Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 8

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Friday and Saturday Goesset lb . ... .. . . .. chckns, lb ....... ........... 27c lSc 19c ý23c Mince meat, 5 lb.5 Sdi and 7tb ribs, l ..... . . . . Order Now *for the Holiday$ Order Now for Xmas (Mil Heidelberg Beer $2.50 Per Case MOTORS, Every:h ing for Automobile, vv uder at tneir hlomle. Miss Walter is a graduate of St. Mary's academy of Notre Dame, class of 190 Mr. Pahiman graduated frfomthe Campion Preparatory school in Prairie du Chien and then attend- ed teS chool of Engineering at Notrée Dame for three yýears. The Pahimans,' whÔ resided on Gregoy venueWilmette,.for eleven years, moved to Evaniston ab)out sev- en vears ago. Mr. and Mrs., Fred S., Stebbins, 328* Raleigh road, Kenilworth, entertained three tables of,.bridge at dinner on Saturday evening, December 9. jack Stebbins, who .is at Exeter, returned on Sunday. for. a vacation o f t o weeks with his parents., Mr. and Mrs. Williamn W. Sears, 556 Greenwood avenue, Kenilworth. are ýentertaining a familv part%, of eighteen on Christmnas da-% COMPLETE y 0 u r holiday ward- robe with an exciting littie evening hbat- indispensibleand - expensive. miss McýMaho I148. At Worth.n's Wilmef. Avenu. Underwood & U nderw.ýooÈ! MIiss Betty, Leachi, zith lier par- e'ntsi J'!,.. aiid Ars. Paul R. Leach, is'returniing tg the Leach home, 71 Warzvick, avenue, Wiuneiitka' shortiv befor~e Chri1.stnmas Ifro ,im (J ahinion.D. ., weretler haVe been stôPpieifi ai thîe Shorehavi liolel far the past tii i-e mon ths. Paul Leacla, Jr.. is -onling from, the Riz erside aicadeniv at Gaines- Ville,' Ga., tos/'e.id the holidlavis iii On1 Sunday afternoon the Rings 1eN Coltons of 354 Kenilworth aveiuýe are entertaining a group of friends and in the evening they will have the Christnias tree and a familv din- i'er. nq er Powder' Wvincj lendinc9 Beauty Culture in allîfs Branches mRs CL.EO BAER Q vI4ÈÈ, 1837 CENTRAL AVE .~ The offcers elected are as f oilows: _oetE Ricksen, president; eme F. Owen, first vice-president; C. Rollin Smith, second vice-president; Myles J. Phillips, third vice-president, and Dr. E. E. Graham, fourth vice-president. Bloard of directors. first distirict, R. C.- Fyfe and. Williami J. Weldon -;seconid district. John J. Falvey and James . , Tarleton: third district, Johin Taylor Boozanid William H. Sheillman : fourth district. H. O. Crews and Henry G. Prosser. Selecta Coumittees After the election 'a meeting of the new executive committee wvas lield and T. C. Kniiep was re-elected secretary. The following committees were ap- pointed hy the president- puhlicity comrnitte, Halhert O. Crews, cilairmai-;, John W.* Dienhart and Clarence E. Drayer'.l.egisiative committee, John Taylor Booz, chairman; W.'C. Black and Lemuel F. Oweýn.' .Mr. Booz made a report on his re-, cent appearance hefore the siate~ coin- mission oh taxation at Springfield where hie presented the deniands of the Wilmette home oiviers for *a I per cent> limitation in1 tax rates .on persôonal and rëal property. He stated that the re- ceptrin of the arguments.made hy him and others in favor of thjs legislationi were well receiVed, anid lie exprcssed the. helief that so me recommt-endation wvilI he made to the legisiature along this line. Want Information' on the variolns uestions of interest to owners of real estate and moi(y'cd that a report be suhitted at the next mneet-, in g givilng thi's inforn'iation. The mio-, tion wvas carried unanimously Secretarv Kniep, unade eoto t hie,activities of the org e aizat o r t axn matters, in demanding better, street Iighting and- better policing .of the beaches, and opposîing legisiation which would>'have changed the set-uip in the assessin .g machinery of the counitv. I L HSPUBLIC 18 CODIILLY 1NVTED TO ATTEND THE CHUaoe SERVICgS AND VISIr THB REA1ING R0014 [NDSTROMeS DCK SHOP 222 Central Ave. ýWllMETrE,3212 s

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