Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 12

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Have Vour Coiffure Perfect for Christmas WC arc now featuring the iatest in ZOTOS machinecs, and HOLLY- WOOD seif-setting. permanent waves.. Especiaaliy benéficial 'for white, dyrd, bleached, hcnnaed, baby fine, lîfeclest, or damaged hair. Free. Pacial.Demnonstration Sat- urday. byMisa Shawski' sPe- cialiat of -Contouri. Consuit lier about your beauty probIeme. W. b ave added .te our staff an EXPERT MANICURIST Mrs. Normnile, who ha.s p eçial- ized ini cure of hands for 18 years. Mon.,, Tues., Wed. ......... 35c ISPECIALr-Mon., Tues., Wed. Shampo. and Set..*......7Sc For A ppoiintment JJhQxg WImette 4500 £2a Carnia BEAIJTY SALON Rutrauece through WINBURC'S DRUG STORE 417 Linclen Ave. ier church. iluriai took place at St. Mary's ceinetery, Techn%. Edith Osternia, 234 Warwick road, Kenilwortb, arrives Friday from Wellesley. ,On Saturdà'y, she,. will ertertain at dinner> preceding- the Young People's dance at tbe Kenil- worth club. Take Your Cluoiçe of , Our Deliciona Plate Lunches A lunch to fit .v.ry appetite and purse. 25c to 50c ~vAva~ua ~ OPPO5ITE VIL.L.AGE HALL. Thkey Will Give Lasting Pleasure Refrigerators Pauni Stone-R.tymor Photo Taking liâte out frot their .çludies are Uetivzersit3v Of Ilinois coeëds> wzho, iunder the chairtpanjship of Miss Virginia Sandberg of Glen'coe., are dressing do Ils for "'Mu~sic in the, Air;' the '. W. C. A. dofl show to be held Deceuui- ber 16. The dolis arc sent to flic poor chiidren ai flie Association House, 2150 West North avenue. *Chica go, as Christmas g lits. More than opte hu>dred girls on ten dif- ferent comnnitfres are zcorkiîg tun- der Miss Sandbery;'s direction. Mrs. John Moyens of Evanston entertained at a bridgEeIlunho DOLL HbUSES The Ideal Christmas Gif t 6 rooms - furnished or unfur- nished. W. construct 'our houses so that tihe ýchild has accessa te every room. Strono, - Durable - Practical We aiso handie Toys and Christmias Trees "As 1 have recelved mapiy commruni- cations from varlous constituents In- terceding in behalf of one postynaster Or. another throughout my district. 1 believe that perhaps the people of the Tenth Congreesioflal district will be interested In knowing the situation with regaird tg) these psmses "Due to the Interest indicated âbove. 1 recently made a trip to, Washinigton. at which time I visited with Senator titude and poiicy as ,fer as it concerned the Tenth Co.ngressionai district. "SntrLewis Informedl me that his understafldiflg was. that, the, administra- tion's. poiicy stIli was towards the di- rection of, having ail postnriasters put under civil service, and that lu the utre they wouid be filied as the resuit of a civil service- exaMixiation.' "0f course, this measure has flot yet. been.passed by Congress, and although the senator"did say -that he, intended to oppose the proposition, he. did flot commit himself- as far as my con- stituents were concerned. "I then visited, the officiais (if the Post Office departulent, proper,'who In- formed me that the çivil service method was a contempiated poiicy' and that, légisation along. this uine would be In- troduced at the next session of congress. and that the present policy of the de- partment 'indicated that they Intendeà to permit ail postmasters whose term-s are unexpired to fil out their terms be- fore replacing* thern, uniess they shouldw b;e rejnoved for cause." DAUGHTER BORN M1r. and Mrs. Arthur R. Prochniow. 2554 Prairie avenue, Evanston, for- rnerly of Wilmette, aninounce' the birth of a daughter, Canol'.\ay, on Wednesday, DecemiSer 13, at the Ev-. anston hospital. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wavt. 1429 Gregory avenue, atînounce the engage- ment of their daughter. Ruth..Ito John T. Wething, son, of Mrs. ,ouisc Wethling of Chicago. No date, bas been set for' the wedding.ý Mrs. Robert Gardner. of 94 Indiani Hill road, Winniietka. viI ,g'lve. i small dinner party'Saturday iii honor of her husband's birthday. -o- Jack O'Connor, 149 Keilworthi avenue, Kenilworth, cornes honme fron Georgetown early nextt week for w Un3 Cintrai Ave. W. 1 nrnsiruy YuA. M. 10 Y r. M.- The Bible and Works of Mar Baker Eddy and all other authorîzed j Christian Sciec Literatur. may b. reïd, borrowed or purchamed et. the Reading R.... THE PUDLC IS CORDLLY INVflUD TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES ANP DVM TTSE READiNG ROOM Wil. gi«

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