Edna Dean Baki Briggs, Marjorii Norman at C Tfows, Ver Tuesday A *"Childreii's Book Nook"' will be introduced to the Neighbors of. Ken- ilworth next Tuesday aft ernoon. The hour is 2:30 ýo'cloc.k.. Literature -and legend, as well as books of. music with their Ivrics will be interwoven to create a program: of particular in- terest as'the season of Christmas ap- proaches. ýMiss Marjorie Barrows is to dis- cuss "Tht -Best New Books for Cliil- dreni." Miss Barrows, editor of the well knownl childneni's. magazine, "ChilId Life," is -author of many well loved- childnen's poems and stonies. "What Goes 'on in the Mind of an, Illustrator" will be disclosed by Vera> Stone Norman., An illustraton lien- self, Miss Norman has made cuil- dren's school- text books i nfnitely more interesting because of her imaginative drawings. 'Edtna Dean Baker will relate "The Legend of the Christ Child." Miss Baker, president of the National Col-* lege of IEducation, has recently been appointed by the Office of Education of the: Department of the Interioir, a member of the National Advisory committee for Emergency Nursery Schools. Miss Bakeralso hokis t'le office of president of the Association- of Childhood Education. In addition,, she is a member of the executive board of the Association for Parent Education. *Music will be represented in the Children's Book Nook with illustra- tions from "Musical jingles," by Dor- othy Bell Biggs, assisted by Hazel Eden. Mrs. Briggs, ont of Kenil- woth's residents, is the author and composer of a book of children's songs . which she calis "Musical Jingles." Hazel, Eden, who is assist- ing Mrs.. Briggs, was fonmerly a mem- ber of the Chicago Civic Opéra comn- pany. On display during the aftennoon will be a loan exhibit of childnen's books of alI nations by the Interna- tional library. * 1orûthy Bel/ Briggs, Mrs. fHzrry. D. Briggs of Keiiilworth, pianist, author, and conpo$'cr, îviII bc on the Children's Book Nook pro grami at 'the Nnrighbors of Kcniilzcorlth .Tuesday afternoon. She will1 talk on ber book, "M.\u- sical Jingles for the Very Young," and of "More Musical jingles," coin- ing out in January, and written for childnen a little older.- .H-azel Eden, soprano, will sing some of Mrs. Brigggs' compositions, 'atong them, "The Dneamn Ship," and "Little Star." League Forum To pic la Criais in Education "The Cnisis in Education" is the next subjèct for discussion at the Forum of tht Lea(gue of Women Voters' Satur- day, December 9, at 2 o'clock, in the' Red Lacquer noonf of the Palmer House. Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde will preside. T he general subiect, divided into two C ongregation israel wîi have a pan- try sale, luncheon, and program Mon- day, December 18, at the temple in Glencoe. *Mrs. *Louis Suekoif will be ln, charge of the pantry sale and will be. assisted by the followinig: Cake Booth-Mrs. joseph -Pickus.. Cookies-Mrs.,.I. Bérlin. Coffee Cake-M rs., Chan.les Sincere Cancly and, Nuts-Mrs. Benijamin Goodman and Mrs. BarneyStein. Noodles-Mrs. 1. Schuman. Novelties-Mrs. R. Gershenow. Re-Sale Books Miss, SaIly Fleshani. Salads-Mrs., Milton Grauer. Receivingà Room-Mrs. Arthur Levy. After luncheon the program coin- mhittee will presenit a series of -tab- leaux depicting 'Won iin Israel" with. the following, cast: *Ruth-Mrs. M. B., Mervis. Esther-Mrs. Richard Taussig. The Three. Rebeccas: 0Of the Bible- Mrs. joseph Michaels, Jr. 0f lvanhoe-Mrs. Mforris Rosen. Rebécca Graetz-Mrs. Jerrold Wertheimer. Deborah-Mrs., Lester Felsenthal1. Sulamith-Mrs. Ely Aaron. -Henrietta Szold-Mrs, Hugo Hart- man. Miss Lucille Long will be the solo- ist, Mrs. James Loeb accompanist, and Mrs. Charles Shulman, reader. Mrs. Alf -red Flesham is president ýof the sisterhood. Reservations 'for the lunicheon can be made at the temple. office or t.hough Mrs. Albert F. Meckien- burger, Winnetka 2047.~ Guest are welcome. Garden, Club' s Next Hoatesa la President Mrs. C. P. Berg, presidlent of the Wilmette Garden club,. will. entertain the club.at: its january meeting Jan-m uary, 5, at lier home, 1320 Greenwood avýenue. At its meeting at the home of Mrs., Charles Bixby last Friday afternoon, Miss Anne Whitmack spoke on "Gar- uden Books inthe .Wuilmette îibrr." Planned to Offer Vule Program for Memnbers' Boys and Girls The Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- mette Will be hostess to the children of its members at, a Christmas party on Friday, December 15,, to be held in the. lounge of 'the Woman's club. Mrs. George Beaudin, president wili open the meeting at .2 o'clock, and the chul- dren are invited to. be present at. 3,15, wli a-2 special program arranged by Mrs. Charles Broad, program chair- man., will commence.' Miss Janet Tietiens wvill stage a mnarionette. show, the repertory cif whichi will include f olk, and fairv% tales dear to the hearts of 'ail chikîren; combined with dances and. speciaàlties created by Miss Tietjens. The club chorus directed by Miss Margaret Middelfort, will sing Christ- mias carols, accompaniied by Mrs. Ban- ford Langill, pianist. Memhers of the chorus are, Mrs. Harry Bettinghaus, Mrs. Theoçlore , Barrett, Mrs. E. B. Cunningham, Mrs. John J. Downey, 'Mrs. Russell Flood, Mrs. Robert Fon- tham,- Mrs. William, Genner, MrÉs. Hioward Hickey, Mrs. William. Heiss,, 7Mrs. Richard Kent, Mrs. P. J. Kirwan, -Mrs. J. Lechner, Mrs. Harry ýMcDer- mott, Mrs. Charlesý Norman, Mrs. WîVl- liani Otter, Mrs. Albert Starrs, and Mrs. Carl Schaeffer. Refreshments especially attractive to the children wiIl be served .and M.rs. C. J. Burnham,, Mrs. Johin J. Downey, anqi Mrs. W. E. Husting will. pour. Mrs. Arthur Boylston, phulanthropy chairmnan, announces that she and her cornnittee will be in the lobbv of the lounge to receive any donations of pack- age, or, canned, goods for Christmas bas- kets. Catholic Daughtera Hold Installation. of .Off icera The Catholic Daughters -of America, Ouilmette court number 848,..installed the following officers for the coming year at its regular November meeting: Mrs. Mary Beinlichi regent; Elizabeth Borne. vice-regent; Helen Kapets. On Tuuuday of- this week, Mrs. cago. Its memb&ers ar Charles 1.' Howe, 240 Kenilworth ave- tarletan stockings to, nue, Kenilworth, e»tertained her club toys for the younger, at luncheon and bridge, home. Mrs. Arthur Hughes, 527 Waàshing- ton avenue, entertained her sewfng club at luncheon Monday. Additional Club News on Pages 38, 39, 40 Tht annual Chris tmas meeting of the North Shore branch, Friends of Chicago junior Scbool, will be held on Monday, December 18, at 2 o'clock at the 'home of Mrs. Clarence R. Leland, 530 Ash stre.et,,Winnetka."