Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 1

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GET CASH,, L]Aý Car Owners Again, Especi ally Urged to Purchase Mer-« chanidise Coupon Books Residents of'th New Trier vil- lages were reminded again t.his week. that thev* cati assist the. Nev Trier High school teachers- in ohtainiing more of their salaries ini cash by ptur- chasing coupon books for %vhich tax anticipation warrants have. been e\- changed. This announicemient applies )atictlarlv to car owners. The high school at present bas a large number of Sinclair books, %vhich cati be used for the purchase oôf gasoline. oul and other items nlec- e ssarv for the operation of ýa car. No Standlard Oil co mpany":or Arm our cùàDoî books are available at the hign school this- nionth, it is stated. Where to Cet Books \'itlagers desiring to help the Ne.w, Trier teachers, who have been re- cei ving only a Snîall amoount of their salaries ini cash. by purchasing tîe Sinclair coupon books have been. ad-, vised to get ini touch with one of the foIlOiing men: Elmner D. Becker,1 519 Linden ave- nue,, Wilnîette, telephone \Vilime.tte 381. Franklin Ellis, 525. Washington avenue, Giencoe, telephone Glencoe 1390. Herbert B. Taylor, 631 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, telephone Kenil- worth 2820. Harry. H. Herron, registrar, New Trrier Township' High school, tele- phone Winnetka 2400., Help Public Schools, Too The- Wilmette Public schools, which have also I)een experiencing difficulty ini meeting salaries, received a- newl supply of Standard-and Armour cou- pon bîooks this week. Most of thec books have been turned over to El- mer D. Becker and may be puirchased from irn i. IPresident.Elect Carlos Photo Bradflord L.Keceler, general manager of Schultz~ and Nord, the' lilagrCleicancs, zeas elected /'resi- deiit of thie1l4'ilpiette Chamiber of Cominerce MAo)da v. of this 7wçck.' Hle and other liuëitc'i elected off cers zviIl bc iisalled .earl '% in Janiiary. Mfr. Keeler lias becit viýe-prýesidenti of the oi-ga» i.zation ilsis year anîd lias bceiî actiVein iithei affairs of the Chiiber- for sevèral ycars. Chureh Dedicates Tablet, at Memorial Observance The many friends of the late Hloward Bownen, who: was for mauly 'Years active ini Wilmette. village af- j fairs, \vill be interested in a mnemorial servi1ce to be hield- Sunday morning, Decein ber 10, at Il o'clock, in the \\-Ilmptetp .it f hirgcdi A crg-i Determines -to Continue Work At a meeting of the Wilmette Wel-' fare board held, at the Village hall Monday evening, it was definitely de- cided to continue. the àctivities of, the board,,. and plans are now being formulated for a drive to secure funds. 'A conmmitee for tihis. pur- pose,ý of which F. Dewey Anderson is chairman, was appointed. Since the work of the Welfare board was taken overby the Illinois Relief commi ssion and administered through the Cook County Relief c om.- miission,ý the local organization bas been practically without funds to care for emergency cases where. the un- f ortuniates are not eligible' to relief fromi the counity orgailzation. .Attending Mondaynight's meetiug were the following representat6ves front the county organization: Mrs. Marian Thompsoii, assigned to case work for WTjhette; Mrs. Greenspon, regional supervisor, and Mrs. Rodgers, in charge 'of welfare work ini Evans- ton., Open Bids for Water,' Main Extension1Hère At its meetinig Tuesday night ýthe Vil- lage board opened bids for the con- struction of a 24-inch water main ex- tending f rom the new waterworks to *Ridge road, in Lake avenue. Twelve bids bad been received, and these were read and action deferred for full con- sideration. Specifications called for pipe, fittings, connections, etc., and covered five alternate propositions. As indicated by the figures submitted, the cost of the ffiain will be about $85,000. The board adjourned to Saturday after- noon, at 3 o'clock, when the mnatter wiIi recei-ve further attention. Wilmette Welfare Center to Meet Monday, Dec. Il The next reè'ular monthlv meeting AT SUNDAY, LUB Noted' ArcticÇ Explorer to Show Motion, Pictures at Meet- ing Decemnber 10 Richard Pinnie,.F. R.> G. S., polar explorer, just recently returned.from athirteen months ' lone exeitio to the North Magnetic Pole -for the ,Canadian,,governmeint, will lecture at the W im e t t'e Sunday Evening club Decemhber 10, bis subject being, "Among the Ig- loo :Dwellers." On bis most re- cent trip, Mr. Finnie. found, evi- dences of the ill- fated Sir John Franklin expedi- Richard Finmj. tDon. Hiss*lecture Sunday evening will be illustrated with: motion pic- Bora In Kiondîke Ifr. Finnie bas a congenital interest n the Far North. He was bornin the Klondike within a stone's throw of the Arctic Circle. At the age of seventeen-nine .years ago-he started off on bis first expedition, an expedi- tion that penetrated ice-choked wat- ers to the most nQrtherly part of Ellesmere Island, less than Il de- gree, f rom the North Pole. That was the begirnning. There were three more expeditions that followed in. succession, aIl to the Eastern Arctic where young. Finnie hobnobbed with the natives of Greenland, Baffin Is,- land and Hudson Bay. Then the Canadian govetriment sent him north on a. lone expédition that was, to require more than a yetr,'s time and wbich wa9s- to take' him to the Western Arctiç, to. tbose: areas visit*ed some vears ago by Stef- ansson who reported that there he hacl found blond Eskimos. Like ticipation warrants up to No. E 2420 have been called, it was announced at the school office this week. Holders of warrants below No. E 2420 are being urged to cash theni as soon as possible in the officeof the township treasurer, F. A. Andrew, 1200 Central avenue, Wilmette. - esen. Il the suggestion were ,d, it is said, a world of would be avertied. Il~I5- Muusic .......... j...3 tax assessments are reminded that New Trier New& ...... .24 Monday, December 11, is announced N. S. Péraonalities ....... 26 as the last day on which protests will be received, by the Board of Recreation.......... -... 48 Appeals. The office of the Board of' Soc iety Pages 34-,35-38-39-.40 Appeals is on t4e third floor of the County bmidn~ 1 1

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