Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 54

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Boys, Girls Fresh Makes Fine Pro jects InMrs. Vernon's social science Caus fo Riv lryclass we made volunteer projects fer Boys and girls at Howard school Chapter II in our own textbook, often clash for bonors in spellitig, "Changing Civilizations in the Mod-, but this- year tbey are, enjoying an 'ern World.". There were many fine additional rivairy in. the form of poet aeb ac ecw snapy viiebal gaes.Jacqu eline Baihatchet, Mary Jane In the following stories, the, boys Eddington, James Gregory,, Elsie ~and girls, offer. their versions -of. re- Jane Lippen. and many others. We cent contests:, had a very interesting time display- The Boys,' Version ing the projects.-Martha Brown, Howard 8A boys piayed 8A gi rls, Stolp 2D. in a volileyball game. The boys won_________ the firstgame, 21- to, 4.. In. the sec ond game the girls beat the boys, 10 Stolps Assemnbly Club. to *9,. but if, the bell hadn't- rung, I Hears of Clippe r Ships. believe thiat the boys could have won. Pr.Glrs rmteCoato -~Vi1ia Roensiel HoardSA. Maine entertaified, the Stolp assembly The 6A girls recently played the 6A Clu. u a1o atwekb ak boys in volleyball. The girls have Ing on clipper ships. As both> of* her different rules -which we didn't un-grdfteshdbnsacpais derstand. The boys start.ed out with She knew a great deal about them and a seven point Iead but later. we lost 'trse svr nc ybrclr some points on their rules. It'ended fui talk. Mrs. Gilcrest is -also an up. with the. boys 13 and the girls 14, accompl.ished musiçian and played '"dail of the Sea" on the piano for becauseý we didn't understand their u.JntBcl tl B rules.-Robert- Cederberg, Howard u.JntBcl tl B The. Girls' Version The boys recently played the girls in- voileyball. It, was a close game. The bell rang just. as the girls got a point, and they won by a point. -Marilyn Myrland, Howard 6A. The boys in 8A accepted the challenge made by, the girls. to play volleyball. We played two games, losing one and winning one. The score of the irst game was: boys 10, girls 3. The second game was: boys, 9, girls 10.: An exciting.time was had by all.-Pearl, Anderson; Howard 8A. Tuesday aefternoon the girls-played against- the boys in volleyball.- We bad lots of fun. The boys won as isual.-Jeanne, Best, Howard .6B., Girls of Howard SC Give .Teacher a Fruit Shnwer tlasketball Players'Get Ready for, lst Practice Basketball will be here soon, so the peewees, lightweights, and heavy- weigbts had better get into shape. Our first practice will be Saturday. The coaches of the' teams will prob- ably be Mr. Davis, ightweights and heavyweights, and Mr. Stone, pee- wees. We hope to have a successfuij season.-Bob Cochran,, Howard 8B. BOYS OUTSCORE GIRLS In gymnasium Wed nesday, 7C boys playéd volleyball with the girls, dur- ing the girls' gymT period. The boys won both games, the first, 18 to. 21, and the second, 6 to.4, although the ý bell rang, before we could finish th second gamé.-Lorraine Uedelhofe1n.« Hfoward 7C. MANUAL TRAINING In manual training we are rnaking different things. 1 amn fashionioe Mrs. Jonces, 8A teatcher, had a be- havior chart put up in lier room iast. week.. After each room has corne and gone, Mrs. Jones marks on this chart how their behavior Was. -A "pl'us"p means, excellent. "S" . means satis- factory and ."minus" poor. So far, 8B and 7C are ahead in gold stars with one apiece.. You get a. gold, star if your room gets five, pluses in: a row.-Bili -Roberts',Howard SA. Students Are Playig "Pom Pom Pull-A way" Before the, bell rings every day we, play a game called "pom pom pull-away," and it is a lot of fun. You jblay it like this: QOne boy is I"it"l and ail the otherstry to run pas t him. Th e ones he catches help 'hirn to catch the rest. Then someone shouts, "Last one up the: hili is: 'it,' "* and we ail runt back, and the last one is ",it." -Billy White, Hloward S~B. Boys Take Posture Test Before Enjoying Games The 5C boys had a Posture test re- cently. We still have lots of things to learn. After the posture tesqt We divided our class into two parts. The captains of the teanis were Frank Welter and Raymond Drebes. Ray-2 mond Drebes was the captain of the team on which I played. We. won both games.-Arthur Green, Howardt -nMAKE PUPPET SHOWVolya'saG e InMiss Theman's room we are of "Back and Forth" mnaking a puppet show for a project. Tuesday we have gym and we play The room is making it from writing volley bail. We have a lot. of fu.n, too. on Stone to the making of the Guten- There, are two teams There',is 'a berg printing press. Our. group. is net between thern. Qne team takces m aking picture signs and the alpha- the bail anidbits it over the e to the btcalgst g.Peggy Peterson, H-owe- other team. who tries to bit- it back. ard 6C. If .this other.team, succzeeds in doing it, the side that started the gam e off THEY DO THEIR PART tries to. return the ball, and s0 on. Stolp pupils sturely did their part for -Howard Henderson, Howard 5A. Thanksgiving. Every room treated unristmas beais Are Discussed at Senior Assembly The senior assembly of the How-ý ard school had its second meeting Friday, Deicember 8. The program wvas given to advertise' the. Christmas-.Seai drive which' is to heip people who have. tuberculosis. First oni the program, were four eighth. grade pupils who -gave pep talks on, the seliing ofthe seals and, what they are 'for. These speakers were WilIma Knoop, Dudleyý Yeomnan, Randolph Mc.Candlish and Hairriet' Kirchner. A seventh grade octet: was then 'heard singing, "Jingle B3ells," u .sing words to advertise the, seals. The most important, speaker, of the program, was then heard, Mrs. Biiss, the L{ealth Center niurse, wvho is doinug a great d eal to put over file drive., She spoke, to us about the selling of the seais and about the miany people whom they have helped. She also told us of a girl in the eighth grade of our school last year whoni the Health I Center cured of tuber-. culosis. The seventh grades, then gave a; short play ,explaining hoW these Christma'sSeatl drives ,started, ail. of which 1 arnisure helped 'the'eétir assemnbiy understand this, drive., I aim also sure that manyI more childrien wrîll buy the seals, knowing their purpose and whoni they are going to help.-Dorjs Paterson, Howard 8A. - : Howard Irienens, LIUMPHS layed volleyball LOSE FIR8T ie against teamn The first. volleyba both games. we lest to C-21 vard Sth grade. iBurnside, Howard sq vv o.ru, Hoiward 5.A- rx- -r LEARN VIRGINI,4 READY FOR STRUGGLE We are learning a da ad, F2 is going to have its next volley- It is called the Virginia ley bail game against FI this Thursday. liard to learn but it ýis -Franklin Johnson, Howard 6A. Lascelles, Howard SA. LastF after sci two. Te; -Sonniy in gym. !el- It is in.--Mary.

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