performances of "The Messiah." Miss Hedges is one of the- four solo- ists who will sing in Patten gymnasium, Evanston, Friday evening, December 29, in a performance of "The Messiah," for the benefit of the Northwesterni unhversity medical school clinic, Mar- garet Gent, 'contralto of Evanston, and Ray~mund Koch, basso , are to sing, also. Thé orchestra, coniposed of the Little. Symphony orchestra 'and many added players, will be diected hv Lèey Wetzel. George Dasch, director of the Little Symphony orchestra, andl Kari Scliulte, director of the recent "Bar- tered ýBride" opera, are to play in the orchestra. The chorus will be corniposed of ver six hundred voices. L1ast week Miss Hedges sang.iii two performances of "The Messiah" at the Schurz, High school in 'Chicago, with a large chorus and orchestra, and a week ao she, sang in the oratorio at the S. . temple, for the M.acDo)well soc ietv benefit. On Wedie.sday'eveniing of thIis week she will, sing solos after. a l)anquet at the First Methodist churchi of Evanston, whére she is soloist, and this coming Sunday afternoon she wiI1 sing Solos in the .church's annual candle- ight. service. George and Eistelle Swigart, members of the, Swigart Strinig trio, are to take prominent parts in maàking a newty organized North Shore Sym.phony or- chestra a success. Mr. Swigart will di- rect the violin section. and Miss Swigart the 'cello. section. Miss Manchester. piainst of the trio, is director (f music at Ferry hall in Lake Forest. Suburban Ping-Pong Tourne y at Oak Park The Suburban' Ping Pong tourna- ment will be held in Oak Park, De- cember 28-30, ý in the Lowell school, gymnasiufll. Competition WilI be.divided intothe psual classes : open singles, women's singles, men's doubles, and mixed doubles. ic the to urnament. is to. be held in the holiday season this year, two junior championships will pions, D. W. McEwen and Mrs. R. G. EarI Moss. 316 Çumnnor road, Ken- Hammnond. ilwortb, who attends the University The tournamient is sanctio ned by of Illinois, is returning for the holi- the Western Ping Pong association. days Friday, December 22. THE IDEAL SUMMER ANO WINTER, HOME The newiy opened section of. the outer drive f roin Foster Avenue offeri quick acceas te the Inop. 200-CAR GARAGE 1I'N THE BUILDING soc Parking Charge 7 to 12 week nights; 7 ta i Fridays, and 7 ta 2 Saturdays. Private Mtor Coach Service.taé Downtown. THE. MARINE :DINING'ROOM Dinnier Concerts Nzghtly foilowed by Dancing except Sundaym-Concert 6ta 9 Ne Cover Charge at Any Time-Dinner $ 1.5o.. TJirsday-Petron's Night, Dinner $.oo. TWILIGHT MUSICALES in the BaIiroom Sundays 5 te 6. HARRY SOSNIK AND, HIS.ORCHESTRA, W. wuiI ho glad to show our rooms, suites and kitchenettes et special rates for winter occupancy. W. M. Dewey, Managîng Director ST. PE~TERSBUJRG e*'* FLORIDA,. Anrica s foremost rKt l sun bathing every recretomnl feature 375 vOOMs e0ch h b s J A~ MN END Open BRAU . EMN CARL IL. BRAUN IROBT. F. DOEPEL KILDARE M03 - ýDAVIS 7870- "For Ou" 0 TANK T.RUCKS TO SERVE YOU *FIELD &J C9m P ANM WILMETE WINNETICA 3020 -, HIGHLAND PARK 3»0 Be Late Every gf puréhase.I la Field's Evamnum sten store uap te 9:30 Saturday e v e anI ng. wlll be 4eIIv erd efer e lui ýiLir»l irami WILUtTTE.1