Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 16

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you to worsfl1p wilflus. The musical program for the service, arranged by Miss Bria Rounds. direc- tor, ks as foli6Ws: prelude, "Overture" (Meëssiah), Handel: anthem,' -"Uark,, Hlark, My Soul." Shelley, -the choir, offertory solo, «"Light," Stevenson, Miss Lois Grider : postlude, " *And the, Glory of the Lord" (Messiah), Hiandel. Our, Sunday qchool meets at 9:30 oclock. We Invite you., Our Adult Bible clasQ. -which meets at 9:45ý o'cick. la growing, We are'study- ing the theme. "Great Messages frorn the Pirophets," led by the pastor. We invite you to. study with, us. The sixteentli annual Christmas musi- cal festival at New Trier High sehool will be held Sundày afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Christian Endeavor soclety Will meet at 5 :30 o'clock in the chapel. There will be ai special speaker on the theme, 'OpportunIie-S for Christign Service In~ the Médical Poes4~: Refreshments are served after thé meeting. The Sunday Evening club at the con- gregational churéh at .7:30 o'clock wili pres ent the well known poet, Edgar A. Guest. Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wlll meet at the church Mondav evening. Spoke No. 2 wilI meet Tuesday at 1 o'clock with Mrs. Frank Church, 610 *Maple avenue. Spokie No. 11 will 1hold -in aIl day meeting. with Mrs. A. G., Blooni, 1337 Elinwood avenue, on Tues- day. The choir will rehearse Priday eve- ning at 7 o'clock. The iinnual Christnias Eve Carol sfig of tbe Wilmette Playground and Recre- ation board wlll be held Saturday eve- nIng. December 23. at the Village hall lawn, at 7:-30 o'clock. Food -and lothlng for the, needy wil be brought to our Stinday schlool and church servies Sunday, Decemnber. 17, and dstrlbuted at Olivet Institute, Association House, and the Chicago Christian Induastrial league. The minister's sermon theme for the Il o'cloclç wot'shlp service next Sunday mnornlng will be "The Ultimate Vision." The niuslc for next Sunday morning wlll be as follows: Qrgan Prèlude:- "Rhapsody on Old . Carol. Melodies"...........ester Introt: *'0 Corne, Ail Ye Faithfu"- Adeste. Fideles Offertory Solo: "ChrIstmas". . . . Shelley Mr., C. Rola nSmith Organ Postlude: "Chorus of the Shep- herdW' ......... ............L.emmiens There will be, a, Vesper service of worship this Sunday at. 5 o'cloeck. This wlll be in the form of a "Darkness to Light" service, startlng with "The World. in Darknes, then 'The World in Twilight," "The'World.in Dawn, and ,*The World la _Light." Invite your friends and, neighbors to attend this unusual and beautiful service. The mnu- sic ýwill 'be as foliows, The Organ Prelude: "-Christmas" Reger B»4sq -Solo: "For, Behold, Darkaes Vp~îCover the Earth" (Messh)- Handel Mr. C. Rola Smith Choir Hymn: -Watchman, Tell Us of the Nigbt##............. Mao Tenor Solo: "We Called through the. Darknes.s" .... ......Mendessohn Mr. Robert Kessler Anthein:"'"Break' Forth, O Beauteous *Light- -- . .. .... .. . Bach Offertory Solo: 40 Thou That Tellest, Good Tldi1ngs" . Handel * Miss Florence Farrar Choir Hymn: "O0 Cor-ne, 0 Corne Emmanuel"............ .....Gounod Organ Postinde: "Fia t Lux" (Let There Be Light)........Dubois The High School league wlll meet The Young People's chapter of - the Epworth league wil meet at 6:15 P.Ini. * Sunday, following the "Darýkness to Light Vesper service." Dr. Van Kirk of New Trier High achool will bc the ,speaker. The Frlendly Indian Cubs, will. hold open bouse- and Christmas serVice for p arents Friday, December 22, at. 8 O'clock. The Church School meets each Sunday morning at 9:30 .olock. There' are classes for aIl ages, froni the Nursery There Is Red Cross sewing att church each Tuesday inorning at 9: o'clock. -~ I Baptist Church, Wllmette and Forest Avenues Rev. George D. Allison, .pastor "A Church That Cares" "A Ne w Bible" l the theme of Dr. AIlllon's message on Sunday mornh)g. New Bibles ivli be on the dlaplay table~ tin the. church vestibule., New copies of old versions, and ne* and timeli- tran-s- lations Into modern speech., Perhaps for you the Holy Scriptures will beilike a new book if you will read them with eager heart aad open mmnd. At 9 :30 the Church school.nieets. T'he superintendent Is Z. A. Parkhurst and he will be glad to -find a placefor you in the work, oôras a learner. The Adult class, J. C. Blaylock, president,, Invites you to a lesson on "Paul In Rome." The htgh ;chool groups In the school are ,seeking more recruits. At 6i p. m. the young people's meetings. are held. The B. Y. P. U. meets In the Gulld room, wlth Lee Blaylock's com- mission in charge, and adjournml to the parsonage for refreshments and a su- cial evenlng. The older group meets with Miss Betty Clark at 2613 Park place, Just over the'Evanston line. This group will complete organîzation, choose a naine and lay plans for future activi- dies. Young people over the high schojol age who are sincereiy lnterested will be mëst welcome. ThoQe selected for parts In the Christ- *Memibers of the, Junior and Senior choirs are reminded of the rehearsals tonight (Thursday). This is also the reégulai' evenlag for the Sea, Scout ship, whlch ls uslng otir social hall fer ils headquai'ters Jmat now. Next Wednesday, the miaister co.ntin-, ues his Advent, lectures on the "Meaniflg of the, Messianlce Hope."1 We havea delighttul fellowshlp of. pralse and prayer,, to. which visitors. are alwayÉ welcorned. Taike note that those desir.« Ing' to becôme members of this church t" -.t'a.. Vh', . Yer hould iwzeti The ead f tefamiIl s not feeling Just rlght as he la obllged to -undlergo the daily grind of looking. for worli. His famnily la not, de-Stltute but WIl-*11 Ing -as economically as, ever It can. The, mother seems te be cheery, but* Qome-. how, the father ls painfully impiressed, with the Idea that. she'is making, an effort te appear joyous, and It does.not add toebis compos.ure of mind. Some-; how hé hopes God will work just a little miracle for.hlm, for he, know,;it would beë almost a miracle i f 'omething should occlir to replenish the pocketbook. Thils is nic make-believe sketch., Many will recognize ln It a past experience., We give the sketch, becausie we have a hope that -when you read it,' Yeu may res.olve te assist our Ladies Aie and Miseinnary society ln filling- Christmas baskets to be dellvered Christmas day to many such familles. Don't- let this .fam.ily listen te the Christmas sermon wonder- lng if some of thewor.shippe'rs have flot forgotten that the day Il, one for deeds as well as praise. But let them feel that somehow It. had been .a pleasant Christmn.... May we ask 'all who wlsh to MIl these baskets &f joy to comnmuni- cate with Mrs. G. Simons or Mrs. F. C. Meves. 1'hen, on CIhistmnai; morning, take up the glad refrain that erstwhlle broke the stillness of Judea's plains, "Hosanna in -the highest, peace on earth, good ivili te men." English Lutheran Seventh Street at Greenleaf *'A }iouse of Wrli> Rev. David R. 'Kabe'lu, pastor S UNI1)>AY SE IlVICE S Sunday achool........9 :45.. Morning worshil........la i Choir rehearsal Friday evening «it 7:30 o'clock. The Junior Luther Jeague ivili meut on Sunday eventing ;ýt 5:30 o'clock. Mr. .Jerome Nevins willI spe.ik on -Better' Ways of Sharing Christmnas Sp)irit." AUl the young. peoffle of high school age, are cordially invited. Catechetical classes will meet on Mon- day and Tuesday afternoonis at 4 o'Clock. On Wednesday evening, Deceember .20, at 7 :30 o'.cloçk the Sund&ty .chtiio will présent lits Christmas progrâni. Ail are welcorme., Our Christmas services are scheduled. Wednesday, December 20, at 7.:30 p. mi. -Sunday school program. Sunday, December 24, 9:45 a. m-Sun- day school; il a. m.-Morning worship, reception of new members; 3 1p. m.- Bapti-smal service. Chritmias Day, 6 a. i.-Early wor- shn!.-rvirP. iuar wuz e nomeex g o x... '"u- opmB. ib. *vvuauuzL. .ana.58'J 5 s i8aFx*4o!.i*C£4 l .-iliq * en's gulld on Monday, DecQnlber 18. you to worsliip wîth us. 111gh School departments, and 10:45 for The guild wIll resume its meetings Mon- Choir rehearsal *Hll be held this ee the pre-sehool children In the Beginners day, January 8. -* ning (1rhursday). at 8 o'clock under the Our Suliday school and Bible classes departnient. a*on direction of Miss Marie Briel. All nien- are working on a special Christmas * The Suflday school will haveaJon bers ar'e urged to be prement and on program. The children 'are really enjoy- Edgar Guest, the widely known poet service on December 17 lu the Junior tîme. Ing this work as It again brings to their alnd conductor of a column ln the De- department, wbere they will celebrate a *.-mmnds thé woflderful Star ln the. East troit Free Pres wiIl speak at the WU- white chrituas. The. Young People's choir Will ineet, whijch tey 1,ofow and ..wboze guiding mette Sunday. Kvening club which meets os.

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