acquireu oy the Village of Kenil. worth under the will of the late Mis! Mary Mahoney-into a wild flowei preservation, in accordance witl- plans recently made by jens jens'ni noted landscape architect. Al .presenit were entb,usiaitfk wher they realized that,,a three-ace a tural park, comprised of the native trees, shrubs and flowers of this 'pari of the country, could become a real- ity in the, next three months through the use of these Civil Works fulnds, whereas, -under ortiinary circurn- stances, years miglit îe require(l tg compflete the project. The costof the dtevelopnient will aggregate about $9,150, of which cost ;about $6,700 would. be made, iii of labor- costs,. the, work to be donc largely by, Kenilworth unempîoyed men, 'wbo will be paid entirely froîi federal funds, and the remainiîîg sum of $2,450 will be spent. fo r niaterials, tools and equipment, trees,- shrubs, a. fence, paths, a sprinkling systeni, stone seats, grass seed etc., of which cost the Village must pay one-lialf anti the government to pay. the otiier haff. Thé idea for the development originated .witb the Kenilworth Home and Garden club about a. year agoý anti, last spring, at its sugges- tion, the Village board approved the organization of a Civic Plans coin- mittee to carry on the prelinîinarv. work. Tixat committee was composed of 'representatives from the follow.> ing organiz'ations, appointed bv the various presidents: Mrs. A. R. Elotge, Kenilwortlî Home -andi Garden club; Mrs. Rufus Stolp, Kenilworth Gardien club; Mrs. Clyde Ross, the Neiglibors; Mrs. Leon Ellis, the Historical society; Prof. Nygaarti, superintendent of the joseph Sears school. The> committee felt - the need ofa e xpert. advice on >the tievelopment v anti, in August, Jens Jense i was re- t questeti to provitie plans for the park, n which -were recentîy practicall1. com- pleteci and turned ov'er tio the coin- j inittee. p j j r f 7. >4 cÇ ing this workc at this time will be the; opportunity it affords teo put'men to work, and the Village will give pref- erence to the uriemploYed men of Kenilworth, filling the balance of the quota needeti from the neighboring villages as soon as the Kenilworth quota bas been exhausted. Thie developthent of this tract will provide a -buffer, between the No- andc, in the- event 'it is 'h-ot so:de- Man's Land's commrercial areaanti veloped, it wl eett eea e Kenilworth andi wiIl, unidoubtedly, ligious 'organizations wvho .would be enhance the value of aIl entitle41 to develop it as tbey deemnet property in the vicinity. best. ,Under, tbe terms 'of Miss Ma- The Village boardti wilI supply- su- boney's will, this tract must be de- pervisory help under the general di- veloped anti maintaîned as a Park rection of Mr. Jensen. NameCastfor earsof the Christmas play being given Na eCast ol Saru PgenLogan-.foward JFriday, December 15, ini the IHoward Sehol Xm s Pgean p, . 4school auditorium, by the eighth The cast of cbaracters for "The P.T.A grades under the direction of Miss Christmas, Story," which is to be pre-I Mil1dred Flaskered. The play wasý sented in pageant form at the Joseph nwýritten by Ray Flaskered, and is.'be- Sears school in ICenilworth Fritiay, Menibers of Miss Stade's ballroom ing sponsored by 'the December 22, was annotinced thIs dancing classes are looking forward P.T. A., week by Miss M. Louise Robinson, to the Christmas party which is be- art .teacher at joseph Sears, who ing planneti for themf by Miss Stade Ther ilb a matinee at 3. o'clock Arih issMagaet avnprtmui~anti tthe Logan-Howard . 'T. A. especJaîly 'for the chiltiren, and it is :eaher, is in cargDaenorrange-icomîte h atywl egv hoped'that they wiIl .attenid this rather t e a c e r , -i s i n h a r e o a r a n g - c ô m i t e é . T h e p a r y w l l c g v e n t h a n t h e e v e n i n g p e r f o r m a n c e , w h i c h ments for the pageant. in the Logan school' Friday evening, i rmrl o h aet.Ams BiIly Bay will take the part of December 22, at 7:30. Not a great sipomailyo the pareewllb ens tAms roseh ad te rle o May wll e teal has been told the chiltiren about ~t h aie ilb esta bas the cast : raUUir, q ota tmte quent visits with her dauighter mrs. detosa mlo orw atrth aely boa going to Cuba, but preferreti funds necessary to meet immediate Underwood hati matie many'frientis in toeit eacoo:h year. The parents who to spenti bis vacation with h. afy needs, the balance' requireti to be Wilmette. attended tbe December meeting last raised ither by special entertain- year, will rerneiber this as one of Mrs. John' Carpenter, 239 Eusex mnents, a drive for subscriptions, or Mrs. Frank Nason, 733 Cummings the ~oeis programs of the year. road, Kenilworth, enteïtained at aý thrôugh ôther means at a later date. avenue, entertaineti a foursome at .1~ uncheon and bridge Wednesday of The outstancîing value of undertak-' luncheon' fer14y. <"The Radiant Ceo s" is the titieti ek