Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1933, p. 16

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lie.' eafin SC IMIe4)LS A REAL UNIVERSITY 0 F ART FOUR. UNIT$ IN ONE coMMERiCIAL Aftr SCHoiOL, I.Ne. VoquE UscHOOt 0f frAatHION ART RAY UCHOOL 0or ADYRUTIBINU RAY, 1CHOOL 0F pHotoanApity A busineus-Iike, pracical, Institution specializing in the professional requirements. Commercial Art, Dr... Design and, Styla ni, Advertising, Photography, Interior Dëc oratjon, Fashion lilustration, Industrisi Art. lncorporate Design andc other subjects, pertain - ing ta Art and Advertising in Industry. Individuàl Advancement. Personal Training_ sl Years ln Sa'., Ideal Lot Environmment 1nsurpassu 116 So. Michigan 'Btvd., Chicagc Lahvi.w 8I.Ig. Opposite Ari WnMLAMt F. RAT, Pnr. RUTH WAng IHAVE TOO MAI for Christmas WAGNER~ rdammerag - Exeerptgt. L!Iha Symhoay orcbes. building the pent flouse on the boiler room andi doing work of -a simnilar nature in the, school and on, the grou nds surrouûding it. The project .awàiting approval is the reliabilitation of the stage liglit- ing systemn and installation of a new switchboard.. This 'will.give: work to ten miore.,men., These Sears School Boys Promised Drums by Santa A nurnber, of Kenilwortli boys ivili' betsgetting drumùs as ,Christmas preso-> entsas aresult of tlie organization recently. of the Kenilworth -Drum and. Bugle corps, composed of - boys wlo are members of -the Kenilwortli Scout 'and Cub or ganizations. Bc- tween thirty-five and forty boys1 are, enrolled ini the corps now.ý They work under tlie direction of Haskell W. Horr.. .4 . HOLIDAY PLANS DIFFER 0, Dept * S George H. Darling, wlio is a senio r 4 Insfite at Unive rsity of Rochiester, will be RAY, As-oç. home thiis week to spend the holu- days with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif toni L. Darling. Hie is serving lis second year as a member of the Board of Control of tlie University ,NY and is president of the lleiiic cuý ated in june, will not be able to re- turn home for the holidays. Hie is with the Standard Oit company of New York at Rochester andi sings every Sunday evening witli the Cam- pus Men, an octet, over station WHAM. Both young men are memn- bers of Alpha Delta Pli. PLANS SKI TRIP Robert W.. Townley, director ýof physical éducation at the -Joseph Sears sdhool in Kenilwoprti,, is plan-, ning a ski trip t o the hilîs .tint h e vicinity of Cary and a skating and ice boat trip. to Lake Geneva during the Christmias vacation, whicl starts .W. Edw'in ýRichmîo;d zuili bc in-, stalled as, master> of Wilmcittc Mla- sonie fodge No. 931 A. F. and A. ., 1't/is eveining (Thursday) a: ctër;iio;>es to be condliceed in t/te Masonic tc1kiplc, 1010 central avenue, beyinnieig at.8 o'clock. The installation WilI be conducted by Frederick D. Ehlert, district deputy -grand master of the Illinois M.\asoniic fraternity, assisted by Irvin R. Adkinis, as secretary, Charles L. Hosken, as chaplain, and Frank C. Nason, as mar- shal. Music will be provided by the Old Lexington quarte. Officers to be installed with Mr. Richmond include: Orville G. Daiiy ........Senior Warden Raymond fB.'Swigart..;-.Junior Warden Earl.E. Orner........Treasurer, Charles C. Schultz........ Secretary H4ernian C. Brlchacek ........ Chaplain Stephen' M. Brownlee - .Senior Deacon Norman. W. Smith....Junior Deacon Joseph J. H ow ard . S n o Stew ard Paul C. Deve r............ ..:.Marshal Orian A. Galitz.....,.......... Organist J. Egbert Compton . ye IHighcrest P. 'T. A. Calims Taylor, witfl a musical setting, taken from Dudley Buck's "The Com- ing of the King," sung by the Senlior choir and quartet. Participants in thle pantomimes will'be: *The Virgin. Mary .....Hope Carroli *TeAngel .............Nancy Pierson The. Three Mlagi-Douglas Hindley, Paul *Hoffinan, Douglas Stevens. The Attendants. to the- Magi--Betty, Butler, jean Gordan, Eleanor Speredes, Charles Gregory, Dean. Klud,%,., Janies Me] lraith, George Putnain,, Lawrence ,Schubeir,. Cushing.Sinith. The shèpherds-John Adamns, .Noüiiià Fifer, Frank Huffman, Edward Nlee, *Rodney, Perrili, George Redding, Donald Toeppen, Gordon Wells. he Light and, Gift Bearers-- AlbÉert C'arpenter, William Knepl>er, 1-van ÀMliraith, Jack Jandall, Ashton Taylor. Solo parts ini the miusi£al. score wvilI be taken by Beulali Casier Edwards,- soprano; Ethel Heide Wisliover, con- tralto;, Walter Tenney, tenor,- and C armen Learn, bass. Miss E fil y * oberts 15 the organis.t and musical director. Dr., LeeC.G Grassie Opens Dental Office Dr. Lee C. Grassie,, dentis.t, lias openied an office, at 400 Lindeui ave- nue, Wilmette. Dr. Grassie, who 15 a graduate of the Northwesterni Uni- versity Dental school and 'who prac- ticed dentistry in Oak Park forý tun years, recently returned from a seven mnonthis' trip around the world. Beiorie mnaking the world tour lie sold his practice ini Oak Park to lis brother, Dr. Raipli GrasIsle. Dr. and Mrs. Grassie are making tlieir home at 512 Fiftli street, Wilmette. BAHA'I LECTURE ý'Tlie Returni of the Sun of Truth". will be the subject of the talk to bel given at fthe regular Sunday. after- noon. ser vice, December 24, at 3 :30 o'clock in. Foundation'hall, Balia',i House of Worsmip, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette. Albert Windust of Chicago, a recent visitor to the I-ioly Land, will be the speaker. L)p cati dispose of al] n.-Mrs. A. L. Grin- y the m eml anta Claus. ers. and b1 Eoony $hop iscnetdbth. Wornan'a Club. of Wilmette. OPEN T LL SffO -I

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