ects ini Kenilwortb. Officiais of the vil- lage were notified this week that the five projects have been approved. Iinder the miles of the Civil Works adininistrationj. the government agrees to pay al of the labor cost. The govern- ment will pay also for materials up to one--sixth of the total labor cost, pro- vfided the municipality, pays -an, equal or g reater amount on. thé material cost. List Projects. The five Kenilworth projects and the number of men to-be ernployedon each are as follows: Development of Mahoney park as a wild- flower preserve and bird sanctu-. ary, 27 men. Remov'al of buried rubbish and land- scapiûg. of. the sites for the proposed village hall and fire'station, 14 men. Survey of the underground water dis- tribution system on public property to, discov-er and repair. leaks and defects; removal, testing and repairing of -al village-owned water meters, and locat-' ing and rep1aciing of defective. buffalo boxes. 10 men. Work on Trees: 'rreeý surgery and spraying of trees in street parkways andii( public places, to.- getheçr With: renioval of al poplar, cet- toiodaud willow trees and the planting of .elm trees in the. street park- ways, 7 men. Ilnspectionof.aIl sewers. in the vil- lage and repair of any defects found;. ins pection and repair of defective street catchi basins, street gutters and public sidewalks, 5 men. Thie government labor cost for these prôjects will be $18,135. For materials the governrnent will pay a total of $3,- 022.49 and the village a total of $4,- * Favor Lo>cal Men The village bas requested that, insol far as possible, Kenilworth men bretm- ployed. on the CWA projectg in that' municipality. When no more, Kenil- worth 'men are avai lablei, the village has indicated that it would prefer men f roui Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe or Ev- anston in the respective order. the eariy nours ui u1vr11u5. As a result the judiciary commnittee was in- structed to préparé a regulatory ordi- nancé for the proper control of such amusements. Anotlhet measurce this committée was asked to prépare is an ordinance in prohibition, of gambling. December 15-17 - Pacific Coast States-Washington, Oregon, Califor- nia, Nevada, Idaho. December 15-1.9- Western Statee -Montana, Wyoming,. Utah. December 16-19 -- South Western States-Arizona,, New Mexico, Okia- borna, Texas. Decenber l7-20 -Néar Western States-,North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. Decemberi 7-20 - Southern -States- Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mis- sissippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, ýWest Virginia, North Caro-, lina,-South Carolina. December 18-20 - Eastern States- New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New jersey, Delaware and ail New England states. December 18-20- Neighboring States - Minnesota, Iowa,, Missouri,' Illinois, Michigan, Indiana,,Ohio, Ken- tucky. SDecember 20-21 - Intrastate (Illi- nois). "Sbippers are urged to wrap parcels securely and to address them plainly,"' said Mr. Shantz, "and thus cooperate, w ith the postal authorities in avoiding delays in delivery and damage in hand- ling2'. Club to Hear of V librarian, at the next meeting of the Wilniette Library club Monday night, December 1l, in the children's room at thé library. This wjll be the third meeting of the recently organized club. Anyone interested isAivited to ,attend, it is announced. Interest in the club's activities is growinig. Monday night of this week F., D. Frisbie of thé Nlew T*rier* High school social science, de- partment addressed the group on "So- cial Wisdom." P. T. A. GROUP TO MEET tnese litte ones, inay we have them soon ? -Mrs. A. W. Grinnell, chairman Note:- F.conomny Sjop la conducted by the Won-ï@'s, Club of Wllmette. Stanton Van Inwq2gen, 308 Seven- teenth street, har received, an. ap- pointineit as finance examiner ttith the Public Wôrks administ ration, De part ment of the .Interior. Mr. Vainliiwaget, who served one teri P as a inemtber of the Village board and who is a past commander of Wilmnette Post No. 46, Americant Legion, luis gone to Waçhington, 1D. C., to açsumne his new duties. State Commander Guest of Local Legionnaires Charles C. Kapschuli of Deerfield, state commander of the Arnerican oi ... iugustineflsO J..sJopai cnurcnM t Tuesday evening, Deceniber 12. Al ex-service men and members, of neighboringposts are being invited to attend. TO ELECT OFFICEPS Wilniette chapter No. 931, A. F. and A. M., will hold its annual elec-, tion, of officers on Thursday night, Deceniber 14, at the Wilmette Ma- sonic temple, 1010 Central avenue. Pages 52-54 .,Cati Ad-Tesker NOW WILMETE4300. to the governmental principles that have made America great, a recon- secration to the, proposition that a "16,government of, by and for the peo- pie" is ýstill -the' best' that ,man .bas ever -devised.- In furtherance of the outlined pro-, gram. for proper observance of the .occasion, which it is hoped to miake a 'n annual affair, the Wilmette Village_ board at its meeting Tuesday rjight passed the following resolution: Adopt ,Resolution WII1EES, 'the United. States of America, together with the rest. of the world,' is undergoing a tense Period of economic upheaval and change, and. SWHEREAS, -the dangers of the situa- tien can, best be met by the dissemina- tion of knowledge regarding the true principles of our democracy and by the teaching of ajil that is impiied In the word.,"*Americanism," and -WHEREAS, It is deem ed advisabie to set aide a week for the teachlng of thèse piféile f demotacy and Americanism to ail the people of this village through the âgencies of the prés. and the platform, spoflsored by Wil-, mette Post No. 46 American Légion, THEREFORE, 1, Carbon P. flubbs, President of the Village of Wllmette, pursuant to a ré-solution adopted by thé Board of Trustées on Décember 5, 'do héreby proclaim the period between Dé- cemberS~ and 15, 1933, to be Anerican-' ism Week, and 1 urge ail citizens to render ail assistance possible to Wii- mette Post No. 46 of the American Légion ln this campaign. lu t4he Chknnrri area th sàisp of national commander of the American Legion, will be the speaker. AIl Le- gionnaires are earnestly urged to par- ticipate in this patriotic demonstra- tion. Observëd ini Church«, Locally interest, will first center in cburch services, at which. al mrinisters and priests have been requested to dévote a portion of their service on Suuday, December 10, to the subject of Americanism. -Tuesday eveniîng, December 12, is The American Légion invites the. public to participate, ;wherever pos- sible, in the activities of "American- isrn" week, and to advance the ca1iý* of Americanism by voicing the pj*,- ciples. upon whîch this country. is founded.