Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 14

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*IL> ~ Ree£RVATIONS CE NTRAL 0123 t Eve ning R A N DOI. PH AT -LA SALýLE Girl Scouts of Troop 1, Kenilworth. finisbed the candlesticks which we started at our last meeting. Some ofý us had already finiisbed them, so we studied our tests. This year (as we did last year) we are filling stockings for girls at the 'Chicago 'Home for Convalescent- Women and ýChildren. -Phyllis.Wheelock, scribe. Troop,3 Girl Scouts of Troop 3, Kenilwortlî. continued their Cbristmas' prepara'- tions aithteirý regular meeting Monl- dayi December 11, making interest- ing scrapbooks, to -be sent to -a cbil- dren's bospital. Tbe girls also worked on, their candleholders. -Peggy Marsh, scribe. Troop 2 Aithtle recent meeting o0 Troop> 2. Keîî.ilwortb, the. girls Who had- not conipleted tbe Chris'tmas presents for - their motbers flnisbed the gifts. Then we practiced .our color ceremonv for Sthe party for our mothers' and- we talked over what' each pet-son wvould' bring for the * par-ty.---Nanîcy Claar, scribe. Enjoy Scavenger Hunt OvrSlippery Pavement 'Ttoop 1, Wilmectte, had a "Firt-t Class" scavenger bunt last Tb.utsdlay: nigbt for the regular meeting. The hunt Was the carrying out of the plans of one patrol, the details beinîg worked out by jane 'Moore and Frances Haskin. The very slippery' and t-amy weather added mnuclb.to tbe fnas tbe scouts received code mes- sages by flasbligbt, found the beighit of the flag-pole' at tbe Village bal, searcbed for, a ten-ounce botieè, did somne service to the commiiunity,. and f*ulfilled 'many otber of. the Fit-st Class: requirements. hI spite of the,ý fact that'many ýfalîs were 1taken, the girls returned to the Scout rooin at thé Methodist chut-ch ini good condi- tion and managedto enjoy bot cocoa and sandwiches and fudge wbicb wcre awaiting tbem. Troop 1 is particular- ly interested iii "Fit-st Class" wvork. and is open only to higb school andâ vyuimette £378 for- overnight and week-end liikes to locations near' the Chicago area. J. D. Cox of WVilmnette, who lias a fat-ni bouse tiot far off Route 58, one and oné-half ruiles from 'Elgin, has offered ht for use by the' girls and their chaperons. The drinking water bas been tested and- foundi pure. There is plenty of chopped wood for fire and there is 'everything that would be necessaryv for comfort, it is announced. The place is. large enough to accommodate a wvhole troop at a time. Plans are .being. ruade Iy sorie of tbe troops unow to go' out and eîîjov this winter camping life during tbe holiday. season, if- the weatber does riot, get toô severe. Girl Sco ut Troop Has "Christmas Overnight" T'roop 4, \\ilînette, had it .s Christ-- nmas party in tbe formn of a -Christ- mas Overnight"ýI After 'supper the scouts weiît out 'in seat-cI of a Christmas tree, took it back to tlîeir room and 'decorated' it. Iben everv- one lîuîg up a stockiing by the fire- Place, and maîiv things. (belongiîig to the Scout rooru, of course) were placed iii tbe stockings by alli mcm- bers of the troop. :Iben, too, each scout brougbt a gift for the tree to be sent1 to tbe childrt-enof the, Illinois Childreti's home. After everyonî!e .was iin bcd, Mvfiss Hump'bries rcad a Cliristmnas story, tben "'Lap)s" wvas suiig, and there wvas nio talking un- tii' "Reveille" 'at 7:30 o' clock the iiext mnornitng. Then i mucb fun was l'ad wheni eac.b scout opened hber stockitig and found every thing frorn tin canis to candles.- However, eaclî scouit also foÜnd an orange wvhicb slîe ate* for breakfast aloiig ivith paiicakcs :an'd sausage., Troop 10.WIll Give YuIe Party This Friday Night Troop 10, MVilnette, is makitig plans for a Cbristmias party 'to be beld thiis Friday evening, December 22. On Monday of titis week the'fit-st sergeai1i-at-arms ~otPrtpie IKey, junior class hon orary fraterrnity of Northwestern: university. Mr. 'Lind, a graduate of New Trier .I-igb scbool, is a junior in the College of Liberal Arts. lie is. a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and the varsity foot- ball team. NEVWV 't t 1033

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