Howard SQhool Tells A bout Family Having Several 1 That A te.Too Soon BgCommotions In Miss Perring's room we wrote igThanksgiving themies. Somne people At the Howard scbool we have, wrote.on the lifé of a cranberry. 1. been in quite a.great commotion over wrote a 'story eof George Wasbing- a few things such as tryin'gta keep ton's -Tbanksgiviflg. lis real name, the halls quiet and dlean. Weý have was George Washington Brown'. donie a great deal toward this. There were many more than that. Wehave tried ta give every, persan One. boy wrate about a family that who staysfor lunch, a, place ta go0 waited for. some company on Thanks-. after he is finished. Included, amonig giving. They, waited tilI 5.o'clocký these places are gym,. outdoors, and and- th e campany: wasn't: there, .sa home rôoms. they ate and then in, came the com- SOur greatest commotion-recentiy pany. 0f course by that time there was, about report cards. was nothing to eat. We ýail thought Then came the voting for president, tbat that was 'a. good joke.-Frances vice-president and treasurer. of the Walliser, Stolp 2A. assembly club. The, resuits are as__________ follows: president, Bert Simons;,. vice-presidenit, Do nald H'tchinis; Manual Training Class secretary, Doris Paterson; treasurer, Prevents..Blue Mondays Bob DeVinny. Monday. we get ta go ta manual We are very prouçi ofthese people training çlass. We make tbings for and are very sure they wiIll makce b 9 n~ar ik ag amna good.-Adeiaide Koenen,_Howar4~ dô~dIlk r alvr mut W a make Kayo, Oscar Lack of Articles Delays and other things. AIl the boys have lst Issue of Newspaper sh.p. Warren Palmer is in aur room, Stolp is making very slow progress and bis father bas a shop. Warren in trying ta put ou t the first issue of and 1 sometimes go over ta bis bouse its newspaper. Not enoughi articles after school and weave chairs for bis are handed in,' it seemns. The editors father.-Dick Cochran, Howard 6C. of the paper are Ray Haiiett and _________ David Geppert, and the printers are Boys atHowad Bgi Verda Jones, Jack Potter and Vir-ow r .» n ginia Sommers. We hope ta niake Season of Volley Bal rapid progress after more articles are Howard 513-1 and 513-2 had their handed in.-Clifford Goodman, Stolp first volley ball ganie Friday. They XC. plaved each other. It looks as if 5B Pupils in Spelling Room Write Stories for Paper In aur spelling room, Mrs. Gibsonl said she would let us write JUNxioR LuPe articles. We all like ta ýdo that. One persa'n w rote about a play that 8A 'and 8B gave for.bokl week. We aIl liked the play. I wrote, about al boy wbo was ashamed of himnseif be.. cause he was humming in class instead of working.-Jean Lindstromi, How- ard ,5B. will like volley 'bail as Well as foot- bail. Charles Cloud is the capfain of 5B-2, and Bob) Dodds is the captain o;f 5B-1. The first game was won by 5B-2 at a score of 26 ta 25.-Dick Kahin, Howard 5B. MCCANDLISH WINS Howard 8 haasping contest recently. .Our teacher, Mrs. Jones, read off twen 1ty sentences.1 We wYrote and tried ta speli them right Randaiph McCandlish got the high- est score.-Marshall Reagen, How- ard RAý -,,1 '% Volley Bail Players flo'vuer D-1 in Two Tilts D-4 beat D recentiy. It a lucky far D-4 because we had thre players in the first game, Tam Huck, Lee Freundlich, and myself. We piled up a 14 ta '0 score before, D-1 knew what was. happening;_ then after volleying a while, we got the fifteenth needéd point. The second game, Bob. Spiegelhauer, aur captaini. arrived and again we triumùphed-,but this time not by%.sucb a big margin, as D-1 put up a *.reai fight. The s cores were: first game: D-4, 15;i D4, 4; and second gameé: D-4, 15; D-1, 8.-J ohn Hale, Howard . 7B. Students Se'Pictwles .of Sir Galahad Story Every Thursday afternoon we have, literature in Miss Chase's room. Re- cently We had what .. 1thought the mast interesting 'class of the year. Miss Chase told us the story of Suir Gâaahad and the Hôly Grail.* She chose that subject because We have the set of fifteen pictures Abbey bas drawn of this story. I the last 6if- teen minutes of class we went out into the hall, and Miss 'Chase ex- plained tbe pictures ta .us .-Marie Hardin, Stolp 1C. CIub's rrogram TPhe Stoip Assenibly club offered a very interestilig. progra.m Novemiber 28. :The numbers were given so Weil that -we are sure. everyone enjoyed the entire entertainment. This pro- gram was as foliows: First -we marched in, and 'sang "Caine, Ye, Thankful People, Côme." Then. Jacqueline Baihatchet gave a piano, solo.: A.stary was read by Da- vid .Geppert, preceding a dance num- ber by Patty Laui Erpfield and Vir- ginia Schakel. The audience ýenjoyed aý recitation by jean Everson and -applauded a dance given by Betty Ann Brenner and Jean Frances Miller. Madeleine Clark, read- an interesting sor on Thanksgiving, Bill Fletcher- recited a poern, and Yvonne Warner g ave a pi-, ano solo. We closed the pragramn by singing "NAmer.ica, the Beautiful," and mnarch- ing out of the assembiy roomn.-Ruth Scheibel, Stolp 2A. Howard AB-1 an d. A -4: Stage Volley Bail1 Game, Howard AB-l play ed AB-4 in vol-' 1 1ev bail recently. AB-4. won t he first BroherIs Given Party gaie, 5 ta 8. The players on AB-1 Brother Bob Fuessle, captain, Ed Ben- on Return Prom Hospital son, Freeland Stecker, Bob DeVinny, My brother recently came home Walter McKibb)on and Bob Coch- îrom the hospital where he ha&. rane. The players on AB-4 were stayed five months, recovering from Bernard Regaii, Dudley Yeoman, burps, My aunt and uncle wanted to captain, Tom, Carney, Ed Johnston have a big party for him., sa they did. and James- McIlraith.- Walter They brought my brother and me a M1cKibbon, Howard 8B. table tennis set. We liked it so much that we got up at 6 o'clock ta ply John Negleets to Say with it.-John Bottomey,,, Howard 5B. If They Shot the Pies HERE'S "'PEP TALK" We gave a play Saturday nîorning How about writing somfe more from ý9 ta 10 o'clock.* It was one ce nt JUNioR LiFr, articles, 8B? Let's-,see, if pet persan. We hdfif ty people. at we cani have 50 percent of the articles,. the Play.* The name of the play, was, on the page, f rom aur rooru. There 1 -The Three Little Pigs." After that. is lots of school news ta write about, we had target practice. We had a lot and the Wilrnette Recreation board of fun.-John McConnohie, Howard and Wilmette theater will give you ia'6A. of steamboats; same airpianes ; others, it a reai j nanksgiving iur mita ii:y. up.ij. am . uiié;x tK bii w , pictureg of a pen.-Bobby Brady, -Pat Fisher, Howard 8A. oid toys ta them.-Teddy Monahan, muan, Howard '7B. * Hawad 5B.BOOKLETS FOR SPELLING B JUST THE OTHER DAY A]3- WINS FIRST CAME In Mrs. Gibson's room we made, GIRL DQES IT AGAIN 1 .was playing soccer at school the Stolp AB- 2 played its first volley hookiets ta keep aur Friday spelling Speaking about report 'carçis and other day. The other team won the. bail gaine November 28. It was play- papers in. Everybody bas a different pluses. A giri-it would have to game. The next time we played ed against AB-1. AB-2,woan, 16 to 6. cover on bis., They are very inter- f be a girl-bas twenty-sixpluses andtew wntegm.-L1awrence -Waitcr,,HiIdehbranid, Stolp 2B. eÇsting..-E.velyn Jacobsen, Howard SB. no minuses.-Ray Sniall, Howard 8A. Centifanito, Howard 5B.