Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 46

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the programi whicb will be a presenta- tion and explanation of the' new inter- pretative dancing now being taught ai Wellesley, and r.epresenting of the Wig- mian school. Miss Elizabeth Peitzsch and Miss Mary Starkes will appear ir costume, first. giving exercises in illus- tration of the method, then givingfln- ished numbers,.explaining the, steps as tbey go. along.o Their accompanimeni will. be percussion instruments, àAdrum, a Chinese gong, and a Turkish cymbal. They will -do solo dances,, and, as a finale, anensemble to the îWords of a poem. Miss'Peitzsch, a member of Orchesis, national dancing society, and Miss, ýStartkes wvere prominent in Tree, day at Wellesley Iast spring. The for- mer, as premiïere danseuse, was. Pan- dora, the 'latter was. head of the Furies in tli2 presentation of "Pandora.". Iotli are continuing their.studies in the mod- ern dance-aswell as téachinlg. it in sv eral schoois. QOn the program with tber Saturday wilI be Miss Martha EDoty who is a senior atcollege, and who will describe *Christmas at Wellesley. Miss Doty now lives in Genéva, Ill.., but was for- *merly of Evanston.. The. customary singing of carols will complète the program. Tea will be served shortly before 4ý o'clock, .with Mrs. Ralph C. Brown of W~innetka, Mrs. Bruce MacI.eisli of Glencoe, Mrs. Irwin Rew of Evanston," Mrs. George E. Bliss of Highland Park, and Mrs. Albert C. Goodnow of Glencoe pouring. Memhers may invite guests.. National Park Seminarg Alumnae Elect Officers At the regular meeting of the Na- tional Park Seminary associationi held recently, officers for the comiug year were elected. 'L'he retiring pres- ident is -Miss Miriamn Way of, Riverj Forest. New officers who will assume office at the annual luncheon early ini Jan- uary are: Mrs. Robert W. Kneebone, Mrs. C. P. Du bbs is'openittqte doors of her beaittif itlhoime at 100-I Michigait avenue, WiI'nî cite,, F ridai e vcnpiùg of thistwe.k ai 8:30Q o'clock, for a bridge ben.e fit given by the Mîtry C'rane league of the National Collce o dctionfo the bene fit of the Mary Cran c Nursery st-ho o at Hidl House. Mrs. A. W. Peake of Wilrnette is a member of the committee in charge, which is headed by Mrs. E. L. Ward of Evanston. Others assisting are .Mrs. H. S. Clingman of Winnetka, M1rs. J. Edgar Lee, Mrs. Milton Sturm, Mrs. Robert Spaeth, and Mrs. Walter Paulison of Evanston, and Mrs. John Reichert of Rogers Park. N.M Has Part in, Pen Women's PrQgram Friday In the Governor's mansion at Springfield Friday evening - of this lweek will take place a festiv~e social affair, in wbich the north shore bas its part. It is a program by poets and composers and artists selected. from throughout Illinois, to be given be-i fore a distinguished 'assemblage which will include prominent persons in the state. It is an invitational. af7 fair arranged by ail the state or- philanthropies of the council such as the service to the foreign bôrn, Ameri- canization, and citizenship classes and work, an-ong the bard of hearing. The service to foreign-born aind the immigration work is becomilg, daily more important with the difficulties.of the German situation, it is aninounced. This' Serve and Seli day.will b)e dif- ferent -fromn most food sales. It will have two very interesting features, one :of the demonstrations by counicilmem- bers -of the. cooking, and banking of their most famoUs recipes, the other the demonstration by professionals of foods ýand their ýuses1 by wvell knowný caning, concerns. Luncheons and tea will, feature the daytime activities, and dinner, 'either flsh or turkey, will bc the, cvemng specialty.' AlLthe food is being prepared by the council . cooks,, and members and their daughters wiIl act as waitresses. Among the attractions for the dinner hour are the farnous Vincent Lopez, Sheia Barrett, the well known imitator and personality canicaturist, an(] ber accompanist, Sam W'alsh, f rom a prom- mnent downtown show. Mrs. Harry A. Kahn~ of Glencoe is chairman of the ways and mneans. Miss Helen Frankenstein is chairnian, of booths. Among the many chairmen are Mrs. Bernard L. Stein of Glencoe, and Mrs. Harry L. Canmann of Highland Park. Mi-s. Irving. Ber-lin, Mrs. Nate Bederman, Mrs. Isdore Schuinan of Winnetka, Mrs. Louis Suekoif of Wil-. mette, Mrs. Max Woldenberg of Hub- bard Woods, and Mrs, Sylvan Hirsch- berg of Glencoe are also active. Tickets on Sale for "'Alice in Wonderland"- The world, premiere of "'Alice in Wonderland," tbe moving picture cager- ly anticipated by everyone, will be given ini the Grand ballroom of the Stevens Tbursday evening, December 21, at 8:30 o'clock. It will be in the nature of a benefit performance. The undertakirig is under the auspices of the board of endeavoring to malce the concert a popular one. generally. The mu sic, it is announced, will be modern and popular, as well as of general inter- est. A large contingent of families from. :Milwaukee are coming down for the program, so that they will ýrenew ac- quaintances w ith local aàlumi and students. Among the Harvard students Àiho, whnthey corne home, for the holi-. day.season, will undoubtedly -be ac- tively %working for thé success of the concert are J. N. Hellmhuth of XiI- miette, Charles Odegaard, .Whose fainily moved to Evanstont recently fron! Glenco-e, andthe f ollowing from Xinntka: Allen P.hilbriczk, James 1)uharn Reilly, H-obart P.- Young, Cheves. Wàlling, johi R. Fetchier,. Walter D..Fisher, Robert B. Graves,. Grover M. Hermann, David b Ilowe, William: McAdams, William Me- Ewen, Jack. Odeli, Mark' Cresap, Richard Alschuler, WVayne Andrews, Thômias L. Daiiiann, DeForest Davis, Raymond Durliamn, H arrv, K.. Wells, and Samiuel S. Greelev. Mr. Greeley is, a great grandsoli of Samntiel Sewell Greeley, who. gradu-' ated in 1844. and w-ho for ,many'< years was the oldest. living graduate, of Harvard. Alpha Gamma Delta, LabaBene fit for Children Labachapter of Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae is giving its animal card party on Saturday, Pecember 16, at the Chapter bouse in tlhe Womiain's quadrangle at Nortbwesterti univer - sity in Evanston. The proceeds of the party are to go toward the upkeep of the sorority's two camps for underprivileged chil- dren at, Jackson,. Michigan and at Welland, Ontario, Canada. Thelma Mancinelli, 1010 Sheridan road and Frances Allworth, also of Wilmette, are working bard on the committee to see that the north shore is one, hundred percent sold in ticketse th srrecr, vvumette.,i ne is pland for tarlyspring. grain and giuts for th1e chilqiren. This 4abel, Mrs. John V. Rathbone,- 523 party is given for thie twenty-four ksgiv- Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, enter- children supported by the Protestant on of tained a foursome at bridge on Mon, club, and is under the direction of r, 431 day, December Il. Helen Rathbone Mrs. Williaixi Lowitz and Mrs. W. wed- returns frorn the University of li- Randal Collins of 716 Brummàel nois Deceniber 22, for the. holidays. street, E-vanston. Mrt. and Mrs. James F. Nolan, 1130 Locist road, will entertain fifty guests at a cocktail party this coming, Sun- day afternoon.

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