Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1933, p. 52

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Ratfa- N¶MxL _goA of five vords to the line. No black face type use&. US% ipeSff on ali cash adyertlu- flents when brought t. our office at 123Central Ave., Wilniette, or 561 LnonAve., Wluuetka. 10% d1..uSILu on ail advertisemOente run tour Clasulfled a.dvttU»meRIte will be àc- Deadigne for Iflsertiofls-;;epted upto ,Tuesgday19 P.M.là,for WILMIËTTE IFEoi he papers; -Wenegay, 9 P. M. -fer WiNNETKIA *TALK Cand..ThursdaY à P. 3M. for GLENCOENXNWB. Teleaphofles: Wimette 4300, Wlnntka 3000 <(Wlùnntka 500 atter 6 ýP. M.), Oteenleaf 4300 or Shldrake SUT7 a LOST AND fOUND LOST-DOG, REDDISH- TAN, WHITEI marked. Combination Shepherd-Cho%- Long bushy,,almosqt white, tail formns perfect loop. Answers to Teddy. Cali Winnetka. 156. 11 3LTNM31.1tC LOST-WIRE,-HAIRED Pup-PYTWO black spots on back. Reward. E. W. Sampson, 454 Woodlawn, Glénicoe 579: T ANTIOUES PAWIR OVAL FRAÎ&S, ITWO -FIDDLE back chairs, chests, -lamPM 1e* tables, mirrots, rockers, etc. Very reasonable. 929 ThIrteenth St., cor. Forest* Ave., la BEAU'TY PANLONS WANTED TO BUY BEAUTY PARLOR In vlcinitY of Highland Park. State price. Write B-117, B3ox 40, Wilmette, Iii.12LTN31-ltp, Il BEAUTY 1WEATMENT FIGER 1iAViI3 MRCLSHAM- Poo, hait cut, facial, scalp and eye- 'brow arch at one's home. Mrs. Dean, «rad. Chicago Halrdressing Academy. mu DRESSMAKINQ LTCLAIRE MODISTE COMPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS. AN1.) Winter wardrobe. We also do te- modeling and coats rellned.c Win- netka 147. 22LTN*?30-4tp M., BOLAND S,. VE OVERHEAD. HAVE YOUR Gowns and Wraps made ln your home. Wilmette ës9* 22L31-1tlP la cAu& 1INM O WEATEMRPIN2. A CAULK1140 JOB WITH GOOD materlal iàsts lndetinttely, .its your fuel bills. Add to your comtort by caulking brick veneered homeés. For estimate phone Wilrnette 1220 or Greenleaf 2880. 18LTN28-4t5D PARM PRODUCU QUALITY EGGS Direct from the Wisconsin bennery to your door. Large size 38c, smaft size 29c doz. Winnetka 1687. 24LTN31-Itp 45 PIANO TAININQ PIANO TUNING ALL, MAKES TUNED, RECONDI- tioned and repaired., Phone Wllmette 2144. 45L.TN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO'TUNING $3. UP- rlght or. grand; also repaît work gu;aranteed .. 16 yrs. Stelnway,. N. Y. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fairvlvew. Park Rldge 699-R. LT3-t -et 5flWNCIMACHINIE RPAInrINS S'EWING MACHINES AND VACUUM* CLEANERS,, ALL kinds repaired. Established. more than fit ty years ago. Now located at 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette. L. E. Blunt. Tel. Wilmette 154 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc 159 WEARING APPARCL TUXEDO, 15-16 YRS., ý$6. BOYS' AND gLirls' puttees and ridipg breeches. A. Johnson hockey skates, 71/2. -Men's riding boots, 8%D. Ladies' or girls' clothes, 12-14, somne neyer worn. Shoes 6½/AAA. Ai lnl good condition, and bargains. Winnetka 2918., 59LTrN31-ltp ~WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.- Girls' school, afternoon and evening clothes, 8-16. Outgrown-almost newý -bargains. New ski outtlt. Girl Scout and Cub suits. Winnetka 2934. 59LTN31-1te BEAUTIF'UL QUALITY, GENUINE Hudson seal fur coat. Excellent con- jdition. Modern~ style. 'Slae 38-40. Cosýt $4M. Sale price $35. Winnetka. 348. netkar. Swedish, 24, waflts general. 14-month finest Wilmette rcf. We also have cooks, second, and nurses with best referetices. Reinhart's Emipi. Agency 74s8n Eim. st. Winnetka 3399 68l TN31-ltcL COMPIETENT HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service for, North Shore homes. Referenicés Investlga.ted. WE HAkVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE Paulics Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth *St., Wllmette Wilmette 2171 68LTN28-tfe EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN, HIGH GRADE domestdL help, aIl nationalities. No charge to employers. Reterences, ln- vestigated. Under State supervision. Reînh art's Empi. 'Agenicy .748 Em St-Wnnetka 3399 748 laiSt.68LTN25-tfc R E F 1 N E D- HUNGARIAN-CGER.%AN Womfan with girl seven yi's., neat, good cook, wlsýhes; position as hou..%e- keeper. Einploved couple or gentle- matn preferred. Phone Wilimette i2276.- 68LTN31-1 ti CAPABLE WOMAN, 38, WOULD LIKE a, position, for gênerai housework., Good Ilaundress, and'cook. Best N. S. reference. Tel Winnetka 153«.. COýLORED WANTS GEN WORK. Fond of children. Stay nights. Salary $8 to $10. N. S. Rets. Phone Davis 8325 6SL31-ltp. EXP ERIEN;CED GIRL DESIRES GEN- eral housework by week or day. To go home nights. Phone Glenview 426. LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOINIE! 34____________ - asement recreation rooms, addit ions, WANTED - WASHING AND IRON- attic modernization, home repairing ing to do at home by exp. woman. in ail branches. No job too smaîl. Excellent, N. S. Refs. Will eall for Seasonable 10w prices. We have built and del. Phone Wilmette 2922. *more than 100 homes on the north 34L31-ltp> shore -and know our business! EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORI< F. H GýTHERCOAL to do at home. Cal and deliver. 1511 Hlighland Ave. Wilmette, 111 Shirts out- specialty. NorthShr Phone Wilmette 225' ref. 'Ph. Wilmette 1351. 34LTN304tp 1O rar< AV.,VV III~LL 5LTN31-ltp FOR SALE-MAN'S RACCOON COAT, size 38-40, excellent condition,' $75. Write B-120, Box 40, Wilmette, f11. 59LTN317ltÏ) FOR SALE -BOY'S WINTER COAT, size 12. Like new. $5. Cali len-, coe 835. 93-t -. I Wiuin1gnto n- eip witn utilel:wo Good ref. Phone Winnetka '2022. 6SL31-ltp NU RS E MAI, AGE 25. H-OSP. trained. Goo)d rets., reas.. wages. S-H9-A-Y, 14 W. Washington, Chicago. Central 98600.' 68L31-ltp EXPER.: WOMAN WANTS COOXING" and serving. AIso care of children byv day or hour. -Rets. Wilmette 783-R. general housework, North Shore rets. Phone Wilniette 496. 68LTN31-Ilp 69 SITUATION WANTEO-MALE EXP. IMAN IVISHES HOUSEWOEK Tues., Wed.., Friday. p. m. WindoNvs washed both sides, 10c. Odd jobs. A-1, N. S. rets. 'Martin, Wil. 2088. - riraNï-tl Ph. 'W cnn3" DRESMASINGL I DESIGN AND MAKE DR-ESSES Also dresses hmade up *for saleil., Remodeling. Reas. Ph. Wilmnette218 22LTN31-ltp I. NTED-GOOD HOME FOR KIT- en about .3 months old. Caîl Win- etka 2592. 44LTN31-1tp COOK AND GENERAL. GERMAN- Anierican. age 26. 7 years' experience, North Shore rets., reasonable wages. S-fl-A-Y, 14 W. Washington,, Chicago. Central 9800. 68LTN31-1te HIGH SCH-OOL,,GIRL :WISHES TO takë care of cblîdren and. assist with houséwork. Excell ent irefs. Phone: .WilmÉette.,3068, 88LTN8-ltp. RELIAB. sire P() ily. Co alone. 9COLOURED COUPLE DE-' ion together in prîvate tam- -c bousemn nd ebuff. or ekt ref. Ph. Wilmùette*3422. 70L3i-ltp *FOR SALE-CHOW PUPPIES AFINE XMAS PRESENT FOR THE children. See them at Yungmanchui Farrh, Kènnels, 730 Hîibbard Road, Wilmette 1312. 44LTN31-ltec

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