Choi« northeumdry piçloed, nîeaty, tendea bWrd$,pric.d very te ml for, Christmas shopping, lb. laie juic.. , Sat. Fr rosting .or dres.d, o"Ëg, chiekeus, opelal price for .Thun,., Fr1., Sat.,9 [ENS frying. -Freali tender, plusup at thi. very Lb.1 4 SU C K 8 Genmuiâ. Sprmui ROLRm BD OA"T. AM Cnt fron , oug be. l ie5 iI FLORIDA JUICY, SWEET Tv. carloads of Plorida' fiust,, juciest Orang.a, th. sia, chock fuil of jute. Priceçi vey special for Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Stock LARGE SIZE..2«fo SIZE 3 A-d3c dem~m Sweet IFANCY SELECT WASHINGTON JONATHAN D, full br Thum- Maxwefl COFFEE Siçookun's Fresh Roasted *7 141/2--1b. bag: A number of Spanisb songs were sung by members of the club, and at the close of the meeting. ref reshuients were served. Officers o' the club. for tbe year 1933- 1934 are: Kathlyn I-olway, presidet; Motley Brtyant, vice-president m. Ruth Anderson, secrtary; Patil Baker, treas- urer, and Caroline Calloway and- Bob Eastman,. program .chairmen. .Miss Helen David of the New Trier fa.cultyý is sponsor, of the organization. Chess Club Begins Its Elimination Tournament The chess club started* its double elimi nation tournament, last week. Winners will be announced after the vacation period. The round robin. tournament continues, with the fol- lowing players heading the list at present:, John Grant, Bill Harridge, Kenneth Cobb, Bruce Morgan, Betty Kultchar, Dick Carper, Helen Pear- son, 'Park Brown, Peller Putnam and jack Randaîl. HOLD OPEN HOUSE, Open house was held by the Girls' club* each afternoon from .3 to 4 o'clock the first four days of this week ini the girls' club room. A Christmas tree and other seasonal decorations added to the holiday spir- it Refreshmnents were served eacl>, day. ADDRESSES GAVEL CLUB The Gavel club, New Trier debating society, is meeting Thursday afternoon of this week. M. E. Duckles of the New. Trier foreign laniguage depari- ment, wvho bas traveled extensively throughout South' America 'and who bas writteii a book. on the subject, will1 be the speaker. SEE FILMS 0F YUCATAN At a meeting of thie New Trier- faculty Monday of this week H. B. Cicero school is re-admitted to the Suburban league. Morton has made application for reinstatme.nt in the league, but the board of control of that organizat ion has flot yet taken final action on the. matter. The' New Trier-Morton game next year wilI be on October 20 at Win- n etka. New Trier also will meet be- four, league riývais,- Proviso,Oa Park, Evanston. andý Deerfield--anid. wiIl play'the usual; game with Wau- kegan. The schedule, as tentatively drawn, up, is as follows: October 6-Proviso at New, Trier. October 13-New, Trier at Waukegan., October 20ý-Morton at New Trier. October 27-New Trier at Oak Park. November 3-New Trier. at Deerfild. November 1O-Evanstonat New Trier. It is likely that there Will be a practice gamne before the opening of the Suburban league season against Proviso on October 6, butthe prac- tice game bas not, yet been .scheduled. FISTBALL NEW QAME Fistball is the newest sport for New Trier girls. Tixose who have signed to play have been assigned to advisor room teams. Cames are now- 1eing played. After the champion- *ship team bas been determine.d*, >a garne will be arranged between th;s teamanid the faculty, it is aninounced. FACULTY HAS 'PARTY ing staff held a Christmas party WVednesday night'in the school mess hall. The affair was arranged by the faculty men's and women's clubs. The program was provided by the faculty drama club. OMIT CAGE TOURNEY. The New Trier heavyweight bs kethal team is not entering the University..of Chicago's Chrîstmas week* basketball tournament'.for teams of the Chicago city and sub- urban area this year. VIEW SCIENCE MOVIES uu4,s; luluisb.ur e. s ae xpct- 5U00 going on any-. train irom IC ed to pack tbeir grips and deliver cember 16 to January 1, inclusi, their season's greetings in person, and the retun trip may be made. white large -numbers will also avait, to and including january 15. H themnselves.of t he opportunity to visit 'fane will be in effect for. children. CIANBUBURU5S........lbs. 3CI COFFE * IPILLSBURY Hou» .... ......... 1b.Lcm