0 No n..4 f0 inferrupt your, holiday shopping f0 take curé of your:food needs-just phono uis your needs and we'll deliver. your order right to your kitchen wlthout extra charge f0 yOU. Tomiato Juic. 3 #iJ725c Flavor of vine rlpened tomoé~" CodfiSh I1îM. wood box 34c Servo tempting codifish bolb P WRINKLED 2m-2i 41c< tlfted, tendier. reth ftovor GTANBLABË SUGAR10= b48C Have p4.nty W onhnd for Christmas cookies GOLDEN-, umffERý1GLOW2 aux VALLEY - te finer fiavor buter . Lb. 19c P'RUNES MSY.16c Cellop>han wape40/50 s-iz. -plump and Iuicy A Specialý Free OfFer A complete tennis tble set paddMs, bail, and net- offered absolutely free with .ach 1-lb. tin of Thomp.ons Cho- colote Malted Milk a very speceal price 49C Eggs LV1LO SeRNfle o.ct reqet .p .31c Grahaom:Crackers 2 *23c SaWY*r's A-l. oodr ild e Br.d WH'OLE WHIEAT lb. 1of60f< mp.rs Old Setter',- let heothful Real 'Values GoId Duat lorge six. 15C Ail oround-oli purpo» csden Camay Soap 3 bars 14c The soop of b.outlfuI wom.n 1Amniosa 1 qi. bottie !Sc n onomical cleoner Pecch« ClIng 2- No. 2J4 tins Cocoa BAICR'S servo bot cooo ta chldrn 2 34 lb. tins 21< Mustard FReNCH'S PRIWAEU An added tongi g9 or 14c Peppermints BABY STruART chocolote Covered Fer lb. 35C Marshmaillows CAMFRE Try themtoateci I lb.*pig. 17<> Thinsies HAMMERED WHEAT Crisp, heuIthful 2 8 or. pkgi. 27< -Biscuit MiX SWANSDOWN Co vmnlent 44 oz. pkg. 31C Wesson 011 Plot botti. 29c For m.king good things to eot Cooked. Rationi A beef produci dog food. 15'/ oz. tins ...3 for ÀlhbC .4 t T i I 8*U I 1 ý ý:,.