rector. No, mor fliitte(1 to the chil preparation is to( The Sunday tyEvening Club speaker in the Congregational chureh wiil be. Rich- ard Finnie, Canadian North Polar ex- plorer. It will- be a motion picture lecture, 'lAmong thé Igloo Dweleérs." hurch 1ev. Oscar Thomnas Oison, D.D., mriister. The minister's -sermon. theme next Sunday, morning ivilf. be "ýThe Captive Spirit." The muellc wiil be ln keeping with, the Advent season. The lligh School- chapter of the Ep- worth league will meet SundaY evenifig at 6:30 W'clock. Choong Sun.Ye wll be the speaker. The Young Peoples chapter of the Epworth league wiii meet Sunday ovýe- ning'at 5 :30 o'clock. A devotionai hour wilil oiW Harry C. Kinney wiilgive. the addresÉ. The church sehool nieets eaeh Sundae mornlng at 9 :30 :o'elock. Thero are -l't-Mses for ages. There is Red Cross sewing each Tues- day. morning at 9 :30 at. the church. The annuai, "Chistmas Pair' .-the "Hopse. Beauitiful" iË now inlJ ro>greSe. ýTomiorrow, Friday,, will bo the last day. Luncheons and dinners are served each da.Thrar fortune-teller, gaMoS, "grabbag,» candy and many other at- tractive:featuýres for aduits and childrenf. A progtram 15 spreseénted each evoflilg. Many ,u"ful.,attraictive and inoxpensive *gifts wiII be displayed. Thé Annual Christmas iiolr luncheon for the W.H.M.S. and W.F.M.S. *will be. held Thursday.. December 14. An East Indilan menu .will. be served, Joe Devadaflum of India wili bring the Christmas msag.All women are asked to savO the' date. Phono Wtl- mette 139 for reservation. Three Christmas plays will be present- ed> by1 our Iligh Sehool group on Wed-, nesday evening, Docember 20, at 7 :30 oloc6k la itho Assembly hall. The Young Womafl'5,Book. Review club) wiii meot TuesdaY evening, Decem- ber 12, at 8 o'cloek. The place of ineet- *inig will Ibe aiinounced in next Sna bulletin. Highcrest P. T. A. New.s Marian McDermiott. The card and bunco party which was given- on Tuesday evening of last week by the P. T. A. was pro- nouniced a great success. The chair- menof.the party were Mrs. Bernard iGerschefski and, Mrs. Donald Hart- nue,; dav. idge coni: 0ou DVÀ OFJA)\ *BllKND 0 Telephoning out -of-tw friends is the next best thing to paying them a visit. A Long Distance telephone of a CMsSMUici cfOUIt 1 children can be dren's lass, as; far adValced. 1. JL -ý * l,