teani remlains undeteatec intrtiiehe 0u p. 4."$. Playground and Recreation board's TNT s. XZ. Hwar girls' baslcetball league. That team gmaîm is the Porters, champions of 1932-33 7 p. in.- Girls' basketball.-B season, and the doubtful outcome of league. Weenies vs. Snookies. uext Monday evening's games with H-oward gymnasiunî. the Y. P., C. team remainis the. only barrier in. the way to, prevent them Frîday, Dc.nib.r 8 froin finishing the first round of the ý7 p. M. Men's basketball. North 1933-34 season, undefeated at -the top Shore league. Howard gymnasiumn. .of the list. *Two other t eams -emerged f ronm the MoInda>', Doceauber il first four games of the season wit h -~ . oigand wrestlinig. only a single defeat to their credit. H warp.' mnasium The Browni s had been tied wi th 'the Howar . Prnacic. Grs akt Porters unil this week's games when 1 a11. *"A" league., Stolp. gymnnasiu m. they Iost a bard fought battle to their 7:30 p. ni., Girls' basketball. ,"'A" rivaIs Monday evening. The Y. P. C.league. . Pollywoggles vsý. C. D. A., team -is, the, other of the twoô teanis;topgmai. and it will meet the Porters next [ 7:30,p. m. Men's volleyball. Y. P. Monayevnîg.C. vs. Hoffmann Florists.' Howard Results of games played during the1 gynnasiumi past two weeks are:---- 7:30 P. ni. Xen's volteybal. How- Games Played fleeember 4 ard P. T. A. vs. Methodists. How- Brownles (15) Porters (29) ard gyninasium. E. Paterson A. stempel. 8:15-p. mi. Girls' basketball. "'A" A. Edinger E. Berndtson r. Christenson A. Nord league. Brownies vs. Kudas. Stolp Mi Lauer K. Didier! gymnasiutn. J. Scrrmgeour M. Green, 8:30 P. m. Men's volleyball. Sed- D. Volman V. Johnson, don vts atss Hwr yns J1. MeConnel' E. Harloif . s ats Hwr yns D. Rlggle, -referee, îum. 9 1p. m. Girls' basketball. "ýA"p PolYwogglelg (2> Kuda (C0), league. Porters vs. Y. P. C.- Stolp, P. shea À. Coatello gyminasium. m. Peargn1 E._ Pinkowski G. Johnson> E. Buss4cher B. Bezde)< D. Ri Y. P. C. (24) M. Kumimer D. Kummier 0. Birlauf M. De Marco C. Antonio M. Kruesch. F. Toscani E . Ehrler C. [ristof R.Toscani Lggl'e, referee C.D. A- (16) F. Sehm-itz 10. Bruchh auser B. Schaeffer M. Schneider D. Stancoe M. Meyer D.Riggle, refere Games Played Kudas (31), A. Klstof Anne Komnen Ngnes Komieni R. Toscan i E. Ehrle C.Krlstof E.Zopp u. aîgg~e, .November 27 C. D. A. (15) F...Schmlitz B. Schaeffer M. Bruchhauser M. Meyer M. Srhmitz D. Stancoe M. -Schneder referee TuýeS4ày, December 12 7 pý. m. Men's basketball. "BI" league. ýWinbergs vs. Wilmette con- fectionery. Ho~ward gymnasium. 8 p.. m. Men's basketball. "B" league. Y. P. C. vs. Hfoffmann Elor- ists' Howard gyninasium. 9 P. m. Men's basketball., "B" league. Hornets vs. St. 'Francis'. Howard, gymnasium. Wedaesday, December 13 7* 1p. n. Men'sÉ basketball. ".A" league. Methodists . vs. .Wilmette Batte.ry. Howard gymnfasiu m. 7 p. m. Boys' basketball. "C" leaue.St. Francis' vs. Willies. Stolp gymnasium.ý 8l p. ni, Men's basketball. "A"ý league. C. S. vs, State bank. How- ard gymnasium. riing at the H1oward gymflasium.: The Y. P. C., Howard P. T. A., andI Methodist téams were the van- quished ones. Last Monday's gaines were the.first scheduled games in the round robin schedule pýrepared by the Recreation staff and followed a short practice round which was held. prior to the, opening 'of the league this year. Scores for the various games were: Baptlst (16, 15, 15) Y. P. C. (14, 5, 6) R.ý Lascelles E. Thanian 0. Williams R. Braun E. Carson A. 'Bauer. 'E. Mfo .Ptr W Hnas T. Shinler E. PhiIlps, ireferee Hoffmiann FIorIstie Howard P. T. A. 15; 5 15) (6. 91-12) J. Hofman J. baughnian E. Miller W. Fiter B. thalmann R. Robinson E. Schlldgen. W. Thalmann C. Geppert H. Schleuter R. Hofman H Busch G. Gathercoal, referèe I'èani st.anding-s in men's volle3ybalI 1eague .,' H ofmann, Florists .. Seddon......... P.T. A. . Methodist 'o. o: 1 1000 1000 1000 000 000o Women's Gym Glass Gets More Members Fifteen new members have been added to the roster of the womnen's gy*nnasium class conducted by the Playgrouiid and Recreation board at Howard school, as a result of a mem- -bership drive, which started Thurs- day, November 23. 'The class'membership was divided into two sections at the beginning of the drive with Mrs. :R. B. DeVinneyr and Miss Clara, Braun. as captains of their -respective sides. Mrs. Hielen Burhans was appointed'lieutenant to Mrs. De Viiiney and Mrs. Cj.* Horn was appointed to~ actI in the samne capacity for Miss Braun. Mrs. DeVinney's side took the lead on the first night of the «contest with Consileri ng the fact that it %%as the first gaine of the year. for the high school heavies, they played well and Coach Clyde Grater was pleased with their performance. The alumni boys whom théy defeated have been playing together for several years as, the Skokie*Reds.. Here- The>' Are!I In his starting hineup Coach* Grater 'used Bud Thackery and Jack Sind- ing, forwards, Duke Scott, center. and Bob -Hallquist and Clarence Dahi. guards. H4oward BaIl, forward, and Bob Davis,. guard, also were used in,. the, regular lineup later in the gamne. Three substitutes sent in, by Coach Grater were Don Anderson and Paul Soule, guards, and, Ralphi Bucklin. center. Roy Nelson and Waddy Paletti played forward for the alumni, with Wally Miller, former University of Michigan*star, at center, and Morris, Nelson and Chuck Lauer, who won letters. in football and basketball at* Iowa, at the guard positions. Hard-Fouglit Tussie The fans were treated to a close, hard-fought ball gaine.. After, the alumni had taken a short lead in the first quarter, the high- school boys tied the counit at the haîf, 14 to 14. When the gun sounded the end of the third quarter, the score, vas 22 to 22. The older alumni players, al of whom graduated several years ago, failed to keep the pace, howe'ver, and lost, 32 to 27. The aluinni were effective on long shots,. but not at the critical moments of the last period. Scott Scores 12 Du-ke Scott won the individual scoring honors with a total of twelve points. Jack-Sindirig dropped in thre field goals, and three free throïvs for àapttal -Of 'nine points. Roy \Nelsor madeten points for'-the, alumni. The. New Trier heavies will con-_ tinue, their preparation for the open- ing of. the Suburban league, season by battling. Senn High school of Chi-, cago Saturday night of this week at the Leslie F: Gates gymnasium, Winnetka. Senn lost to Evanston, champon of the, Suburban league C. D.A.......... 0 4t 004) PoIy*vggks........O 4 000 Plan hItramural Play in School Volley. Bal Intrarnural volîcybali gaines for girls wilI be played during the weekj of Décember 18. Each school gym; nqim wýIl be used for the 'games. 1,W*mpîonships wil be determined1 -the classifhcations are ail made ac- at the H-oward K cording to age,~ height, and weight. next Monday ev These honor teams will play two Recreation aul games with the representative teams a number of ti of the other schools but no cham- boxers and wres pionship will be awarded even if ýone thein matches.i team wins each of thet two, games. land Park, and1 ers this year, am'ong h Winn.etka, High- wîtn Mai n came on and drovel home nSunday. -The -Tuesday after-noon bridge club met for' luncheon and contract with Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road', Kenilwortb, on Decemiber 5. J i .. . .. .- 1