IEdtor, WILMEm ELxIK: adminiistration. th o M w p e *I read with a great deal of interest a - the leadinig editorial ini the last issue Also, 1 do want to object to the terrn of \ViLMETIELiipE and it seemed to me "tax eaters" in reference to our tax that the implications in the editorial spending bodies. Iloi't believe we are for any meiuber in the family were so untrué to the facts and the going to think througli our difficuit U b Y PW U eE Rgeneral attitude of your paper towards wîsh We could avoid that terni as ap- G iVe l -Y.W R T R . public- aff'airs that there, should be some piied 'to alf, governmental bpdies, and b . mYsort of a protest. the, term,*racketeer", as applied to ail Forexapl, i th scon paa-business institutions. Living on the R M N T Ngraph you imply that the owner of. a ýnorth -shore as 1I do. 1 have stili faith ormodest' home pays bis taxes without enough 'lu mankindl to believe that some ln ope of receivingan beniefit f roui tax spending hbodies are civic-minided j UN -DERWOOD thé greater portion, of. the amnount of and that. some business institutions. stili. UN E W Ohis tax bill. The natural inference is have ideals of service ini their attitude PO TA LEthat over haîf of thé taxes paid by toward the public. Who are the tax- Wilmnette citizens.are wasted through èaters.,aniywav?- Are they the boards extravagance and graft. In the dis- that aririnister the. funds. or are they $5 . 0tribution of the taxes amonig te ia the' policemen., firernen, teachers,, and ous taxing bodies, seventy per cent goes other Public employees, or are te to Our loa ntttions and is spent the business houses that fûrnish sup- (R ua 6)either iii Wilmette or iii New T-rier l'lies to thÉe taxing bodies, or are they ($5 pe , Moi)township. The members of the boards the 24400 school children who receive ($ P rMo)adrinistering these taxes are lust about instruction in Our local sclools, and Did you know that the Co.op has'a large and comple the best type of citizens that can, be> high. school, or arc they: the citizeils Une «)f-gotten into public affairs ind whiie it wbose chljdren. are educated and who Is Inîplied ini the editorial, 1 doii't be- receive many other benefits f romn the Xmas Çards-Stationery that there bas been any crookedness in Now, 1 amrn ot unimindful of the f act D ~ ~ J athe administration of our local affairs. that we have many problems in con- * Fountain P n - o k Thirty per cent of the taxes paid b% nection with taxation and the cost. of 0- -fficeandA Q4mhn l Supplies Wihxnette citizens goes to taxing bodies govermneit. In the first place we have ~AA W .Af~AhJAA'F'FKoutside our own.conimunity. They are, the problem ôof electing the proper type Bibles, $1.88-Leather Note Books the State, County, Forest Preserve, and of officiais. That . is flot such a prob- Sanitary district. Perhaps somt of this lem locally, but becomes more difficuit amounit is spent ini corruption. and as the area of administration becomes. T.vpewriters ReIaired, Called For and Delivered graft ; but, ini the straighitened circuni- langer. In the second place, we ha ve WQr Gurateu-G LL RE 260 stances of these goverrnmental bodies the pnoblem of a propen system of WorkGuaanted-C LL RE.26Mcertainly niuch less is going that way taxation. There is no question but NORTH WESTERN tban in former times. The point 1 what our systein is archaic and by f ar want to make is that. a very bigh per too great a burden imposed on real cent of the money jaid by Wilmette estate. The main proposais for~ reform C o -O p taxpayers is spent lpegitimately. We in tax matters take the forn of col- OrrigtonHote BId., vanson G E. 6M ay bave been more extravagant in lections by the state, through an in- Orrigto Hool ldg, Evnstn G E. 600 developing our local institutions than corne tax, sales tax, etc., and theit the we sbould have been, but that develop- allocation of sums to local institutions. While a systeni of this kind may be ~more Just, we w111 have less say local-r UUIUl about go eneial affains than we Oahave noôv. Sincesum wilbeaoct othba sso populatio and sitice ~w rang~u edagethersni neril communities with a greaten Incomne and Q u al more, as they sboulcl, toward the cost è1^b^ Uc wof governnient, the chances are that 0 MWthe cost of government will be i- creased rather than decneased to otir uu uu~ W D TiI~ citizens, through a change in method in collecting public funds. 1 Dluwrilff TUS 1»TOULight Match, to Peek LO CA I* at "Gas"; CarBun Three Winnetka youths narrowly M V escaped lnjury when the niodIel"T" M Of jiust East «f Ford they wre driving caught fire Mai st at Chestnut àvenik ,an4 Tenth street,, BUY AT Wilmette, last Stuwday evening about outofî-t ge tW C M $ ssTrakfi 7:. ire Chief Walter Zlbble re J- tsLke$ .e orts thatthe bo ~ys made the mistake Wil ete f ightiv&g a ath o e whether, -' '~ 'the gasolinie supply vvas- nning 1ow. Theca ws esroed Oe otier -W M ta o'a ou 8 1-5 dg Ve. o k 'i W TG t - leaf avenue, where assistance 'was Revdar 25c per Doz. given to, a person accidentally locked > c o c Or nSizq-Qulity-6 D<z. out of ber home. -~~u ja U U 4 Regular 4 for 2S ie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 L s . Ju@ y W88!p8WS8W per doze ............. .... Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, enter- tained, their niece and nephew, Mr., TA N D R I ESReular 19e per doen aim, j j and Mrs. Harry Freeman, and théir 5 dom .~..... .... ....... 7dl three sons, of Hinsdale, at Tbanks-ý givîng dinner.