try at the international cup anotiier season. Their bo ats, by the wav mzay be exhibited soon iin the Civi Opera flouse in the model showN. sponsored b)y the Engineers club of Chicago. A. Ballard Bradley, Jr., aged 20, is a keen disciple of his father, but the 13-year-old son bas taken to mode I airplaanes,, to his father"s disgust. "Think of the funi of mnaking sonw- thing that will really go." lit snlorts. Christian Science Clzurch ~God thc QnIy Cause and Creator" wvas the subject of-the lesson-sermon in al Clurches ýof Christ,, Scienltist,- on Sunday, Decemiber 3. * The golden text wvas, "I. am: the Lord, your Hioly Oiie, the. creator- of Israei, your King" (Isaiah 43 :15). Amioing the citations which com- prised the lesson-serînon wvas the fol- Iowing f roni the Bible : "Th 'ou even thou, art Lord alone; thon .hast made heaveîî, the heaveni of heavens,, ith ail their host, the earth, ,and ail things that are therein, the seas, and ail that. is therein, and thon preservest themi *ail; and the host of heaven worship- peth thee" (Nehemiah 9:6). The lesson-sermon also included the followini pa-ssages from îthe, WVoodmnan Thompson, whi duction was in. prepar at drafting-board stage even liearsals had comimenced. e. te pro- on, in the before re-ý GUILDS. MEET'MONDAY Thelicguilds.of the Cliurchý of, the Holy Comforter in. Keililworth will nieet. thlis coming Monday, at the. felowving homes: Chase guild, at Mrs, JamesCar-. ru .ther"s; McLaren' guild, at Mrs. Wil- liam H. Srnythe's; Anderson; at Mrs. H. J. Prussing's; Stuart,. at Mrs. Rob- ert Beif s, in Highland Park;ý White- bouse, at'Mrs. Armand H. Peycke's. Mrs. \Villard L. Xheeler, .604 Gien- coc: ioad, Glcncoe, entertained. sixteen inml)ers' of the north shore alumnae association of Gamma Phi Beta sorority at luticheoni and bridge on Monday. VE e have 0 E Sfr 1931-'32-'33 CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY TAX WARRANTS Home Owners' Loan Bonds Euryart, Van Camp & 1.11,lacn. STOCKS AND BONDS 39 So. La Sill. St. Audover 2424 Smile for> B ernie. BERNIE, 1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTOI SETTER PICTU RES STU DIOl UNI. 8998 starting-point of divîie Science is that there -is 'no other might nor M'%ind-that God is Love, and there- fore'He is divine Priniciple" (p 275). Aý special Thianlksgiviing service wvas held. in all Churches of Christ. Sciieni tist, Tbursday., Novemnber 30. Subject: THANKSGIVING" The golden t ext was -Al things are for your sakes, that the abun- dant grace nîighit through the thanks- giving of many3 redound to the glory of God" (Il Cor. 4:15). dance on Friday nigbt of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgwaiy, 2072 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortb, have returned, f rom, a tmo weeks' trip to Raleigh and Asheville, N. C.,- -'w.8 s FLASH h p Service Stations Winner of international Modal for 1982 7x11 ThreeBUFF Regular price $10,00 O ie n evenings until Christmas Quaker :State Oik Firestone Preductg