fo the. residents of is Bra nches WILMETTE CAPE, 1181 WILMETTE AV. Opsite Village Hall Be euty MRS CI.O B ^R 1137 CENTRALAVE RIdgeI kToi.

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