Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 18

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Organ numberg bY Miss Lydta KO/ai ln- clude "!Pastorl,-- ,from the Manger .Thirone" by MannOy, "Jesus Bambino"l be. Pietro' Yon. aùd Lemmens' Cir of the .Shepherds. Thé .-Ch oruiis'choir under the directiOn of Mme. Glideroy Soott viii slng the anthem. Tonight, Thursday, Is reheargal nlght for both senior and junior choirs. Plans for the Christmas iseason are already w'e» là band.; lw addition to the specil mugie and decorations, there wIll be tvo one act Christmas piaysoiS - day eveningr, December,24. .,The Juniors and Intermiediates will givýe "The Per- fect Ring", and the Young -Peopte' so5- cietY '"The Christmas $tory." Tomorroim, Friday, la the Christmas meeting of theWoman'asàsdety. There viii bes a luncheon at 12:30. The theme *'dventuring at Yletlde" viii be ln cha rge of Miss Laura Coupiand. The Young People's society mece at 6 o'clock Sunday ln the Guild room and the <elbwahIp comamission, Eleanor Williams, chairman, wiil lead. Young people of high achool age are especlaliy Invlted to. these interestlng dlscussiofl meetings. A new. group of olderyoung people vas enthusiastically launched last Sun- day evenlng. The second meeting viii b. held Sunday from 6 to 7:30 at the parsonage. It le hoPed to have B. W.. Shearer of the New Trier facuItY iead the discussion. Refreshmnfts iii be se vedbyMis BetyClakMusJean Brashears and Mrs. Allison. Miss Jean t Camipbell and- Sidney Piller were ap- pointed to sécure the attendance of e ther. You~ng people above the high f chool age who are interested are most velconle.- Ï:fOn Tuesday,, December 12, the board oftrustees meet to transact the church's business. Charles V. Clark is chairinan and R. J. Lascellesý treasurer. .Mrs. W. D. Mllard 15 benevoleiice treasurer and R. E. Dàlstrom and Mrs. George G. Green, financiai secretaries. The fine workof these offilcers and ail the board mù'elmbers ls reflected in the improved finances o! the. church.- However they give the, honor to 'the falthful glvinýg of the congregtion. The Adut Bible class inivites thOse1 wJio enJoy Bible study to Join tliem ati 91'45 o'clook. We' are studying 'IGreat1 .3 ý;age J'rom the Prophets,"' léd by1 the pasteu'. The Christian Endeavor society viii imet at 5:30 o'clocIi lu the ehapel,1 *Boy Scout Troop No. 5 will méet at the church Mondlay at 7:30. The lVoman's society wIll ..hold Its meeting at theý church Tuesday. Mrs. Venekiafeir w111 iead the deotionai. F Mrs. Ilarrýy, pine viiibring a .message on l'Christmas ln Other LAnds.*', Mrs. Heçtor Dodds will give a Chrlstmias readlng. Mrs. Harold McCormick wili sing. Ail the vomnen are lnvited-to at- tend. Spoke No. 8 viii hold a Christmas party, Wednesday at 1 o'ciock at the home of AMrs. B. V.: Youngberg, 419 Washigtonavenue. Mrs. J. Wilkin yl be co-hostess. At thé midveek -service WedriesdaY evening. at È o'clock we will study the theme, ý"The Inspirationi of the Bible." We Invite you to , share this hour of. dévotion and study wlth us. The choir viii irehearse Friday eve- nlng at 7 o'clock. Christmas plans Include a play by the Young people. A Watchnlght service is pianned for Sunday evening, December 31, beginning with a tea at 10 o'clock and ciosing wlth a consecration service at midnight, You are Invlted to Juin us. Food and cio .thlng, for the People at three of our neighborhood houses may be, brought to the church Sunday, De- cember 17. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf, Wilinette "A Ilouse. of Worship" the Rev.. David R. Kabele, pastor Suu4ay Services Sunday sehool.............. 0 :45 a. ni. Mornlng worship ........ .. .... Il a. nm. The Woman's s.ocity wiii ineet this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Nordberg wil present the topic, "The Simple Life." A speciai Christmias pro- grain bas been arranged and a Christ - mas Box viii be packed for the Chli- dren's Receiving Home at Maywood, 1,11. The Senior Luther league wiii meet this evening at 8 o'ciock. John Ekern viii speak on Leadership."1 We invite ail the Young people to meet with us. Choir rehea.rsal Friday evening a l aan ou "Sprtual Vertèbrates" wiii be the subject of Mr. Hindley's sermon at the Il o'cioek service Sunday mornlng. The musical prograrn for the Sunday --nrn1ng service vili be: . Preude: "'Carois of Normandy" Gaul, Anùtheni: «"Eastwatrd IEdeni".Cadmanl Offrtory,: ,"Noel"........... Dubois Quartet: "The Virgin and Chilci" .....utcher Pol.tlude. "Christmras ]Rhapsody". ............Cigout Trhe ýChurch school vill meet at 9 :30 a. mi.,In'.four depafin'tments: Pi imetrv.> Junior. Tntermedlate and Hlgh school. The Beginners departmnenti which meets at 10:45, cares for yrounger chlldren, during the adult vorship. service.. ]Richard_ Finnie, :recently,.returned fromi an expedition to the North Mag- netlc pole for the Canadian governiment. 1 will qpeak on "Amgnt the Igloo flwell- ors" aRt the Sunday Evening club whicl mneets ln this church at 7:30. His Iecturc, wili bie llustrated wlth motion, pctures. The regular week-day activities are Scheduled as fioa Sunday, 3:8e p. m. - Oullmette Camp Tuesday-3 :30 p. m.-Brownies. 7:30 p. m.-Troop No. 2, R3y Scouts. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts. Thursday, 8:30 p. m. Çrs hoir re- hearsal. 4 p. m.-Boys' Chôir reheai-rm.al. 7:15 p. m.-Senior Choir rehears«L. FridaY, 3:45 p. m.-Girl Scouts. 7:30 p. mi.-Wekeacafiia Campl Fire Girls. Saturdty, 9:30 a. m.-Cub Pack No. 63. 10:30 a. m-Grs Choir rehearsal. 1l a. m.-Boys' Choir rehearsal. St~. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wllmette Church telephone Wii. 5379 * SERVICES 9 :15 a. m.-First service and sermon. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m.-Second service and sermon. 7:45.p. n.-Sacred concert. MEETINGS Monday,, 7:45 -p. m.-ýCholr rehearsal. 'Tuesday, 8 ýp.:m.-Monthly meeting of thie vojtlng members. Classes for eilidren every Tuesday at4 4 o'clock and Saturday at 9:30 a. m.J Friday, December 15,, at 8 p. m, Junior Walther league. John's L.uLferafl vnurcn of tnis season of advent and enjoy theýse services.- On Sunday evenlng at '7:45 o'clock there will be a sacred concert to which we invite you and your friends. The sa- cred cantata, «"MNirlamn," will be given, _as well as other sacred music, vocal and instrumental. Our church bids eVcryo a very cordial welcomne. On Thursday, December 14, the Laýt dies' Aid and Missionary societ ,y wil have its Christmas sale and supper. Thé sale wjll start at 2 p. rd. and- the supper %ViII be served at 6, o'clock.. Kenilworth Unlion Kenîlworth'avenue andWarwick road Dbr. Herbert L. Wiliett, infister Sunday, December. 10, Dr: WVllett's subject wilI be "John .and Universal Christianity,"' the fifth in a serleson "The Beginnings o f Christlanity."1 The Wedniesday evehing meeting for Bible study and conference wiii be'held Wednesday evenîng, December 13,. at 8 ocelockat Dr. Williett's residence. AUl are invlted. The subjeet wlli be: "Paul in Rome." The Wornen's gulld wilI meet Mý1-n<ay mornlng, December 11. The hours of rmeeting are from 10 to 4 o'clock. 'The mnembers are asked to corne in for as much Urne as they arc able to, devote to this good work., The'Sunday school viii meet as usual at 9 :45 o'clock. Ail children betweeni the ages of 3 and the high -schooi are cordially invited. The Kenllworth Young Peopie's Sun- day Evening club, wiii mieet in the guiid rooni at 6 p. mn. Ail students of hlgh school age are invited. A supper ,wiii be served and after supper there wiIi be a program of interest to younn people, St. A ugustine's Next Sunday, December 10, will be the second Sunday in -Advent. zThere wiii be Hoiy Communion at 8.a. in., church schéoos and Bible classes' at 9:46,ý and m oring pr-ayer with se rmoni at il1 The sermon next, Sunday morning at Il o'ýclock wyul be on "The, Epascopal Church" and viii be one o! the seriés of taiks on "Membership ln the' Churchi," bei.ng given in preparatiop fdr confirma- tion th the confimnation classes. Ail ln- tendlng to be confirmed or vishlng to learu more about Confirmation should -- --j- - iNutter~, iaV4RofI Na5flotafl sI1- ist. Let theni catch visions Inary, as preacher~. Reservations for- id shepherds and waik vith dinner should be made vlth Royal D. temple where he taught and Smith, telePhone Wljmette 1466. nt lu, the presence of the des vhere lie deivered, his The Parish cauvasse began 1lat Sunday liag. neyer been approache4 (Continues on Fuqge 43) uetlVA.jvast mu ding sermnon

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