Wvabash avenue, seventeenth noor. The morning session begins* at 11 :30 o'ciock and wiII be followed by luncheon and the Regents' Round Table discussion. At 2 o'clock- Prof.ý LýeonardWilson, authority on herald- ry a nd genealogy, wiIl speak on "The Great Seal of the United States.", At the meeting of the -chapter on Nove mber 14, at the home of Mrs. David DeCamp, Mrs. Harry P. Har- rison, chairman of the committee on appro ved schools, spoke of S outhern schools which the D. A. R. supports. Mrs. R. W. Ludwig, regent of De-" WValt Mechlin chapter., also talked onI Southerni schools, some .of which she saidhad no other means. of sup- port than the D.,A.'R. .At luncheon preceding the meetinig there was a large birthday cake with lighted candies in honor of the birth- days of Mrs. R. W. Magna, president general ýof the ýD. A. R., Mrs. Isirael Cope, honorary regent of the chapter,11 and Mrs. Charles S. Jackson, regent.1 The Skokie Valley chapter cails attention to D. A. R. broadcasts every Friday afternoon f rom 4:30 to 4:'40 over WBBl. Friday aft.e.rnoon of this week' Fred Busby will speak on "The Flag"; December 15, Mrs. Richard W. Ludwig will. tell of *'D. A. R. Approved Schools," and on December 22, Lewis F. Jacobson wiII talk on "National Econoimics." Roycemore Seniors to GiVe Dances in Holidays Ten menibers of the senior class at Roycemore will be co-hostesses at a Christmas dance to be held at the Medinah Athletic club on Thursday, e-vening, December 21.* The hostesses are the Miss.es Jean Anderson, Caro- linè 13uck,>Loraine Eddy, Prudence J ouso, arola,,Kilîner, Marian Klink, Dorothy,,Lansing, :MollyMer- cer, Janet Seidel, and Suzanne Traub. Another group, of girls from the senior class at Roycemor-e will en- tertain at a dance at the Evanston Country club on Saturday evening, PIZ Mrs. Benjamin Bradlley, 310 Ox- tii ford .road, Kehilwortli, gave a family tii (linner Thanksgiving day. ini lin1 Ihote mn of the * (5atman 's is sparlingwith II CIIRISIMASTIDE INSPIRATION *RADIO of fine tone, con- cealed ini set of,.hand"-tooled books, as shown above. Tk.rty-/ivo and forty-flve, dollars. *..Silver after- dinner CiG-ARETTE HOLDErp. OlId English crcst. Five' dollars. .. SM-ALL Box of white metal and blackc. Mod- ern. Men.lke, them. for cigarette..Onedollar. *..SERVICE PLATE i n the new chrome.* One ifty. . . . Low BRACKET for three taper.. Chrome. Pair, seven is an annual project t hNoi n vuan s Aid society of the Wilmette Parish Methodist cburch. Additional Society News- on Pages 38, 39,40 INC. 707 Church Street: Evanston y TH E HOUSE 0F BEAUTIFUL ,GI FTS tone. . 1 . N