Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 58

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H. Car v j:a xie"' ~ i . J 1 .)))- -- R7. Waldorix Huif Boliers (J 1 .900 activities sponsored ,uy the Play- H. Bonntîî Hoffmann Flôrists 0 1 .000 ground and 'Recreation board will be ýnR. WiI11iîtn- sj. suspended during the Christmas houl- Johnson, referet . "B" Easketbali League for Men days, beginning December 23, accord- St. Francis' (12) 1". P. C. (16) J. O'Neil R. Steffens ing to announcement madle by Daniel Twisters ( R5S2)înT. Sehifler M. Davis, director. of'recreation, F. Keush B.Morn .1 Miler The North. Shore league will Ineet RF. Torrev B. letcr M. Kneip H. erb~) MeerA. Bauer four, tixnes during h holidays: P. Emerich . îser.*. -l*knsWednesday, Deceni -r27-; Friday, Johnson, re-f>eree Gihe; -V. whit-, December 29; Wedn.esday, January C. Mill W ili e~ ( î H rnet Jo nso , re~-î~,.3: Fr iday, january 5, in order to per- fmtthe -eight teams registered in the G. Drake!I A. s (*8, eagues to comlete two "round rob- G. rak A.Ruso . Rogers J. Badger i, C Leonard R.McLean in' schedules during the season. W.bayW. Young.. C. Nordberg' It wili be, the, first tume that the FBroadJ.- Allworth D. Dingwall Recreation board has: scheduled B. -Wiliam. E. Young R. o'1 R. (>gi)vie R: Greenl R. Frkldmn activities, for the two weeks' holidwo. rhnson, referee bL. 1laylock L. Goss Iii season, Mr. Davis says. The activi- D. Camph)e1 -f. Clar te ngs i '~C leaue: ct~*W. ieet. s supenïding sChedules during the W. L e.Jhsn referee two wçeks wilI resumne their regular A 0 '1.00') routines January' 8.. -'*C* eague, got under way last Wed- R. Smith Stolp gJ.as- andai nesday. evening at the Stopgia-J andton ium when the first games in the R. Christen.son .round robin" schedule were plaved. C. Soule,1 The league meets weekly on ý\Ved-M.J nesday evening and has just com- (rîekets (I.;) pleted a practice schedule prior to; G. -Nevins 1-_ 1D *Specht the openingof the league.. H Seifert Three, gameés are played. each iR:' Lonergan WVedniesday. In Iast Wednesday's 7î E. Samuelson o'c.lock.game, Bob, Smith's "Terriers" removed . the "'Ha" from Roger \Vil-.e All Stars (44) liams' "Ha-Chas" to the tunie of a 45 R. Green to 8 victory and at the' samne tirne jP. -Achbacher staked dlaim to oine side of a th ree-: j. ti aytie for'first Place. At 8 O'clock! Asparb j.ack Stein's Ail Star" teamr plaveéd Kapa - < rankël the "Willieýs," a team of Stolp school M.J boYs -and .Provided another' side of the three-way lead by 'winning the 1Tearn standii game with a score of 45 to 13. Twisters The third gamne playied. at 9 Terriers o'cockwasbeween the Crickets,.a -111 ar team of Howard school boys under Wfle iHa -Chas the captaincy of Robert Lontergan iii _rckets and the little "T7wister", team manl- -St. -Franc-is- aged by jack Gàither. The *'Twist- ers" won and took the third side of Men's Vo the t hree-cornered lead. Their score ' was 52 to 17. T. Schinler There are eight teams in the "'C" -.Ptr league, which ýis. being,.groomed bY ; ae the Recréation staff to be gradu.ated E. Thalmann into the. "A" and"B leagues. as 1-[-. Hzauii soon as vacancies occur . in, those Pii leagues. Glen W. Gathercoal. is the: hi recreation assistant in.charge-.- M-ýettîodist The North Shore leagýue is the <('10,. 12) 9 A. acker only aduit activity for' which there is J,* Hoffmann an admission charge for spectators. E. Scildgc-ti The league contains niost of the out- C. Geppert standing teanis on the N.orth Shore. 1.BUc The garnes are played at 7, 8 and 9 Gte o'clock at the HJoward gymnasiurn..Gae Totnorrow evening at 7 o'clock the 'Seddon Lynamn Texacos wilI meet the Cax'r- (3, 0, 7) Leen teani and 8 o'clock is the hour A Seddon for. the C. Y. 0.-Huif Boiler ra1 B. Plati whih wlIdetermine which teaie- .Fuse mains in first place in the league. i A. C hr 1sti e At 9 o'clock the Northbrook Sport-, W-Fih men will meet a tearn that has .Gathe, ýi'et been selected 'but wiIl be an out- Tea m standing of-town tearni The public is inviAe. lage C ne t L seHtofoffniann Floristi ~ontest possr i O 1.000 -1 .00(1 I .000 I .00(, >Iley Bail J-eaguea Iloward P. T. A.' <1,15, 1, 1lé) W. nifer W. Thalrnann J. Baughm'ar R. 3Mann H4. Buscli R., Robinsijyn rc'oa I. F.Guthridgr E. McDow R. LascelIks. J. Strumpf referce JaeHoffmanil C.Geppert E. Milfler i E.S(hildgczii ~s in Ls 1 P. T. A. ist 'ijlmette Confectionery P. C. tFrancis, 1-rn ets [ffmannFoit W. -L. 1 0 1 0 1 0,i Met's "A" Jeague MIlmette Battery (16) Masters M8). R. Wolff -T. -McArdIe H. Wel-d J. 'Neil C. Cliftün * L. Langdori L.. R-oth J. Moore L. Lai-so)n C. Hill G. Ludwig W. O'Neil .000 .000 .000 .0ô0 -W Y. st. H j- r I I. Sa xton Hardt. saxton.. innS volley h all, * . L.Pet i J.Culien, 2 0 0 ( j 'Grater 2 100T. King 1 .500, T. Varney 0 2 ' T ea n t Bi4xtr's Lab. (4 eaue 1-itdler, ref.eree Relier, ici (.14> Jlùftnî - Mthodlst (16> ,C. Varney R. Welch T1. Waidener F.M. Ling- F.,Lundberg G. Waidener ýlaniN Florists (10) - J. Bagneli E. Schuett - R. Huck "Major" Basketal Nowv in Fait Swing Competition for the North Shore' Mejn's basketball cliampionship i11 Wilmette leagues started in earnest last Friday evening, Decemfber, 16_ when the first, league games erc playved under the supervision of. thc Xilmette Playground and Recreatiôî.î boa rd. Three gamnes were ýplayed, ail cdi thenl closely, contested. The first game was between the fast C: Y. 0. teamf and the Hoffmann Florist quin- tet. 'The Hoffmann Florists .%ere hanclicapped -by the absence of James Bagnall, the captain and manager, and Iost their. first tilt, 17 to .32. Immediately following this gain came the fastest game of the even1ng - between Huif Boilers, last year's 1league champions, and Joe, Lynanî's Texacos. The Huif Boilers vet down, to: a 12 tu-20 defeat. Tho steady playing -of the, Texaco.S' guards, Horn and.Waidne.r, with- the speedy fQrward combination of M.\c- Lean, Hardt, and, the- Saxton broth,- ers were, too much for the Boiler men, who seemed té be playing theïr. first gaine of the scason. aiidlil gS ii ns" meb R .±sameuser -.1-.izuj More than twenty new J.eHarisn . Js Schuett~ 7 p.in. Pru tuicutDeebr1S h _e ep added to the class roster J. o'Nsea g ma7:10 -basiris, Soi since thé~ drive began, Miss Joe Skicl- R. Sulivan . 0p.rn. Gil. basketbail. Polywogs more, class instructor announces and Helier, referee " 0P fl3 Men's volley bail. Methodîst 'sY. P. C. Howard gymnaslum. it is expectcd that the total class eni- Teani standings ini North Shore 'ý 30P.m. Men's volley bail. Hoffmnann roiment will exceed sixty metnbers league: FlorM- ts vs, Raptiat. Howard gymnnaaî before the drive ,epds. Wu. r5 n Gr" aktaf.Prer a P.uzi. 1soYs' -asketball. "C"' league. H4n Chas 'vs. Twisters. S&olp gymnas- luni' Pan. Men's basketball, '*A" league. Methodists, vs. IHoffmnann Florists. Howard gYmnnaslurn P.ni. Boyg' basketball. "C" league. St. Francis.va., Crickets. Stolp gyminasium, P.ni 'Mers ba.aketball',".A,' league. Masers vs State Rank. Howard gym-. naelun>. E. Brenirmer 'I. Buck H. Johnzson. J. Joycle Jirn Hoffman R. Mtran W. JohnsonW.Hrin R, Evans <H..or reIn M. Guy A. Youngberg E. Prochnow Johnson, referee K arsl Teamn standings inl "B" Basketilnll -'ague for men:

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