Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 62

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Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Eimn St. Winnetka 3722 lIlLTN23-1tc BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOME WITIH LARGE TREES AND privâte beach privileges. 5 -bed- roomis, 4 bathÉr, large, attractive studio living rooM. Owner must sell at onice.. Mr. Newhall. BAIRD & WARNER,' mIc. 346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE Glencon 1554 -Briargate 1855 111LTNà2-1 tc WINNETKA HOME. $6, 5 00-7 LARGE rooms, H. W. ht., ohl,,2 enci. porches, garage, fine big lot. Might rent. In- quire 877 Elm St.. Tel. Winin. 1689. 111LTN32ltp 113 WANTRO TO UUY-HOUSgs BESIDENCE WINNÈTICA, KENIL-. w orth, or Wilmette, not less than 7 roomu. must be exceptional bargain. Give particulars and price. Addres.9 B-125, Box 40, Wilmette, Ili. WILL PAY UP TPO 85,$ 0CAH OR 10 room house on the North Shore. Mu~st have large lot4, brick, stoue and tiinber construction and studio liv- ing room preferred. Write B-131, Box 4.Wilmette, 111. 113LTN32-ltc 114 POU SALZ-VACANT A REAL BARfGAIN IN LARGE HIOME- site. 126 by 165, on private strect. High grade restricted section. Excel- lent opportunity for: investmnent or improvement. Reduced from $125 to $36 per foot for cash, sale. SMITH .& GOSS, Inc. 725 Elm Street Winnetka 3500 114LTN32-ltc 124 ACJEAGE AND ESTATES LIBERTY VILLE 40 ACRES WITHIN 8 MINUTES RIDE of station, beautifully wooded, form.- erly priced at $500 an acre. Can be bought at quick sale for one-haîf. ~ire 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 124LTN3241ct FOR ALE-OU59HOLD GOC 'IQUE FUIRNITUREj, C H-1 1.55, oddments, juvenile furn id toys, for sale or trade. An >008 chests, Mah. table, junior dining chair buggy, stroller, 2 doîl buggies, child' wardrobe,, doli house with furniture Kenil. 3841. 131LTN32-1t] BE THRIFTY, YISIT THE RED FLA mingo Shoppe for Christmas gifts- anýtique and new and used article 916 Linden avenue. Phone Winnetký 313#. 131L3271tj FOR SALE- STANDARD) LIONEI train outfit and table. Like new. 8! pieces , 2 englues. Original éost $190 Wii . sell cheap. 23Ù6 Lincolnwooc Drive, Evanston.- 131LT32-lti TOBOGGAN. SLIDE WITH 5 F,001] square piatform, 8 feet froM ground 70 foot run. Price $35,. including twi toboggans, ail in good condition. Phi Winnetka 1706. 131LTN32-1tl MEN'S 24-INCH- LEATHER GLAD. 'atone bag,_'neyer b een used. $6. 51( Ash St.,;.Winnetka, or Phone Win. netka 528 before 9 a. m. or evenings, l3lL32-lti LOINU SEALSKIN CAPE, GOOD CON- dition, $25. Pink wicker wardrobe for baby, $2.50.. Phone Winnetka 1394. MET).DDARK OAK -42-INCH DRESsERt, wtthlarge'mirrorb$6.50. Rocker, $1. Boy's shoç skates: $1150.* Sied, $iê Phone Wimette 1195. 131LTN32-ltp DOLL HOUSE 6 roomes very attractive and strongly built. Reasonable., Phone Wilmette 1871. 131LTN32-ltc 4PAIRS 0F CHILDREX'; JOH-NSýONws shoe ýskates, size 12-1-44ý. Ail in good, condition. Phone Winnetka. 1067. 131LTN32-ltl> I4IONE **"', GUAGE COMPýLETE electrie train with extra cars and well equIpped train table. Good condition. Winnetka 3365. 13iL32-ltp %20M1PLETE ELECTRIÇ TRAN SET, stations, switches, etq., on scenic platform. Also n~ew* Elgin bicycl#z Phone Wilmette 399. 13ILT32-ltp F~INE ELECTRIC 'TRAIN, LIKE N-W, with specially~ built table. Worth $z00, sellfoi' $40. Chlld's desk and chair. Winnetka 1982. 131LT32-Itp BOBSLED, SEATS 5. SUBSTANTIAI. doîl house with porches. Phone Wii- mette 2720. 131LTN32-lte CHILD'S STFJCCO SUZNM MER PLA Y bouse, screened. New., Phone Win- netka 221l..11T3-l 132 WTrD, TO, UUY-MSCELLNEOUB WANTED WJILL BUY MEN'S USED SUITS, shoes, overcoats. Also fur coats. Prompt service. --Sealed bids will be received by the Village Clerk for the President and Village Board of Wilmette until 8 o'clock p. m. Decemiber 19, 1933, and then publicly opened by him, for motor .eeuipment suitable for the collection of garbage. Informnation may be obtained on application te the Village Manager. 'Bidders will acecompany' their bids with plans and specifications showing equipment bid upon. The Village Board reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. NICHOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk. iblshedDecember 7,and.14, 1933. L31-2te Mrs. Cornelia Keitb, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, spent the week-end with her djughter, Mrs. Cleon Lar- sen, in Peoria. -She and Mrs.* Alfred McDougal motoredthe re together ýon 'Sat urday,. returning, on Monday. 0O Katherine, daughter of the T. E. Thompsons, 1311 Asbland aveune. is returning December 22, fromn Rock- fodcollege for t he* holidays. Mr. and Mrs. F. LU-Workman, 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth, entertainý ed a few friends at dinner Iast Satur- day evening. Oakley Jenks, 54 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, wiIl behorne, from Wabash college in Indiana on Tuesday, De- cember 19, for the holidays., -o-- John and Polly Spiegel, 1406eirose avenue, Kenilworth, will Ie home about Decemnbe.r 21, from Dartmouth and the Sarah Lawrence college. tGeorge Woodlarid, 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth, is coming hom from' the Choate school about Deceml- ber 21, for the. Christmas holidays. Don Kirnbali, 333 Leicester road, Kenilworth,, whoattends Dartmouth college, wilI ýbe home for the holidays on, Monday ýor Wednesday. Edward. Howard, 1055 Wilmette avenue, is returning 'December 22, from- the University of Illinois for his Christmas %-acation. 0O .. William A. Whittier of 51*ISenlworth avenue, Kenilworth.* Mrs. Whittier also entertained her brother and fam- ily, the W. G. Peacocks of 128 Sixth street, WTiImette,* on that day. Miss Helen Green, a studenît Iowa State university, wiIl corne homne from school- the week-end before- Christmas to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. H.? V. Green, 1600 Highland avenue. Miss Katherine -Klotz, 550 Ridge road,, Winnetka, is returhing on De- cember 23 from the UJniversity of Minnesota to spend t he holiday s with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. .Klotz. Dr. R. C. Cupler and his Mother, Mrs. Mary A. Cupler, 2007 Wilmette avenue, will pas- thewinter in ýFl-ý rida.' They left home Wednesdav of last week to drive south and expect On December 16, Gertrude Mat- thew, 319 Essex roadl, Kenilworth, is. coighome. from Vassar for her Christmas vacation, Her brother," Ben, wilI return from -Exeter on Sun- day. Harriet, daughter of the Albert Webster' of 1601 -Tenth street, who 15. a junior at Connecticut college, is returning December 16, to spend the Christmas holidays with he*r parents. Spencer Booz, 919 Forest avenue, wiho attends Cincinnati university, re- turns on December 22 to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mr. no rtos..Boo. Mr. nd r. a C. Murray, 433 Cunor, road, KenilWorth, aire i Canada. >Mr., Murray iW in Xinîiî- peg and Mrs. Murray is visiting her son, John, in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Rathhun ttiand their two sons are niew Keniilwoçrth residents. They.are from Detroit and are occupying the residence. at 78 ue. L INS2-i*ý -*- ÉE-CRIC HEADQUATRS, FOR TI , bize 141. hold Paper Products. E, Evening paper that one uses ln th .T3 1lt hanMon Empi. Agency, Ave., Wilmüette 117bi' tome. uo- i 6 idnI WLMTTE32-UNIVUMsYy37 ROM" Pmi4675 whio whio W. R. Sinks, '25 Crescent place, re- turped Friday from the Evanston hos- ital where he had been uindergoing a three"day examination. Florence Sellery, 908 Ashland ave- ,nue, returns today from ýthe, ColbyV Junior college at New, London, N. ýH. i Jacket, i

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