able irom time to time unusual values which its publishers were able to pass on to the readers. Aniong these offers, rez-ders will recail, were A Century of Progress spctons, spe- c i a 1 ticket books to the Vprld's Fair andl an uni- usual value i a iie w Pictoav Now gn it is the - privilege of' WI.M~TELiFE to make a, special Christmîas offer to its. friends ini a new' and comiplete \Voman's World Cook Book. The regular retail price for this exceptional book is !$?.50, but ihis special Christmas offer places it with- ni the reach of êveryone for onlv $1.45. l'le \Womans World Cook Book is the work of Lily Haxworth Wallace, ;Who-has nîo superior as a practical die- titian anddomestic scientist. Mrs. WVal- lace, through thiirty years' experience ini th*s field, both in Europe and Amer- ica, enjoys the finest standing in the National Home Economnics Association of America. Her views and ability are respected by ail of her associates. Slie lias been actie for yiears as a lecturer, w,,riter, author and editor of cook books, and today holtis the responsible position of food editoi' of the W\omani's WVorld magazine. Mrs. WValiace spent rnany mbonths ini collecting, testilg. and compiling the material included ini the 468 pages oft this fine, book. 1,250 Tested Recipes Included in this niaterial, arc 1,250, tested recipes. and 325 complete menus. There are 30 pages of scientific, proved *diets for old and *young, stout.and thin. Also willbe found complete, tables of * food values, refrigerator. menus, tine and temperature charts, 'menus for re- ducing and for increasing weighit, diets for ill and convalescent and the feeding ing price, will make a Christmas present par-excellent.,:It is also suggested as a novel bridge prize. You'may scure the Woan's World regualarly retailing for $2.50. Congregation Groups to Sponsor,' WinterFrole" The Sisterlhood and the Men's clubWIlWU of the North Shore; Congregation Israel are sponsoring a "Winter Frolic and -Chanukah Party" for -the beniefit ofý the B'nai B'rith Hillel, founidation of, Northwesterni univer- sity to be held at the Orrington hôtel Roof Garden, Evanston, Saturday evening, I)ecember 9. There Wil he dancing, cards and refreshments. Tickets miay be purchased at the tem- pIc office,.,'the B1'nai B'rith. Hillell Fouindation office, ý615 Dàvis- street, Evaiistol,- or from Mrs. Franklin E. C'olin, 975 Oak street, Winnetka. SWING- Thloldng people value their eys. That's why our patrons are clriwn froan evey motion in lif e. ýThey realime that only spectacles whicb arte ccurately made end oeref4lly fitted improve vision. They Imow tWist AMner Coe spectades are that kind md furthermnore that they ame firly prioe INTO STfEP WITH 1THE -PARADE! Miracleaned clothes put you out in front. This new process dresses ,up your old things until they do you credit again. There's a brightness, a freshness that Miraclean gives. Iast year' w-ill surprise you and give you. months of wea r. Handsome does as you know, as well asi 'round.* many 1more bandsome is, the other way 1215 Washington Avenue Wilmette