Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 30

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Muffins ..Griddle Cakes..Waff les Combread Taie:m deliçaou«s flavor: you evee tasted. The fragrant aroma of freshly popped' corn. Cet a Package heom Your Grocer Today Ai the udi htstores: Wilmette Food -Shop Wllmette Groeery £m)arket CHRISIMAS GIFI 0F MÉN'S OR WOMEN'S SHOES PUR- CHASED UNTIL DECEMBER 241H. HtJNDREDS 0F SMART STYLES hI~ SPECIAL OSLE F SUEDES cember 20, trom 8:30 to 9 o'clock., Half of the models wiii. appear i the puifs and busties of the gay nineties, whiie others wiIl be clothed in mod- erri dress. The, old-fash.ioiied gar- merits are being loaned by grand-ý parents,: whiie lte modern garb will be p rovided througli the courtesy, of' several north shore shops and.za Chi- cago furrier. Visitors are. c ordiaily invited .to view the great changes. which have takein place in. the last quarter century in the field of fash- ion. N. T. Swimmners Engage, Oak Park in Opener As- a resuit of the. caticellation of last Saturday's scheduied swimming meet with, Mairie TownishipHigh schooi of Des Plaines, the New Trier High Schcoi'junior and senior swimming teamis wil have -no, more. practice meets before the openijng of the Suhurban leag&,e season at Oak' Park Friday, De- cember 22. That' afternoon at 4 o'clock, the New Trier swinmers wlI compete with Oak Park in the iatter's pool. Ini the evening Newv Trier will engage Oak Park ini adoubieheaderhasketbali battie. Freshmen Groups Hold Entertainment for Dads, Two. of the freshman boys' advisor rooms, 'those of B. W. Shearer and Arnold Bridges, held a "dads'" niight Thursday of this week. Fathers -of the boys, were irivited invited Io join i an evenirig of ping pong and stun'ts. Re- freshments were setred at the close of the program, which w~as held in the Tri- Ship room and the girls' gymnàsium.. There are 'a total of ime freshman. boys' advisor rooms, and it is planned to have three more "dads' " nights later for the fathers of, boys, in these rooms. last:c competition of the season, Iosing to Serin High school of Chicago, .31 to 21. Trailing 9 to 5 at the end of the first quarter, .and stili behind four points at the end of the haif, 16 to 12, the Serin boys stepped, out ini the third quarter in, a fashion that iindicated they-were flot to be headed. New Trier had- lost Clarence Dahi, steliar guard, by way of the -personai foui route. and by. the, time. the third quarter ended Senn had added twélve points' to its to tal whille New Trier was unable to connect. for a single point. That was tlic bail game. Sistdiag Scores Stone, Senti forward, Won, the in- dividual scoring honors with a total of ten points. Jack Sinding, New: Trier forwvard, made. seven points to -iead 1 lis team Mi scoring. Bob Haàlquist, al-so -a forward, scored six points for New Trier. ln the first game. of the, seasonl the New Trier heavywveights. defeated the alumui and lthe lîghtweights iost to. the alurmni. Last Friday, however, it was the iightweights who %von. They, defeated Sentii, 25 to 17. Flynn, forward, played brilliantly for New Trier. He wvas the, individual high scorer of. the game, with a total of ten points. Play Hyde Park Dec. 6 Both the heavyweight and light- weight teamns vill be seen ini action on the home floor again this week. A doubleheader with Hyde Park High school of Chicago is scheduled for Sat- ur.day night. The Hyde Park heavies won two gaines last wee&, defeating Sullivan, 33 to 15, and the Central Y. M. C. A. of Chicago, 34 to 24. The' Hyde Park' .lightweights lost* toý Sullivan, 38 to 26, but won f rom thé Y. M. C. A., 48 to 11. Hiltlerisým> làSubjeet at Gavel Club Meet ing 1 ýitlerisffi nGermany"' was the sub- DEBATE RADIO CONTROL ject of discussion at a meeting of the Senior boys heard a debate Wed- Gavel club last Friday. The meeting sday niorning of this week on the was open flot only to nienibers of the aestion of whether or riot the United club but to other students as well, and ates should adopt a systemi of radio forty-six atterided. F. C. WVind'oes, head 238 S. STATE ST. STORES sTr. 39 W. VAN BUREN ST. club room. june M of arrangements play directed by of the Commercet presented. -There and refre.sbments. »tnent 15 to oe t a aecision îmmeaiati el. b music 1,that some action W- in. 1934. present to rmake It, is -expected. je taken eéaiy A.8. van Deusen Wager's Purity Groeery. &

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