States. During this week every family in the nation is being urged to increase its cheese consumption at least one pound.ý The purpose of the Cheese week campaign. is to move into immédiate consumfption the- thirty million pound surplus of cheese which exists today in' the United States. Originated* as a practical means of helping the dairy farmer, Cheese week bas. as. its goal the elim- ination of the entire national surplus. of cheese in a single, concentrated campaign. The'successful conclusion of the campaign, dairy leaders be- lieve, wilI lead the way to increased prictes to the 'fariner for al bis dairy products. Cheiese week will be launiched in an avalanche of national education regardinig cheese and its. uses. State agricultural departments,. colleges,. clubs and civic groups ail over the country are cooperating in the move- ment. It is also expected that the Çheese ,week programn will permanéntly in- crease the national cheese consunip- tion from 10 percent to 50 percent, thus materially strengthening the economic position of the dairy fariner and bringing Amierica's cheese con- sumption up to that of other nations.. Althougb America produces more cheese than any other nation in the »*orld, it is at the present tirne tenth in per capita cheese consuimption. ' National per-capita consumption.bas been increasinz' stpecilv for the ûrast 1 ecies andi iasnîons oft tncught dom- inant not only in our age but in the yesterdays of human history. Twelve years ago he léft the Uni- tarian ministry, revolutionized bis churcli by changinits name fromn the- C hurch of 'the Mlessiah to tbe, Community church, removed ail Unitarjan and Christian implications f rom its covenant, and thus made it independent of, loyalty to any reli- gious denomhination. WinnetkasStationers,' to, Open Store De. 12 The latest addition to Winnetka's business section is a new store: to. be known: as .Winnetka's Stationers, which, it is announced, will open on or about December 12, at 810 Elim street, in t he Schell building. Cirpjeters are now engaged in completing -the interior finish for the most advantageous showing of social and commercial stationery, office and school supplies, and a complete line of Dennison's, to gether with a largeý stock of Christmas gifts. *Frederick W. Kaempfer, .790 Pros- pect avenue, Winnietka,. is proprietor: of the new store, whicb isto be under the supervision of Marshall Palm, who, for a number of years, bas been associated with one, of tfhe largest stationers onT the north shore. APPETIZER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Driver, 423. and value of cheese in th e daily diet hias corne to be known m ore -widely. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -SERVICES *'God Tbe Preserver of Man"', wilI be the, subject in First -Churcbi of Christ, Scientist, in Wilffiette Sunday niorning, December 16, at il o'clock, lied1 in the edifice at 1003 Central ave nue, Sunday scbool convenes at 9:45. o'clock., Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fowler, 16 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, and their daughter, Georgianna, returned on Monday f roman extended motorýtrep. through the east.- Mr. and, Mrs. H. C. Heaton, 162 AbPingdon avenue,' Kenilworth, spent Tbanksgiving day witbi the latter's sis- ter at Riverside. ...heavy silver brushes of smart simplicity, sa. $5 X Comnb to match, $3 Undear Direction BARi 16.33 Orrington..Ave. P. PRESS Uni. -8000 y -e-- 1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE. EVAN STON for ber, ..a three-piece dresser. set. of fine design ..$25