Cleaners, was elected presideti UI the * Wilmette Chamber of Commerce at the regular monthly meeting of that * .organization Monday noon at Weeks' dining room. Mr. Keeler succeeds A. S. Van Deusen, Jr. The entire siate, of candidates pr e- sented by- the, nominating.,committe e. of: which, E. G. Petry 'was chairman. 'vas elected unanimously by the Chamber. A. C. Pearson, jr., was* named vice-president to succeed. Mr. *Keeler, and W. B. Robinson, Jr., wili serve another year. as treasurer. Five New Directors The five new directors, all elected for two year terms, are, A. S. Van Deusen, Jr..,: the. retiring president, Mrs. Esther. Stone, Philip. Hoffmann. Jr., E. C. Cazel and joseph Kutten. Holdover directors are T. A.. Cizek, J. E. Worthen, Gerald Swinev, Rich- ard B3urns and Leo Mickel. .Installation of-.the new. offi cers. an d directors will take place at the Janu- ary meeting of. the Chamber. The speaker at this month's mieet- ing was Ira Rosenberg, a resident of Wilmette who is considered one of the outstanding nierchandise ien of the Chicago district. Mr. Rosenberg., conditions in general, ga ve1 suggestions as to what might be done to increase business in Wilmette. Must Analyze Busipesa Development of real personal con- tact between the business or profes-- ,sional man-and hiscustomers is one Save Money thia Week-Er, SHOP AND SAVE, atA &P' Fine QualityMeats A &.P markets off or some . utstadig vale*s lu quality ntst this woek. flcse ame just a few of tii. maRmy values. I STEAK SALE< ROUND -STEAK.............. lb. 19C SIRLOIN STEAK ..............2 CLUB OR PORTERHOUSE ', 5c LEG of LAMB.........b. ý18c LOIN LAMBCHîOPS......b. 27c' CALIFORNIA-SLICED'OR HALVED Lakeside Diced Carrots 3 No. 2 cans 23e possibilities 'for new, trade are -and then taking step s to make potential customers real customers. In discussing business conditions in general Mr. Rosenberg was conserva- tively optimistic. Three years ago Mr, Rosenberg. predicted that thé depres- sion, which was then in its earlier stages, would last thre'e years or more. This prediction has become a reality. Now, in Mr. Rosenberg's opinion, conditions ini country c Cons. Grandmother's Cinna mon Bread 16-oz. loaf 17e MaIr Orange Pekoe Black Tea ¼-l1b. tin »c Mayfair Basket Fired Japan Tea !/4b. tin 16e Ohio, with j canne .vWnitmei, wno ai tends. Northwesterfl university. Miss Neil Fier,- 519 Warwic road, Kenilworth, spent Thanksgivinr visiting friends in Elgrn. il ffýl 1