Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Dec 1933, p. 64

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in her subject, -Lfhlc W elfare," and she gave' a vivid and comprehiensive picture and outline of the early steps ini the consideration of cbildren, up to the present activities of the Juven-' ile court. Her acçount of the early work of. Mary Carpe nter, more than a hun- dred years ago, and her influence felt today was moÔst illuminating.. She Ieft* with bier listeners a plea to use their individual and collective,, influence at the various opportunities whicb might presenit themnselves in the passing of laws relative. to chiiId welfare and especially as regards the age of, criminal responsibility. That age is noW. ten'years. Another point was tbe protection. given the cbildren througli the pro-, cedure of the Juvenile court rather than the crimial court. She cited the Vereccha case as one unfortun- ately bandled, giving .a. complete background of tbe- boy's life and home surrouindings. Mrs. Thomtas White, Mrs. Clyde Ross and Mrs. jules Petersen were joint hostesses and served a delicious luncheon. 'Mrs. Ben tly McCloud and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, poured. The next meeting will. be held joint- ly in January with the Wilmette and ,Winnetka League of Women Voters. Furtber announcement will be made, later. HOLIDAYS pnhbuiin a Qtu Ielworth. She will attend a large -dance at Amherst Friday -evening and then spend the week-end in Bos- ton bforearriving. in, Kenilworth. Monday. She .will biing.witb her as, ber guest for a, few days, Miss Jane. Mangas of Lincoln, III. Mrs. -Arthur Raab of Sbeboygan, Mfich, baâs beçn the. guest of ber sister, Mrs, M. C. Weimar of 240 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwortb. Day-. id Weimar will returu frorn the Nortbwestern Military. academy at Geneva on Friday. of this weelç for the holiday season. 0o cost of Scout uniforms and other standard equipment, and the hope is expressed that villagers who may have Scouting uniforms and attendant equipuxent in storage in their homes, direct such articles to Economy Shopý at 1135 G3reeneaf. avenue where they may be nim4de available -to, Scouts ai a nominal cost.. The.appeal-reads: "Our Wilmette Boy Scouts, who have 1n 'the past done1 many good turna for you and the commninty, and who are ever ready- to lenid-a helplng hand, to those who need it, are themsielves ln need of a good turn at the present time. There la a shortage of uniforms 'and scouting equipment In the varios troops; there1 are, at present, many pieces.of scouting equipment laylng idie ln storerooms. trunks, and attlcs in homes throughout the village. Because it is impossible for many of the boys to buy ne, uni- forma, the Scout. leaders of the village 3oin ln asking you to bring any uniforms or scouing equipment out of. storage and inake them available to the boys. "Arrangemnents have been. made to have the Economy, Shop handle al donated equipment so thatthe boys.willl be able to go there and make their pur- chases,, for a ininal fee. Please phone the Eccdkiny Shox, to corne and i4 Ilei any uniformis or equipment you may have. Scouters,. former Scouts and older' Scouts please help to nake the Wilinette B.1oy Scout troops ,fully uni- formiied: and equipped. One good 1 turn deserves, another; it fr your turu now. Anything, you may do will be .g reaïtly appreciaàted. AlI Scouts .wh0 wish to miake purchases at the Economy' Shop must ýshow their registration cards. to MArs. Favor or one of the other women inchgrge." jane: g, 256 ith, is .Kenilworth ave- 1 York. Mrs. George V. .lnolioman (Dorotby Darling) is coming from Dayton, Ohio, on Friday. She will stay for -Cbristmha-. Lieutenant Hol- lomîanis accompanyutig lber. M rs.. E. Mclntosb Merrill, former-, ly of Wilmnette. but who. now is spend- ing tbe winter with. ber brother, Arthur McIntosb of 521 Rosiyn road, Kenilworth, left Wednesday of last week to. visit friends in Grand Rap- by birnself, Pegler is equally facile covering a world series or a world crlsis. Master of satire, he con- tributes handsomely to the essential business of debunking, littie caring whether bis targets are autocrats or, Snoôpocrats. He is a niational..antidote for stuffed shirts. Shrewd itnsight, dropil inconoc lasm and good. humor have made Pégler a, personality, through whom, the public gains a, fresb viewpoint. From prizt .fights to senatorial filibuters, be cuts surely to the center of a, sub- ject,. and one subjeict is as good as another for bis. following. It isn't wbat Pegler se.es ;,itisbow bhe sees that, matters, On The News, Pegàler will -write. about anytbing. be, appens to >like- or dislike. 'He becomnes a notable ad- dition to a brilliant, staff. Through Charles H. Dennis,. Henry Justin Smith, Robert- J. Casey,. Howard Vincent O'Brien, Edgar Ainsel Mow-, rer, Walter Lippman, Hal O'Flabert.y,. Carroll Binder, Paul Leach, Royal Munger, junius Wood, Harper Ieech and a battalion of other skilled corn- nientators at home and abroad, The News is giving Chicago one of. theý best written newspapers of .ail time. Harry, son îof the H. E. Weeses, 141 Kenilworth avenue, who attends the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, will meet William Holmes, formerly of Kenilworth, who attends Swarthmore, at Allentown, Pa., and thev will return tn the north shore -o-- Phyllis, daughter of the Charles a Dubskys, 627 Abbotsford road, Ken- re ilwortb, who sings in the choir, at th Il I3ryn Mawr, wiIl be detained in the op east as she is singing with the -Phila- lu 1ae deIphia Symphony orchestra Deceni- ber .23. She will fly. from, there, to reacb home> Christmas, eve. Mrs. Albert Weber biotel, formerly of 82( nue. will entertain bel an of thie Georgian lù ý6 Cbiestnut ave-de r bridge club at h1 AT CHURCH CELEBRATION Mrs. Alfred L. McDougal, 325 Abbotsford road,' Kenilworth, mo- tored last Sàturday -to her former home in' 'Peoria. The seconid Presby- terian church of that city celebrated its eightieth anniversary, a -chudeb of which ber father is the oldest living. member. The event-was made very interesting by the ret.urning*,of for- mer.pastors and'members who lived at a distance.. Mrs. McDougal re-, turned to Kenilworth Monday. Herman Hintzpeter, Jr., 212 Sheri- Sheridan road,- Kenilworth is return- ing December 20, from the University of Arizona at Tucson to spenid the holidays with his father and brother. Tells How Mo..amd WoumenLii,. fui Safe Way la Wonderful «I1 started to take Kruschen and raî buuiband aaw what I was doiîng and gaked for nmre also. Would- you b&. lieve it, he'. bast 12 Ibn. in 3 weeka and lutends to keep up the good work. I've loat 14 Iba. I arn now 139-I won 158. I think KruLEchen in aitn ly wonderfuL» Get on the scale to-day and see bow mouch OU Wgh-then gt a jar of Kruschen Salta at Costa not more than 85 cents and whicb 411 iast you. 4 weeks. Taicq one haif te&- oonful ln a glass of hot water every morn- 19 beore breakfast-eut dowu on paastry id fatty meat&-go light on p0tatoea, but- er cream and augar-and when' you haye ah.d the contente of ttis fBrat bottle wetih urseif again. Attr that You'II want te wali afouni nd say to your friends, "Orne jar ef Wmnshen SaIts la worth one hundred eliars of au>' fat perbon's nmoney." ]But refuse Imitations-..afeguard your wilmrett. Ave4, to 60-0

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