Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 34

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at the home of her mother, Mrs. Walter P. j3ermingbam, 718 Laurel avenue. Attending the bride as maid of honor wil be ber sister, Miss Catherine Bermingbam, and the brideSmaids are to be two cousins, .Miss Mary Anne Bermingham of. River' Forest and Miss Jeanne Pros-. ser of Wilmette. Miss Catherine will be home at that time from ber studies at St. Agnes academy in Kansas City. After a wedding journey in the east Mr. Horth and bis.bride witl be at home on February 1, at 826 Micb-. igan avenue, Evanston. On Saturday' afternoon of this week Miss Phoebe Tuells of> Evans- ton'will be bostess at a bosiery show- er in. honor of Miss Bermingbam; next Tuesday Mrs. Henry Prosser of Wilmette. wiIl entertain at -a lunch- con. and linen. shower at Shawnee Country club for her niece; on Tues- day of this week, Mrs. Gerard. Nord- berg of Highland, Park (Dorothy Hartman of Wilmette) was bostess at a miscellaneous shower and lunch- ments for Miss IEarhart's visit to Shawnee eon. who is a niember of the board of governars. Among those wbo. entertained dur- ing November at afternoon bridge H4elen Wood Will Marty. Bni parties and showers for Miss Ber-,V mingbam were Miss Dorcas Branson Thomas King, Jr., Dec. 16 of Wilmctte, Miss Mary Dow and The marriage of Miss Helen Wood TI Miss Bernice Carlstrand of Evans- of Highland Park, formerly of Wil- Juni ton, and Miss Mary Crusb of Wil. mette, and Thomas C. King, Jr., son the mette. Mrs. John L. Bermingham, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. King of a b an aunt of the bride-to-be, entertain- Glencoe, wiIl take place on Saturday scbi cd at a luncheon at the Georgian afternoon, December 16. The cere- Ha: hô.tel on November 23. mony will be performed at the home Eva of the hride's parents, Mr. and Mr.r o'cl( Wilmette Gardon Clube Sella Flower Show Tiràets The advance sale of tickets for the next annual Garden and Flower show. sponsored by the Garden Club of Illinois and to be beld on the Navy Pier this scason from April 7-15, in- clusive, bas -started. These tickets, sold in advance:of the . ebibition,-Tire at a price te- duced 'fromn the regular. admissions purchased at the door, and may be obtained from the Wilmette Garden club. Mrs. E. H. Burgee. chairman of Lester G, Wood, 603 Kimbail road, .at 4:30 o'clock by thre Rev. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustinc's Episcopal' churcb, Wilmette. There are to be no wedding at- tendants except the best man, who is the bridegroom's brother, John King of Evanston. After January 15, Mr. King, and. bis bride will be at home at 207 Hamilton street, Evanston. Among the pre-nuptial affairs that are to be given in Miss Woocl's bonor is a bQsiery sbower on Ériday after- noon of this week by Mrs. Henry in t] ing -igai, fit f othe seni f eal spir vanq Mal plan be mos torium atter vations are1 announces.. r.inner reser- to 450, the club *As first wornan to fly ýthe At- lantic atone and the second person in the bistory of the worid to have,' crossed that ocean by plane, alone. Miss Earbart bas won the affec- tionate admiration of the World. She was tbe first wornan to. cross the, United States by plane and first te pilot an autogiro-across the continenit, >and yet, with. these re- niarkable achievemients, she tells bier story with beautiful simplicity and quiet modesty, tbougb the nar- rative bas tbe niost- dramatic inter- est. The Pres.ident of th é United States, through a special resolution by Congress, bestowed. upon b er the 1Distiniguisbed :F.Iying .Cross and tbat was the first tim e'a w o-, nman was so honored. Arrangea- were matde by W. Frank McClure, -dge B enelit Fridag for junior School Boys rhe many friends of the Chicago iior school ini Wilmette and along Snorth shore are invited to attend )ridge party for the benefit of the iol at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. ,ey L. Clarke, 2603 Sberidan road, Lflstof, Friday, December 8, at 2 lck in the afternoon and at 8:3.0 he.evening. Mrs. Clarke, in keep- Swi th a customn of many years, is Ân opening her home for this bene- for the farr borne for boys wbich rear Elgin. Cards, dancing, and ier entertainrnent are provided for diversion of guests who annually as- nble to beIp,.the school. A special :ure 'this year will be doil sale in- red by new ideas, in this art: ad- ced by A Century of PIrogress. iny clever women are already nning to compete for the prize to offered Friday evening for thé st unusual doli. talce place in Chicago December 21, as a benefit for the Chicago Maternity center, has, the support of a large number of prominent north shore residents 'as sponsors, box holders, and ticket sellers; The sbowing will bc held.in the Stevens hotel andwill be followed by dancing in the Stevens ballIroom until 1, o'clock. James Lawrence.H.oughteling of Winnietka is treasurer of the. board of directors of the center.ý Included in the group interested ii the benefit, and selîing tickets for it are Mrs.: Houghteling, Mrs. Clark J. Lawrence, Mrs.. Stuyvesant Butler, Mrs. George A. Poole, Jr., Mrs. John Dern. Mrs. James Stevenson, and Mrs.' Frank Baker of Winnetka,. Mrs.. Gordon Lang of Chicago, former!y -of Wi -n- netka, and Mrs. James Camard of Glencoe. Mrs. William B. Hale,, Mrs. Laird Bell,' Mrs. Hougbteling, and Mrs. Lawrence. are among -the. Winnetkan.s who have taken .boxes for the affair. Sponsoring the beneit is a group of about fifty, i.icluding, from Win- netka, the Laird Beils, the Ernest Ballards, the Francis P. Butiers, the Howard Fentons, the Stuyvesant Butlers, the Donald McPhersons, the ,Max Epsteins, Mrs. William B. Hale,,- and Mrs. William Gold Hibbard. Charlotte Henry, selected from hundreds of contestants for the part of Alice, is supported by an all-star cast in the filming of - the Carroll classic. Richard Arien *plays the Cheshire cat; Gary Cooper, the White Knight; Leon Errol, Uncle Gilbert; W. C. Fields, Hupty Dumpty; Skeets Gallagher, the White Rabbit; - Cary Grant, the Mock Turtle, and Polly Moran, Alison Skipwortb, Baby Leroy, May Rob- son, Charles 'Ruggles, Mac Marsh, Raymond Hatton, and Edna May Oliver. Dubbs Home ta ýBe open. for Mary Crane Bene fit Mrs. C.* P. Dubbs is opening ber borne at 1004 Michigan avenue, Wil- mette, for a benefit bridg~e Fridav eve- at the sororty hci hatchet of Wilme the refreshments. ýve members at the Metlrodist church, or at tbe Club Oakdale avenue, are giving ay of this week on the eve cf the dance. Those who one Sunday, December 10, Elizabeth Bal- are in charge of arrangements for other just one week later. Mi bas charge of the party are Louise Koerper, AI was a resident of Kenilwoi Ackerrnann, and John Moore. bis marriage. î,jr 431 two teas, and the, r. Osborn th bcfore YULE DANCE FOR JUNIORS A Christmas junior dance will be held, at Sbawnce, Country club on. Friday evening, December 15.

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